"Come on Captain, Vice-captain it's time for the toss hurry up." Nidou gestured Gabriel and Cassiel to go in the ground. Cassiel and Gabriel both headed in.
"You know what to do right?" Kenzo asked. "Of course." Gabriel replied.
Alan looking at the pavilion to his right (which was of Lahore Qalandars) hummed amused. Feyz and Nour from thtat side too entered the ground. Immediately halting, Feyz turned around. Squinting his gaze at Alan he clenched his fists.
Alan eyed back stern. For he had realized what his expression meant. His expression carried disappointment (For Alan, since he didn't stood up for the challenge) yet complete confidence (Over winning this game) at the same time. "Dear goodness… how come I am feeling guilty now?" he thought speechless.
Ashura glancing at Rauf who sat with his eyes closed scoffed, "Hmph, let's see for how long you enjoy this leisure."
Patting Rauf's shoulder Aigou whispered, "Boss, it seems as if Ashura will gobble you up any moment from now on."
"Pft!" Aaron, Noah and Isa coughed hiding the laughter.
Rauf's lips curving into a light smirk kept his eyes shut, "Let him do whatever he wants."
"Pedro, have you exchanged the team members selection sheets?" Mir questioned.
"Yes, I have and here's Lahore's sheet." Pedro handed it to him. "Rauf and Evan have also inspected the pitch and ground. That is also checked."
Seles ticked the file. "So a this is..." he whispered.
Gabriel and Cassiel standing before the umpire who raised the coin ready for the toss waited for Lahore's candidates. Soon Feyz and Nour stood before them. Their expressions serious. Gabriel smirked while Cassiel pushed his glasses up.
Tossing the coin up, the umpire asked, "Head or tails?"
"Head." Feyz immediately called.
"Tails." Cassiel added next.
The coin falling on the ground rolled soon signaling a Tails. Cassiel smiled. "Your call." the empire picked the coin up turning to Gabriel.
"Batting." Gabriel stated, "We'll start the match with batting."
The empire agreeing on his call stated, "Karachi Kings after winning the toss are off to a start with batting as Lahore Qalandars will field in the first innings of the second match of PSL tournament." "Team Lahore is advised to get ready in ten minutes and cover the ground after which Karachi Kings batting openers will follow."
Feyz agreeing turned around heading back. Gabriel glanced at Cassiel walking back, "You were right. We did won the toss."
Cassiel grinned, "Hm. I knew it. Judging Feyz's character he is a hasty person, so he would've taken the first shot. Else for the rest I won't tell you since that's a secret." he winked.
Tracing the middleschoolers he gestured the batting signal. "Tch." Gabriel rolled his eyes, "I am not even interested to know."
"Hey, we are batting first." Adaminformed tugging Seraph's shirt.
"If that's the case than openers get ready." Helios informed.
"Yes!" Heber and Adam replied together.
The middleschoolers soon adjusted to the situation. "Good job." Elias remarked entering the pavilion.
"Finally here Mr. Dreamer?" Ren jested.
Elias yawned sitting beside him, "Yeah~ that was a good sleep. I am quite pleased today." he beamed.
Aigou on the contrary twitched his brow, "And I feel like beating him up though."
Isa chuckled, "Come on, don't be mad. He arrived on time didn't he?"
Aigou however turned to him annoyed too, "Excuse me, I am the one who has to wake him up out of you all. Don't try to console me now."
"Pft, Haha." Orion giggled amused ruffling his hairs.
Isa on the contrary smiled speechless.
"But it's a good thing Cassiel went for the toss. I knew he would pull it off." Elias kept his hand under his chin satisfied.
"Little freaks…" Senri called. The middleschoolers turned to him. "Do you know the reason why we planned to bat first?" he asked.
"Yes." Xavier replied, "Firstly, we won't be under pressure from any target and can test the pitch and ground freely since, we aren't adapted to this ground and are playing for the first time here."
"Secondly, we are full of vigor right now. Ability to perform and concentration is on the peak." Heber continued.
"Thirdly, the pitch. It's green. Best for us to score runs if we reamain vigilant and great for wickets for pace bowlers." Ryan said.
"And lastly, we can aim for higher scores to overpower the opponent taking our chances of winning even higher." Poseidon ended.
The highschoolers hearing them immediately clapped their hands, "Well done!" Alan too clapped pleased, "How intelligent you all are."
"Shut up already…" Gabriel whispered annoyed, "We aren't kids. We played the inter academy matches all by ourselves."
"However, we have disadvantages too and the most prominent one is pressure after Pacers. What if we can't score a desirable target? How can we revert the pressure back on our opponents?" Kenzo asked seriously.
"That's where bowlers and fielders enter. If in case something like that happens then you all should decide what to do bearing your strengths and weaknesses in mind." Evan advised, "As a captain you can do that or can't you?"
Kenzo snickered settling down, "Who do you think you are even talking to?"
"Don't forget that, there isn't a single captain sitting here." Helios reminded sitting beside him as Seraph and Gabriel smirked taking their seats.
"There are four of us." Seraph claimed.
Alan blinking his eyes gasped, a warm smile soon escaping his lips, "That's right… There isn't one. There are four of them."
Lahore Qalandars positioning themselves on the pitch gave out a ready sign. Adam and Heber geared up turned at the rest.
"Wish me luck, Cassiel, Sera." Adam beamed.
"Are you sure you won't wear anything else than knee pads and gloves?" Heber asked concerned.
"No need." Adam replied, "They'll only drag my performance down."
Turning to Kenzo Heber nodded, "We are off!"
Alan at that moment stepped the last stair down the pavilion standing before them. His hairs hiding his expression revealed only a light curve of his lips. Adam and Heber looked at each other confused.
"Alan…?" Adam asked.
Kenzo too looked beside the rest curious.
Raising his fist before them, Alan uttered, "Shatter this game beyond belief!"
The two immediately realizing tapped their fists grinning, "Hehe, you got that!"
Instantly opening his fist Alan spoke, "Here you go, Heber."
Heber tracing a green jewel shaped lozenge on his hand gasped, "Ah! I forgot."
Kenzo raising his brow asked, "What did you forget?"
"Candy, captain!" Heber replied. Kenzo rolled his eyes, "I already gave that to you before, quit acting."
"Hehe…" Heber chuckled grasping the lozenge. "Thank you, you know even if the pressure is like Mount Everest I would never forget my souvenir." he winked.
"I know that. I just wanted you to perform twice the usual this time, Mr. Joker." Alan replied seating down beside Rauf.
Heber unwrapping the lozenge chomped it winking, "Alright."
Helios smiling closed his eyes beside Poseidon who relished the sight. Adam Elamin and Heber Bin Saad entering the ground headed to the pitch. The crowd cheering and rooting, Adam took the strikers position with Heber on the runner's end, the two adjusted themselves.
Heber looking around gulped, "What a strong force of pressure."
Adam tapping his bat on the ground recalled...
The middleschoolers observing the player files listened. "You see, T-20 matches are short format matches with 6 overs as the powerplay and the rest under the fielding team's control, it carries quite an immense pressure within." Kazuna explained, "To overcome this pressure make sure to score. Don't stand idle at any cost because every single delivery is precious."
"Indeed, taking the into regard for 6 overs (36 balls) you as a batsman have a clear advantage of boundary and above boundary scoring, since there are only two fielders outside the 30 inched circle." Ren explained.
"Does that mean we have to opt for power hitting? I did that back in the inter-academy tournaments. I am pro on that." Adam told proud.
"And for doing that how many times did you get out?" Haruf asked.
Adam pondering turned to Seraph clueless, "How many times? I forgot Sera, Sera."
Seraph exhaled speechless, "Several times. Including our practice sessions you got out multiple times. Don't forget your recent out against Alan as well." Adam puffed his cheeks realizing.
"The reason for that is the strategy the opposite team implements at that time." Senri enlightened.
"Pacer introducing strategy?" Poseidon guessed.
"Exactly." Noah replied. "One way a team overcomes excessive boundary hitting by the opponent team is by introducing Pacers or fast ballers to be exact. Those pacers are known as 'Deadly bowlers' because they mostly appear only in the starting and death overs of a match." Aigou continued.
"That means, we will be at a disadvantage of getting out by bolds and LBW's and slip catches instead of scoring boundaries because the fielders and the baller would be swarming around us eager to take early wickets." Heber guessed.
"True, but you'll only get out if you are scared of pacers though." Elias winked.
Kenzo and Ezekiel glanced at each other pondering. "So merging all these things up, if you are a batsman playing a powerplay, aim for boundaries without fearing the pacers who would be standing there aiming to send you back to the pavilion. Study the balling and aongside the ballers strategy before thaking ay action just like we practiced." Noah advised.
Adam looking at the sheet narrowed his gaze.