
Chapter 122

General Fukyo was amazed at how natural the Seaton Spear Battle Art felt. Although his liege only recently granted him the ability to use it and this was the first time he fought with it, it was as if he had been using the battle art for years.


Fukyo dispatched two more Kokarian soldiers before turning toward the scream of terror. He saw the bright light and felt a rising heat. General Kakaski's fiery serpents were definitely closing in. 


Fukyo quickly yelled orders as he ran toward the snakes. He knew he couldn't take them on head-on. He also knew they were too large and too powerful now that any of the non-battle masters would get in the way. Luckily for him, it seemed three battle masters were closing in on Fukyo and Kakashi's position. 

"General Kakshi you are causing quite the havoc! It's time for you to be put down!"

Battle energy filled the air and a large and heavily armored man rammed into General Kakashi, throwing him into a group of Kakarian knights and pausing his serpents from continuing on their frenzy. 

"General Kanto it is so kind of you to finally show yourself. I've been looking forward to feeding you to the fire." 

Before Kanto could make a comeback, Kakashi had already refocused and directed his serpentine inferno to attack the White Sparrow General. 

"Ugh!" Kanto barely dodged the swift and ferocious attack but in doing so he became open to another attack by Kakashi. In fact, General Kakashi quickly summoned a spear made of flames and threw it at Kanto. 

"Not so fast!"

Shocking both Kanto and Kakashi, an even large figure jumped in front of Kanto and tanked the spear. Before any reactions could be made another figure, this time smaller and slimmer, seemingly appeared out of nowhere and attacked General Kakashi.


Using his battle art Osis fazed behind the General and stabbed multiple times using all his strength into every available weak spot. 

"Four battle master!?!? Who are you?!" The General coughed blood and sank back behind a couple of his knights. His serpents died down quite a bit due to his injuries but still charged the battle masters. 

"You are King Kane's men, right? You have my thanks," said General Kanto. 

"General Kanto it is good to see you again," said Galter. Although he took Kakashi's hit his battle energy had grown stronger recently, helping his battle art protect him from the attack. 

"He's injured. But these serpents are still dangerous. We should split up," said Othes. 

Fukyo nodded but didn't speak. Kanto would definitely recognize his voice. 

"That attack wore me out. My battle art takes a lot of battle energy. I'll help the soldiers. Kanto you and Galter go after the General," Othes said as he gestured for Fukyo to follow him. 

"We these knights are many. I'll try and carve a path, you just cover me!" said Kanto as he ran through a group of Kokarian pikemen. 

Back inside the Kokarian Camp. 

"Not sure if we are even damaging it!" yelled Akak. 

"Well we can't stop attacking now!" responded Kane.

Both men had bloodied faces, sweaty skin, and torn apart armor. They looked tired and you could tell both were hurting. They had been fighting Fullbuster or what was left of him for half an hour now. The Lord's second battle art was insanely strong. And Kane's battle energy was waneing. 

"BOT any idea what to do? Don't think your poison worked on this guy's other form." 

[Have faith. Although this battle art is quite something it seems he can't fully control this form. And from how he spoke I think this is a double-edged sword only to be used when his death is certain. I suggest just trying to survive. You could outlast him.]

"Great really helpful," said Kane with an annoyed look. Although technically good news he had no idea how long he could keep fighting Fullbuster. Especially now as he saw Akak get launched yet again by the Kokarian battle master. This time the poor man was sent flying through the camp wall. 

"No time to worry about him," thought Kane as he barely escaped Fullbuster's next attack. 

"Come on ugly! It's you or me!" yelled Kane as he jumped back into action. 

Three chapters just as promised :)

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Much love ya'll <3

KingOfDragonscreators' thoughts