
Chapter 857: Little brother, what are you looking at?

Thus, the Cataclysm, bursting forth within its world, endless wails and screams emanated from these colliding worlds. As worlds crumbled and all things perished within these shattered realms, individuals capable of surviving apart from their world were seen trying to break free, only to quickly realize their efforts were utterly meaningless.

"So noisy!" The devouring force that suddenly emerged in these colliding worlds on the brink of collapse bound everything. The shattered worlds, the wailing creatures, and those mighty beings attempting to flee, were all dragged into the Void Vortex, into an opening abyssal giant mouth. All sounds, all images of destruction, vanished."

"Speak, what business have you to disturb me?" The sound of chewing food rang in the ears of those demon lords as the awakened Demon King inquired leisurely, tasting his "little dessert" after being roused from slumber by his descendants who had shaken him awake.