
Kinktober: Snarry One-Shots

Every day of October kinky one-shots for Harry/Snape

silkenobedience · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Day 5: Temperature Play

Day 5: Temperature Play

The room was dark, illuminated only by the soft glow of candlelight that flickered along the stone walls. The dim lighting cast long shadows across the floor, the warm glow providing a stark contrast to the cool chill that hung in the air. Harry sat on the edge of Snape's bed, his breath coming in shallow gasps, his body tingling with a mix of anticipation and nerves.

He knew tonight was going to be different. Snape had been cryptic in his instructions, as usual, but there was an edge to his voice when he'd summoned Harry that sent a thrill through him. Snape liked control, and he liked to push Harry's limits—tonight would be no exception.

"Take off your clothes," Snape commanded, his voice low and firm as he stepped forward from the shadows. He was already dressed in his usual black robes, his face half-hidden in the dim light. "Now."

Harry swallowed hard, his fingers fumbling with the buttons of his shirt as he quickly obeyed. The air in the room was cool against his skin as he stripped down, the chill of the stone beneath his feet sending a shiver through his body. But it wasn't just the cold that made him shiver—it was the weight of Snape's gaze, the intensity of the moment.

Snape watched him with dark, calculating eyes, his expression unreadable as Harry stood before him, completely bare. There was something predatory in Snape's stance, something that made Harry's pulse quicken as he waited for whatever was to come next.

"Lie down," Snape instructed, his voice calm but commanding. "On your back."

Harry's heart raced as he climbed onto the bed, the cool sheets beneath him making his skin prickle with goosebumps. He lay flat on his back, his body tense with anticipation, his mind racing as he tried to imagine what Snape had planned.

Snape stepped closer, his fingers deftly waving his wand, casting a spell that bound Harry's wrists to the headboard with invisible restraints. Harry's heart skipped a beat, the familiar thrill of being restrained sending a surge of heat through his body. He was completely at Snape's mercy now, vulnerable and exposed.

Snape moved silently around the room, his dark eyes never leaving Harry as he gathered a small glass vial and a black cloth. Harry's breath hitched as Snape returned to the side of the bed, the intensity of his gaze making Harry's skin prickle with anticipation.

"We'll be playing with sensations tonight, Potter," Snape said softly, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "You will learn to handle both heat and cold—and you will stay perfectly still."

Harry's pulse quickened, his body reacting to the promise of what was to come. He had always craved the way Snape took control—the way he pushed Harry to his limits. He didn't know exactly what Snape had in store tonight, but he was eager to find out.

Snape uncorked the small vial, a faint wisp of steam rising from the liquid inside. The potion glowed softly in the dim light, its color a deep, vibrant red, as if it pulsed with warmth. Snape dipped two fingers into the vial, swirling the liquid around before lifting them out, the potion dripping from his fingertips.

"This will feel warm," Snape murmured, his voice low as he held his fingers just above Harry's chest. "But not too warm. You will feel the heat—then the cold."

Harry barely had time to process Snape's words before the first drop of the potion fell from Snape's fingers, landing squarely on his chest. The warmth spread immediately, a soft, comforting heat that radiated through his skin, making him gasp. The heat wasn't overwhelming—just enough to be noticeable, just enough to make his skin tingle.

Snape continued to let the potion drip onto Harry's chest, the warm liquid trailing down his abdomen, pooling at the base of his stomach. Each drop sent a new wave of warmth through Harry's body, his muscles relaxing under the sensation.

But then, without warning, Snape reached for something else on the bedside table—a small ice cube, chilled to the point of shimmering frost. He leaned over Harry, the ice held delicately between his fingers, and without a word, he placed it on Harry's chest, right where the warmth had been only moments before.

Harry gasped sharply, his body jerking involuntarily as the shock of the cold hit him. The contrast between the heat and the ice was intense—almost painful—but it sent a wave of pleasure through him, the mix of sensations making his body tremble. His muscles tightened, his skin prickling as the ice melted, trailing cold water down his heated skin.

"Stay still," Snape reminded him, his voice low and authoritative. "Or I'll stop."

Harry bit down on his lip, fighting the urge to squirm as Snape continued his ministrations. The ice cube slid down his chest, leaving a cold, wet trail in its wake, before Snape placed it against Harry's nipple. The shock of the cold against such a sensitive spot made Harry moan, his hips jerking up instinctively, but the restraints held him in place.

Snape's fingers ghosted over Harry's other nipple, teasing it with a drop of the warm potion before placing another ice cube against it. The combination of warmth and cold, pain and pleasure, sent jolts of sensation through Harry's body, making him tremble with the effort of staying still.

"You enjoy this," Snape murmured, his voice dark and amused. "I can see it in the way your body reacts."

Harry couldn't deny it. His cock was painfully hard, twitching with each touch of Snape's hand, the mix of heat and cold driving him to the brink of madness. He wanted more—needed more—but Snape was taking his time, drawing out the sensations, keeping Harry on the edge without letting him tip over.

Snape moved the ice cube lower, trailing it down Harry's stomach, letting the cold water pool at the base of his cock. Harry whimpered, his hips lifting off the bed, but Snape's hand was quick to press him back down, his touch firm but unyielding.

"Patience, Potter," Snape murmured, his voice soft but commanding. "You'll get what you need in time."

Harry's breath came in short, ragged gasps as Snape continued to tease him, the contrast between the warmth of the potion and the cold of the ice driving him to the brink. His body was trembling with the effort of holding back, his muscles tight with anticipation as Snape worked his way lower, his touch infuriatingly light.

Finally, Snape's fingers wrapped around Harry's cock, the cold from the ice cube still lingering on his skin as Snape's hand moved with slow, deliberate strokes. Harry gasped, his body jerking involuntarily at the touch, but Snape held him down, his grip tightening just enough to keep Harry in place.

The cold was intense, sending jolts of sensation through Harry's body as Snape's hand worked him with unrelenting precision. The pleasure was almost unbearable, the mix of heat and cold driving Harry to the edge of his control, but Snape didn't let up. His hand moved faster, his grip tightening as he pushed Harry closer and closer to release.

"You will come when I tell you to," Snape growled, his voice low and dangerous. "Not a moment before."

Harry whimpered, his body trembling with the effort of holding back. The cold from the ice was fading now, replaced by the heat of Snape's hand, the pleasure building with each stroke. He could feel the tension coiling tighter and tighter inside him, the pressure building until he was teetering on the edge.

Snape's fingers tightened around Harry's cock, his strokes becoming rougher, faster, as he drove Harry closer and closer to release. Harry's breath came in short, ragged gasps, his body trembling with the effort of holding back, but he was so close—so close he could barely think.

"Now," Snape commanded, his voice sharp. "Come."

Harry's body convulsed as his orgasm crashed over him, a choked cry escaping his lips as he came, his release spilling over Snape's hand in hot, desperate spurts. The intensity of the pleasure left him breathless, his body trembling uncontrollably as wave after wave of sensation tore through him.

For a long moment, the room was silent, the only sound the soft crackle of the fire and the ragged breathing that filled the air. Harry's body was still trembling with the aftershocks of his release, his chest heaving as he gasped for breath. His mind was spinning, the mix of sensations overwhelming him.

Snape's hand finally stilled, and he wiped his fingers clean with a flick of his wand, his expression unreadable as he regarded Harry with a calm, calculated gaze.

"You did well," Snape said quietly, his voice low and controlled. "But next time, you will learn to handle more."

Harry swallowed hard, his body still trembling as he nodded weakly. He wasn't sure if he could handle more—but the thrill of being pushed to his limits, of being at Snape's mercy, sent a shiver of anticipation through him.

This was only the beginning.