
(Part 11)

Helios looking at the Damian and the rest told, "You guys go towards the audience seat and settle down. We'll head towards the coach." Christopher and Mikael nodded with the others soon settling over the audiences seat on the other side.

The fourteen boys walked inside the ground standing before the seat where Nidou settled drinking from his bottle. "So you didn't run away hun…" Nidou asked the boys uninterested.

"We? Run away? Old hag, who do you think you're talking to?" Kenzo asked grave. Rauf smirked glaring, "That's good then. Show me what you're made of. I want to see if you're capable for the world cup this year or not."

Xavier smiled masking an annoyed look, "I don't know why… but I feel really angry whenever I see his face..."

Heber and Adam gulped, "Then don't say something like this with a smile on your face!" Ezekiel and Feng looked at him puzzled.

"You do?!" they asked surprised.

"Yeah… his sight boils my blood." Xavier glared back. Rauf glancing at him smirked.

"Don't worry Xavier, I feel the same way." Endorsed Helios as Gabriel nodded. "Tch! He makes me really angry!" gritted Azazel. The middle schoolers turned around to settle on the other side. 'Best of luck! Little ones." encouraged Aaron while Noah and Aigou nodded.

"Yeah… do your best." Senri continued alongside Elias, Zach and Isa who nodded. The middle schoolers smirked at them. "Sheesh! They are so full of themselves." Orion twitched his brow. "Just like you." Nagi responded cynically. Orion ignoring him rolled his eyes.

Kazuna standing up called, "Ryan." Ryan hearing his voice turned around to find a bat being thrown towards him.

"Oops!" Ryan said grasping it instantly. "Huh?" he asked gazing at it surprised.

"It's fixed. Now show me, what you can do with it." Kazuna told. Ryan looking at the bat from front and back swinged it around smirking, "Thanks! Look forward to it."

"Wow… he really fixed it!" Feng shrieked surprised. "Yeah its shocking." agreed Adam, "We mostly bought new ones once our bats broke." Ryan looking at the bat smiled.

"So where is the brat we are facing?" Kenzo glanced around the whole stadium. The others too did the same. "Don't tell me he ran away?" Gabriel assumed annoyed.

"Don't be so full of yourself~" barged in a playful voice. "Who in the world do you think you are facing?" it asked.

"Ah… there he is." Feng pointed Alan who stood in between the pitch twirling a Red Kookaburra ball between his fingers.

A silver, green jersey on which a beautifully engraved 'Pakistan' rested on his right arm covered his black shirt. His blue and red hairs neatly tied into a pony he grinned. "Now that's more I like it." Helios said satisfied.

"That's right, welcome little monsters, this Pakistan base's platinum ranker calls you forth to face him!" Alan declared the fourteen of them intensely.

"Heh… Alan seems pretty pumped up." Haruf pointed. "Yeah big guy, he was really looking forward to face them today." replied Aaron. "Now let's see how it goes." whispered Evandor while Rauf eyed the ground serious.

Alan walking over spoke up, "Just like I told you before, the rules are the same as how they usually are in cricket. Each one of you gets an over to play against me, in which I'll judge all of you."

"However, it goes slight different for the All-rounder's. They'll be playing two overs with me, for me to test them form batting side as well as balling's. Is that alright?" he asked.

The middle schoolers agreed. "So you mean, if we claim you out as a baller or return all your balls in an over as a batsman we are qualified for your test?" asked Poseidon seriously.

"Yes, you are but only if you do so…" Alan grinned with a threatening gaze. Ryan glared, "Don't you dare underestimate us!" Alan smiled heading towards the pitch, "Alright, as you wish. Now then… who's first?"

The middle schoolers looking at each other blinked their eyes. "Who's going first?" asked Kenzo unaware. "Did we even decide that in the first place?" asked Helios speechless. "I'm afraid we didn't." Cassiel replied. The boys eyeing each other stood silent for a while.

"Unbelievable…" Seraph sighed slamming his forehead with his hand.

"Say, who wants to go first?" Kenzo asked the boys.

"Not me." Heber and Ezekiel rejected together.

"Yeah, I'll pass too…" said Feng and Azazel. "I'm sorry. I would've gone however, I can't. I don't have much data on my opponent." Cassiel replied.

Gazing at the stacks of journals kept beside him Helios gazed at him wondering. "I wonder whose data he might be collecting…" "Everyone's!" smirked Cassiel shoving his glasses up.

"Ekk!! Scary!!" shrieked Ezekiel and Azazel together. "A real monster…" whispered Feng and Ryan gulping.

"How about I go?" asked Poseidon. Helios glanced at him worried, "Are you sure?" "Yeah, we don't have a choice. I'll give us a push start…" Poseidon added.

Suddenly Adam and Gabriel interrupted together. "I'll go!!" they said. The two of them eyeing each other twitched their brows. "Oh my, Jinx." pointed Xavier. "We are really getting so many Jinxes today…" Heber counted. "Adam will go!" Kenzo ordered suddenly.

Gabriel eyed him annoyed.

"Don't look at me like that. Alan's an all-rounder and he seems much confident on his balling. Let's test him with Adam first. Since, Adam counters all fast balls. We'll leave him at a pinch at the start of the game." Kenzo planned. "After all… this king's Chess had already begun…" he smirked.

"Yippee! Off I go! Wish me luck everyone! And Ryan! Make sure to look at me!" Adam jumped towards the ground waving his bat. "And one more thing! Don't worry about me Seraph! I'll make sure to return every ball!" he winking Seraph.

Seraph nodding soon sighed instead. "Even if he says something like that. I still have a bad feeling about this." he worried. "Don't worry, he's going to be alright. He said so, himself didn't he? Trust him." Xavier consoled patting his shoulder, "After all… he isn't called our Wild card for nothing…"

"So it's finally beginning hun… I can't help but feel nervous…" Mikael shrugged as the others stared at the pitch silent. "Everyone keep your eyes open, every moment from now on will be a chance for us to learn something new." Damian stated. "Yeah." they all replied tighter.

"Let's go, Alan." Whispered Isa.

Adam walking towards the pitch smiled, "Here I am! Alan."

Alan turned around to find Adam smiling lovingly. "Ah… so it's you. Pleasure to meet you, Adam Elamin… Also known as the 'Pitch's Wild Card' am I right?" he asked.

Adam blinking at him surprised. Suddenly a serious grin taking over his face.

"Eh… looks like you know me pretty well hun? Pakistan's Platinum Ace, Alan Rex Lorenzo?" he asked back.

Alan smiled, "Of course I do."