

After yesterday's banquet and meeting with the people who are now under him which is now making a move against the thomson family and he also ask white to move too now he doesn't have anything to do a handsfree boss.

Now williams spends his days with his women and almost all of them are starting their own bussiness.


A month later in the past month many things happened but the most notable news was the destruction of the thomson family with the destruction of the first family in the kingdom the influence of the royal family also followed now they barely make it and the surrounding kingdoms are now eyeing them.

in the past month while the shiya kingdom are in turmoil the life of williams and his wives are in harmony spending their days with each other's arms specially the 20 newly added women in the harem they now fully accepted their life and they also like it at first just like the camille and others they thought that theit life will be hard but in the past month they live quite comfortably and happy and in the past month they already know the plan of their husband which they give a full support. 

after a month of harmony without thinking of anything the system sounded at williams head which made him kinda nostalgic cause he missed the sound of system.

(ding. congratulation to the host for the palace are now complete)

hearing the completion of the palace he was so excited to the point that the water in his hands were knock over and shatter at the floor.

hearing the shattering noice all of the women look over with some worry.

"honey what's the problem?"charlotte said 

"husband are you okay?"camilled followed while the other women just did the full body search in case he have a cut.

"no wives i'm ok don't worry just heard some report that made me excited"

"i see be carefull in the future" aisha and amelia said in unison.

he just smiled and kissed each women on the forhead and said "i will thank you all of you"

they then came back to what their doing and let some servant clean it up.

williams then said "ladies i will be going to the study room first you all take care of the house first"then looked at charlotte.

charlotte saw that williams looked at herself and she said "ok husband we will go and do your thing don't worry about anything"

nodded then called sebas "sebas come with me"

sebas then bowed to the madams and followed williams.

at the study room sebas said "what can i do master?"

"the construction of the palace are now complete now order all the servants and guards to get ready cause we will be moving there."

hearing that the palace are now completed sebas was extremely happy he then bowed "ok master please leave it to me"

nodded then motion him that he can now leave.

After sebas left he called the system "system come out"

(hello host what can i do for you?)

"hey it's been a month since the last i heard your voice"

(i can only blame you host cause you really did enjoy your self at the tender care of your wives)

listening to the system words williams can't help but scratch his head in embarassment.

"well anyways system can you tell me a detail about the palace?"

(yes host though this is gonna be a long explanation)

"yes that's alright please introduce me to my palace"

(ok host)

(the reid island that the host bought back then cover an area of 9million square meter and the palace itself covers an area of 1.5milliom square meter and with the height of 800 meter and it has 50 floors plus 5 below ground it has 3000 rooms from sixth floor and above it was divided in 1000 for royal rooms, 500 stateroom, 500 guests room, 500 offices and other function rooms and 500 staff room, on the first floor is the magnificent entrance with 10 meter high and a long and wide hallway at the end is the magnificent full of luxury and large great hall/throne room it can accomodate a thousands of people  and second floor to  fifth floor it has record & royal archive, infirmary, council chamber, diplomatic quarters, banquet hall, ball room, reception, great library, it also have multiple balcony on different rooms and floors the palace will need to equip a servants numbering 1000 outside it has a 100,000 square meter garden and the rest of the 400,000 square meter are use for multiple sports venue...)

(all in all host it's dream palace of every person and i know you will like it even more when you see it yourself)

cause of long explanation unknowingly it took hours and it's afternoon.

after hearing the long explanation of the palace he can't help but feel excited even more coming out of the study room there he saw all the women waiting for him and he looked confused as to why their waiting outside.

"what are you guys doing outside of the study room?"

"husband we heard from sebas that the palace are already built is that true?" charlotte said excitedly.

when charlotte ask this other women also got excited cause they will soon live in a palace and will officialy have the title of royalty.

"well yes i was about to go to you guys to tell the news so you and your family's can get ready that is if they wish to go too."

hearing his words they all cheered and the whole manor were full of their excited voices specially when they heard that they can also bring their family.

"husband is that true we can bring our family?" camille asks with tears in her eyes cause with this they no longer need to be separated to their family's.

"yes but they will not live in the palace i've already built their places accordingly to their ranks that they will have"

"alright sisters we should all call our family's and tell them the news"


"alright sister"


"i'm excited to tell them the news"


soon all the family's including the family of charlotte who felt out of place came.

when they heard that their daughter now have a man at first they're angry and curse that they will smack the man until he passed out but when they came to the manor they're timid as a mouse cause they saw how rich the person that their daughter are dating and when they heard that he will take them to the palace they're even more scared cause this means that the is a royalty.

they all goes to their own rooms to get ready and they all now wear their royal gowns and williams also wore a royal attire.

after arranging the bodyguards to their duty when leaving they tightly secured the madams second only the familys of the madam's.

soon leaving the manor in a great fanfare seeing the rows and rows of luxury cars bulletproof cars leaving the manor the civilians were surprise and took picture of it and soon it was spread to the internet.

At the oakheart airport there 2 massive planes waiting for them to arrive with rows of body guards boarding the plane all the people are happy and cheering cause they will finaly see the palace of their lord/husband while williams are still the only one who is calm.


5hours later they came to the reid's island there they saw a manificent overbearing and luxurious looking palace it was all white but with touches of golds and color blue and they saw that there's 2 wall that seperate the palace and the city but they know that it's all for the security of the royalty so they did not really care about it but all in all it's magnificent to look at it.

{https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/3940718418081111/} *reference only*

When they came down from the plane there were already rows of bulletproof cars waiting for them and soon they came to the entrance of the city and there they saw  rows soldiers in medieval armor guarding the gate and saluting at them.

after going through a massive city already full of people they soon came to the gate of the palace there they saw thousands of people dressed with servant dresses waiting for them slightly bowed.

When they came down the cars they heard a loud shout "WE WELCOME THE ARRIVAL OF HIS MAJESTY THE KING AND ROYAL HIGHNESSES".

Williams just wave his hand and smiled while his wives thanks the servant for their festive shout.

Soon they came to the great hall and in the middle of the is the throne of the king and wiiliams came to the throne and sat down while his wives all stood at his sides showing the members of the royal family.

Seeing their daughters in the line of the royal family they felt mix feeling they are happy cause with their daughter their title will not be less relieve cause their daughters will not have any problem in their everyday life now that they have a royal status.

in the great hall where the families that was under his control and the citizen of his kingdom are now present and waiting for the speech of the king.