

*beep beep beep beep*

*Congratulations for reaching level 100*

*Time and Space system activated*

*Would the host like to travel to another world Y/N*

*Warning! Travelling to another world will reset you level and can only choose 1 skill*

*5 seconds have passed no answer acquired system will choose the best answer for the host*

*Host will be transferred to a random world in 5 seconds*






*Successful transfer to another world*

*Host body can't be found, constructing new body*

*10% complete*

*50% complete*

*100% complete*

*Host have arrived in world alteria*

*Host can choose one of his skill to remain*

*Skill List*


Sword Mastery

Rank: C

Type: Passive

- increase damage and decrease mana needed to use sword skills

- increase learning speed with sword skills

Bow Mastery

Rank: C

Type: Passive

- increase damage and decrease mana needed to use bow skills

- increase learning speed with bow skills

Dagger Mastery


Type: Passive

- increase damage and decrease mana needed to use dagger skills

- increase learning speed with dagger skills

Gun Mastery


Type: Passive

- increase damage and decrease mana needed to use gun skills

- increase learning speed with gun skills


*Skills available to be fused will the host fuse them Y/N*

*5 seconds have passed no answer acquired system will choose the best answer for the host*

*Fusing skills*

*10% complete*

*50% complete*

*100% complete*

*Skills Successfully Fused*

*New skill acquired*


Weapon Mastery

- increase damage and decrease mana needed to use weapon skills

- increase learning speed with weapon skills


*Host only have 1 skills automatically chooses Weapon Mastery to remain*

*Host successfully used the system*

*Newbie Gift Received would you like to open it Y/N*

*No response detected*

*Storing in the system's inventory*

*Monster detected*

*Monster Rating A class advice to run away*

*host detected to be unconscious system self defense activated*

*target acquired shooting target in 5 seconds*






*Target killed*

*Exp +50,000*

*Gold +100*

*Congratulations for first time killing Forest Lord bonus +100,000 Exp*

*Host detected to be unconscious for 24 hours forcefully awakening the host*

Sorry I'm still new in writing but hope you enjoy

Ron_Muroboshicreators' thoughts