
Chapter 1115: Dance of the Ancient Dragon

The roar of the dragon resounded, silencing everything; all cries of the desolate beasts vanished as if a play climbing towards its climax was suddenly paused, the stark contrast between motion and stillness left one feeling deeply uncomfortable.

The weaker desolate beasts trembled uncontrollably after the roar erupted, as a wave of scorching breath carrying the Dragon Prestige gradually spread, the air quickly heated up to a perceptible degree.

Centered around Muria, the rubble of buildings and some carcasses of desolate beasts around him all ignited, wrapping some of the weaker desolate beasts in fierce flames; they screamed in agony within the flames and eventually were burnt to ashes in despair.

"What is that?" Not only were the desolate beasts intimidated by the roar, the divine machine users fighting them felt the same pressure; one of them spoke with some difficulty.