
Kinktober: Snarry One-Shots

Every day of October kinky one-shots for Harry/Snape

silkenobedience · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Day 6: Daddy Kink

Day 6: Daddy Kink

Harry stood at the threshold of Snape's private chambers, his heart racing in his chest. Tonight was different. Snape had given him very specific instructions before their meeting—more specific than usual—and Harry knew that he was about to step into something that would push boundaries he hadn't yet explored.

The air in the room felt heavy, charged with anticipation. The fire crackled softly in the hearth, casting flickering shadows across the stone walls, and Snape was waiting for him in his usual black robes, his presence commanding and imposing.

"Come here," Snape's voice cut through the silence, deep and authoritative. It wasn't a request—it was an order.

Harry's feet moved before his mind could fully process, his body drawn to the pull of Snape's command. He crossed the room, his pulse quickening with every step, until he stood just a few feet away from Snape. The man's dark eyes scanned him, taking in every detail, every bit of hesitation or uncertainty, and Harry felt a flush rise to his cheeks under the intensity of that gaze.

Snape's hand reached out, his fingers curling under Harry's chin to tilt his face up. "You know what tonight is about, don't you?"

Harry swallowed hard, nodding. He knew. Snape had made it clear—tonight was about relinquishing control in a way they hadn't before. And Harry had agreed. There was something thrilling, something dangerously intoxicating about the idea of giving himself over completely.

"Say it," Snape demanded, his voice soft but firm.

Harry's throat tightened, but he forced the words out. "Tonight's about… you being in charge, completely."

A small smirk played at the corner of Snape's lips. "And how will you address me tonight, Potter?"

Harry's stomach twisted with nervous excitement. The very idea of what Snape was asking for sent a thrill through him, but it also made his face burn with embarrassment. He hesitated for a brief moment before forcing himself to answer.

"Daddy," Harry whispered, his voice barely more than a breath.

Snape's smirk deepened, and he let out a soft, approving hum. "Good boy. Now, strip."

Harry's hands trembled slightly as he reached for the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head before quickly shedding the rest of his clothes. The cool air of the room sent a shiver down his spine, his skin prickling as he stood there, fully exposed. He could feel Snape's eyes on him, the weight of that gaze making his body react in ways he couldn't control.

"On your knees," Snape ordered, his voice dark and commanding.

Harry's knees hit the cold stone floor with a soft thud, the position both vulnerable and strangely empowering. His body trembled with anticipation as he knelt there, looking up at Snape, waiting for what was to come next.

Snape took a slow step forward, towering over Harry, his presence dominating the space around them. His hand came down to cup the back of Harry's head, fingers threading through his hair in a firm but not painful grip. Harry's heart raced, his breath coming in shallow gasps as Snape tilted his head back slightly, forcing him to meet his gaze.

"You'll be good for me tonight, won't you, boy?" Snape asked, his voice a low, velvety purr that sent shivers down Harry's spine.

"Yes," Harry breathed, his pulse quickening. "Yes, Daddy."

Snape's eyes gleamed with satisfaction, and his thumb brushed lightly over Harry's lips, teasing him, testing his obedience. "You'll do exactly as I say. No hesitation. No questioning."

"I will," Harry promised, his voice trembling slightly.

Snape's hand tightened in Harry's hair, pulling him closer. "And you'll ask permission for everything. You don't get to decide when you come, when you touch, when you take what I give you. I control all of it. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Daddy," Harry whispered, his heart pounding in his chest.

The grip on Harry's hair loosened slightly, but Snape's dominance didn't waver for a moment. He took a step back, his dark eyes never leaving Harry as he began to undo the buttons of his robes, each movement slow and deliberate, as if savoring Harry's anticipation.

Harry's breath caught in his throat as Snape's robes slid to the floor, revealing the lean, powerful form beneath. Snape's presence was overwhelming, his aura of control suffocating, but in a way that made Harry's entire body buzz with excitement. He wanted this—wanted to be good for Snape, wanted to be everything Snape demanded of him.

Snape stepped closer again, his hand still in Harry's hair, guiding him forward until Harry's face was inches away from the growing bulge in Snape's trousers. The heat radiating from Snape's body was intoxicating, and Harry's mouth watered with desire, but he held still, waiting for permission.

"You want it, don't you?" Snape asked, his voice a low growl.

"Yes, Daddy," Harry whispered, his breath hot against Snape's skin. "Please."

Snape's fingers tightened in Harry's hair, his other hand slowly undoing his trousers and pulling them down just enough to free his cock. It was hard, thick, and already leaking with arousal, the sight of it making Harry's mouth water with anticipation.

"Go on," Snape commanded softly. "Take it."

Harry didn't need to be told twice. He leaned forward, his lips parting as he took Snape's cock into his mouth, the weight of it heavy on his tongue. The taste of precome flooded his senses, and Harry moaned softly, his hands gripping Snape's thighs for balance as he began to work his mouth over Snape's length.

Snape's hand tightened in Harry's hair, guiding him, controlling the pace as Harry sucked eagerly, his lips sliding over the hard length. Snape groaned softly, his hips moving just enough to push deeper into Harry's mouth, but not too fast, not yet.

"Good boy," Snape murmured, his voice thick with pleasure. "You know exactly what Daddy likes, don't you?"

Harry whimpered in response, his throat vibrating around Snape's cock as he worked harder, desperate to please. The praise made his entire body tingle with excitement, and he redoubled his efforts, hollowing his cheeks as he sucked, his tongue flicking over the sensitive underside of Snape's cock.

Snape's grip in Harry's hair tightened, and he pulled Harry off his cock with a sharp tug. "Enough."

Harry gasped for air, his lips swollen and wet, his chest heaving as he looked up at Snape, his body trembling with need. He had been so close—so close to losing himself in the act, but Snape was in control, and Harry knew better than to push.

"On the bed," Snape ordered, his voice calm but firm.

Harry scrambled to obey, climbing onto the bed and lying flat on his back, his body trembling with anticipation. He was already achingly hard, his cock twitching with every second that passed, but he didn't dare touch himself. Not without permission.

Snape followed, his presence looming over Harry as he settled between Harry's legs, his hands gripping Harry's thighs and spreading them wide. The position left Harry completely exposed, vulnerable, and the cool air against his heated skin sent shivers down his spine.

"Look at you," Snape murmured, his eyes dark and hungry as he gazed down at Harry. "Such a needy little thing. Desperate for Daddy's attention."

Harry whimpered, his body trembling with the effort of holding still. "Please, Daddy," he whispered, his voice cracking with desperation.

Snape smirked, and without another word, he leaned down, his lips brushing over the sensitive skin of Harry's inner thigh, sending jolts of pleasure through his body. His hands gripped Harry's hips, holding him in place as his mouth moved lower, closer to Harry's aching cock.

"You'll come when I tell you to," Snape growled softly, his breath hot against Harry's skin. "Not before."

"Yes, Daddy," Harry gasped, his entire body trembling with need.

Snape's lips finally wrapped around the head of Harry's cock, and Harry nearly cried out at the sudden rush of pleasure. His hips bucked involuntarily, but Snape's hands held him down, keeping him in place as his mouth moved slowly, deliberately over Harry's cock, teasing him with just enough pressure to drive him mad.

Harry's hands clenched the sheets, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps as Snape's mouth worked him with infuriating slowness. The pleasure was overwhelming, every nerve in Harry's body on fire, but he knew better than to beg for release. Not yet.

Snape's tongue flicked over the head of Harry's cock, teasing the sensitive spot just beneath the tip, and Harry whimpered, his entire body trembling with the effort of holding back. The pressure was building, coiling tighter and tighter inside him, but Snape hadn't given permission.

"Please," Harry gasped, his voice a desperate plea. "Please, Daddy, I—"

"Not yet," Snape interrupted, his voice firm as he pulled away, leaving Harry trembling on the edge of release.

Harry's body jerked at the loss of contact, his cock twitching painfully, but Snape's hands held him down, but Snape's hands held him down, keeping him on the precipice, teasing Harry with the promise of release yet withholding it in a way that made every nerve in Harry's body feel like it was on fire.

"Not so fast," Snape drawled, his voice thick with amusement and authority. He settled back on his knees, keeping Harry's legs spread wide, his dark eyes gleaming as they roved over Harry's trembling body. "You want to come, don't you, Potter?"

Harry could barely think, his body screaming for release, but his mind was clouded with Snape's dominance, his control over every movement. "Yes, Daddy," Harry whimpered, his voice raw with desperation. "Please… I need it…"

Snape smirked, clearly relishing in the sight of Harry begging beneath him. "Of course, you do," he said softly, reaching out to trail his fingers down Harry's stomach, teasing the sensitive skin just above Harry's cock. "You're such a good boy for Daddy, aren't you?"

Harry's breath hitched, his body trembling as he nodded, his eyes pleading with Snape for permission. "Yes, Daddy, please. I'll be good—I'll be so good, just let me—"

Snape's fingers wrapped around the base of Harry's cock again, squeezing just enough to make Harry gasp. "You'll come when I say so," Snape growled, his tone suddenly sharper. "And only then."

Harry whimpered, his body straining against the hold of Snape's hand, desperate for more, but he knew better than to push. Snape was in complete control, and Harry was completely at his mercy, bound by the power Snape held over him.

Snape began to stroke him again, slow and deliberate, his hand moving with unrelenting precision. Every touch was measured, calculated, designed to keep Harry on the edge but never quite letting him tip over. The pleasure was almost unbearable, a constant, maddening tease that left Harry gasping for breath, his body trembling with the need for release.

"Daddy," Harry whimpered, his voice breaking. He could feel the pressure building, the tension coiling tighter and tighter inside him, but he couldn't come. Not yet. Not until Snape gave him permission.

Snape's hand tightened around Harry's cock, his strokes becoming faster, rougher, as he pushed Harry closer and closer to the brink. The pleasure was overwhelming, every nerve in Harry's body on fire as he teetered on the edge of release, but still Snape held him back.

"You're so close, aren't you?" Snape murmured, his voice low and dangerous. "So desperate to come for me."

Harry's chest heaved, his body trembling uncontrollably as he nodded frantically, his eyes pleading with Snape for release. "Yes, Daddy, please—I'm so close, I can't—"

"Then beg for it," Snape interrupted, his tone sharp. "Beg for Daddy to let you come."

Harry's mind was spinning, the combination of pleasure, desperation, and Snape's commanding presence making it impossible to think of anything else. He was completely at Snape's mercy, and the thought of being denied any longer was unbearable.

"Please, Daddy," Harry begged, his voice hoarse with desperation. "Please let me come. I need it—I need you to let me come, please—"

Snape's smirk widened, and for a moment, he said nothing, simply watching Harry squirm beneath him, enjoying the sight of Harry completely broken and desperate for him. Then, with a soft chuckle, Snape leaned down, his breath hot against Harry's ear.

"Come for me," Snape growled, his voice low and commanding. "Now."

Harry's body obeyed immediately. His back arched off the bed, a choked cry escaping his lips as his orgasm ripped through him with staggering force. His cock twitched violently in Snape's hand, his release spilling over Snape's fingers in hot, desperate spurts as waves of pleasure crashed over him. It was almost too much—too intense—his entire body trembling uncontrollably as the aftershocks of his orgasm left him gasping for air.

Snape's hand continued to stroke him through it, his grip firm and unrelenting as he worked Harry through every last wave of pleasure, drawing out the orgasm until Harry was left trembling and utterly spent. His vision swam, his mind blank with the intensity of his release, and for a long moment, all he could do was lie there, gasping for breath, his body still twitching with the aftershocks.

Snape finally released Harry's cock, his hand slick with Harry's come, but his expression remained calm, almost indifferent, as he wiped his fingers clean with a flick of his wand. He rose to his feet, adjusting his robes as he regarded Harry with a cool, calculating gaze.

"You've done well tonight," Snape said softly, his tone once again calm and composed, as though nothing out of the ordinary had happened. "But remember, Potter… you're mine now. You'll obey me when I call for you."

Harry nodded weakly, his body still trembling from the intensity of his orgasm. His mind was a haze of exhaustion and satisfaction, but he knew that Snape's words were more than just a reminder of tonight—they were a promise of things to come.

Snape leaned down, his fingers brushing lightly over Harry's cheek in a rare, almost tender gesture. "You'll be good for Daddy, won't you, Potter?" he murmured, his voice soft and dangerous.

"Yes, Daddy," Harry whispered, his voice barely audible. He was too tired to say anything more, too spent to do anything but lie there, his body still buzzing with the remnants of pleasure.

Snape's smirk returned, and with one final glance, he straightened up and left the room, the door clicking shut behind him. Harry lay there in the aftermath, his mind still spinning, his body still tingling with the memory of Snape's touch.