
(Part 4)

A little while later, a familiar figure stepped over the mountain gazing at the middle schoolers on the ground alongside Alan. An annoying sigh escaping his lips, he fastened his sports bottle's cap. His face lighted by the moonlight Nidou commented speechless, "Such a bunch of trouble makers…"

Shortly, the morning sun arose as the birds chirped. The wind cold yet warm alongside the shimmering sun shaped an atmosphere of serenity. From a far came voices of rushing water with light hisses and groans from the wildlife. An uncomfortable painful sensation taking over Alan. He blinked his eyes open. For a moment his vision hazy, he shook his head left to right. His hands tied up from his wrists with a strong rope alongside his feet, he remained muddled, "…"

"Huh? Huh? What the hell?!" he asked himself dumbfounded.

Shaking himself to get rid of the ropes he pulled right and left and even looked around confused, his eyes unexpectedly widening but most all what took him aback was the ground below his feet. Since, it was GROUNDLESS!!

Hanging from a top of a cliff with a strong tree branch, he was tied."Oh my god!!" he shrieked. The little rabbit eyeing Alan from the branch above sat helpless. "How great… even little animals are pitying me now." he thought speechless. 

A height unable to take into measure, Alan gulped. Even trees, rivers and lakes resting below a 1000 feet welcoming ground were sightless and untraceable. "If… I were to fall down…" he thought alarmed, sweat dripping his forehead like continuous raindrops, he stopped shaking at all.

"That damn old fox!!" he cursed remembering Nidou. Sighing at his fate and not looking down (In case of wicked thoughts occurring) he faced aside. The spectacle on the sides not even the least bit of assuring, he exhaled in disbelief, "The hell am I supposed to do now…?" 

A while later Feng squinted his eyes opening them up. His vision obscure with his arms aching he twitched. Suddenly finding the sight before him upside down he woke up wide awake shrieking out, "HUH?!!"

"What the hell?!" His voice resounding around the entire hill the others too jolted rousing up.

"Hm…?" Adam and Ezekiel groaned.

"Wake up you folks! The world is upside down!!" Feng shouted baffled turning around. His legs knotted up from the ankles were tied over a tree branch hanging him upside down. Moreover, not only him but all the others as well. Leaving a distance of a feet, the thirteen of them were hunged down from large trees.

"What the heck?" Gabriel asked infuriated dangling upside down beside an utterly flabbergasted Helios.

"Oh my head~" Seraph whispered dizzy. Cassiel speechless sighed beside Heber who smacked his own forehead unable to comment any further. 

Xavier smiling on the contrary swayed around amused, "Hm~ how interesting~"

"Interesting my foot! There's nothing interesting here!!" Kenzo shouted exasperated, "And, definitely nothing special in hanging upside down on a tree like this!!" "How and who the hell had the audacity to treat this king this way?!" he fumed.

"Ah, just shut up. My head hurts." Ryan rebuked rolling his eyes, swaying round and round.

"You rascal!!" gritted Kenzo while Adam stared upside down happy and innocent, "Waah!! Sera! Sera! This is so much fun, haha! Everyone looks upside down, even the world looks upside down!"

Azazel whispered numb and sick, "Fun and upside down my foot… I'll vomit in a minute or two…!" 

Poseidon looking at them chuckled. Ezekiel beside him pouted. "Hey, how are you feeling?" Gabriel questioned from behind.

Poseidon nodding assured, "Instead, of feeling a little hazy from my vision. I am alright."

"Tch! just who did this in the first place…?" Heber questioned stretching up to his feet trying to reach the binding knots but no use. Even acrobatic plays were not working thanks to the ropes height.

"Who knows? But from the looks of how we are tied. It's undoubtedly done by a professional." Helios replied.

Cassiel hearing him hunged speechless, "A professional in tying people up? How delightful…" "Makes me wonder just where, is this world heading to these days?" he added.

"How assuring hun… out of the frying pan, into a fire, then into the oven and ending in the burner. I bet this idiom can be this long now." Seraph jested pale and stale.

Adam pitied instead, "Sera, Sera's dead…" 

Kenzo finally worn out after hanging for long took a deep breath shouting, "Who in the hell world did this?! Present yourself before this king, you bastards!!"

YOU BASTARDS… YOU BASTARDS… his voice echoing around. Helios and Xavier dangled round and round unamused alongside the others.

"He's hopeless…" Heber whispered.

All of a sudden an annoyed grunt was heard over and a second later a harsh growl, "Who the hell has this much stamina in them to shout out this loud?! Is this mountain, your shouting property or something or are you humbly inviting tigers over?!"

The voice familiar was assisted with an approaching broad man carrying a large wooden pallet on his shoulders revealing himself before the boys.  The boys including Kenzo grasping his sight stood stunned with their jaws dropped.

"Its! Its! It's you again!!" Ezekiel uttered not even surprised yet surprised at the same time.

"Augh~" Ryan rolled his eyes.

"Tch!" Nidou grunted. Keeping his wooden pallet before them he settled down. "Seriously, in this world there must be something like elderly conscience. Which you brats have not learned or even wished to learn out there ever before. Crazy little imps…" he complained.

"My, my, if you are so vexed over elderly conscience then give some youth conscience a little thought and tell us why are we are hanging here upside down in the first place?" Cassiel questioned instead.

Nidou uncapping his sports drink grunted sarcastically, "Augh… because you all deserve it that's why. The fact that you didn't even realize that the materials were hidden below the rocks takes me so aback that I can't believe I am teaching such geniuses."

"Excuse me?" Helios interrupted offended.

"Hey, you old hag. Originator of all miseries, you should've told that to us beforehand. How the hell are we supposed to read your head?!" Gabriel uttered vexed.

"I bet he wouldn't have done that even on our death beds," Xavier added amused.

"Oh! Now that I remember it. Where's Alan?" Ryan asked the rest.

Instantly realizing they looked around. "Who knows? Wasn't he here since the beginning?" Heber asked curious.

Helios eyeing Nidou pale speculated unsure, "I bet you don't need to worry at all. That little sovereign's guardian is already here… he must be safe and sound, I guess?"

"That is quite a shady assumption, Captain! And you don't seem confident at all saying that!" Ezekiel shrieked. 

"Well, he's right though. He is Alan's father. If worse he could be his only suspect if something happens." Cassiel guessed the worst.

"I kindly suggest you don't go off killing him now!" Ezekiel shrieked again.

Suddenly Adam questioned out of the blue, "Hey guys… have I told you something before?"

The boys glancing each other shook their heads while Kenzo narrowed his brow. "What?" Azazel questioned uninterested.

"If we were to take a long good look at the head coach this way… he sure, does look like a dead dumpling sitting on the plate doesn't he?" Adam uttered shamelessly.

For a while, a dead silence took over them as the boys stared at Nidou and back again at each other simultaneously laughing. "PFFT!! Haha!!" they busted in a loud chortle. 

Alan staring at them from the cliff's corner sighed whispering, "For heaven's sake… your reputation is ruined old man."

"Oh my god! You're hella right you brat!" Feng concurred amused as Seraph and Kenzo wiped their tears in disbelief.

"That was a good one, you brat. I'll give you a hundred points." Kenzo remarked.

"Cough… cough, haha…" Xavier too laughed wiping his tears in disbelief. Nidou who was continuously looking at them sat blank.

"Now head coach please let us down will you? This position hurts quite a lot." Poseidon pleaded.

Nidou exhaling gulped his sports drink laying down comfortably, "Dead dumpling hun…? Keep those innocent treacherous eyes with you, you rascal alongside your jokes and questions for now that is if you want to land safely below on the ground. Or see…" he pointed towards the cliff.

The boys eyeing curiously to where he pointed traced a sight of a familiar silhouette.

"Huh? What's that?" Poseidon tried to guess.

Adam however, with his eyes widening exclaimed, "Its Alan! Guys, Alan's over there!"

The boys surprised called out, "Alan!?"

Alan who sighed on the contrary whispered, "Good for you all… you finally noticed…" "Hi, little rascals." he replied.

"Well, looks like he's still alive." Heber exhaled relieved.

"Huh?! What kind of a new assumption is that now?!" Azazel stated dumbstruck.