
King of The Other-World

I was a loner, I was a outcast compared to everyone. My family called me a mistake, a failure for not living up to there expectations It hurt a lot to be called this by your own family that watched me grow up from a baby to a grown man. It’s all my fault, if only I didn’t listen to that person and didn’t get tricked into doing his dirty work, if only I could get another chance or go back in time to fix my past mistakes that affected my life deeply. Those where his last thoughts that came to his mind as his consciousness started to fade and everything went fuzzy before he shut his eyes for them to never open again. This is the story of Thomas Sertis, who was a loner and didn’t have anyone in his life. Until he tragically died and got transported into the world of imagination where magic ruled, not science. Watch as Thomas with his special skills and learning speed reach the pinnacle of all beings and even fight the gods that control everything. Will Thomas be another stepping stone for other people or will he be the one on top, stepping on others? Watch and you will find out!!

IKEY11 · Urbano
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1 Chs

Thomas Sertis

"Damn bastard, it's all your fault, if only I didn't get involved with you I could of had a normal life, but you had to make me do all your dirty work". Thomas Sertis was laying on the ground, in a pool of blood and a bullet in his hip area and blood coming out of his mouth profusely.

Thomas Sertis was a 25 year old man that had a bad life, he worked a normal job, with normal pay, with a normal angry boss that always yelled and targeted Thomas because he wanted to. But when he was younger he was a very good kid, he was averaging B's to A's on his exams and his parents where very happy with him because that's what they expected from there perfect son but something drastic happened that changed Thomas's life forever.

One day after school there was a group of people asking to talk to him and they dragged him over to have a chat. The boss of the group of people pulled out a photo of Thomas stealing girls clothes from the girls change rooms and sniffing and doing inappropriate stuff to it.

They threaten to spread the photos of him if he didn't do what they said so Thomas had to do everything for them, getting them drinks from the vending machines, giving the answers from tests to them and even going so far for him to steal stuff from the shops.

At this time his life changed completely and he started to get worse and worse grades and his parents started to get disappointed and angry because he doesn't have the best grades. Everything got worse and so did Thomas's health, it got so bad that Thomas wanted to die but he had to keep going to try impress his parents because that's what he's always loved about his parents. They always complimented him for his good grades, that's what motivated him to get good grades but now they were mad and disappointed.

This treatment continued for years until it was there last year of school and everyone graduated and everyone split and went there different ways. Even tho Thomas tried his hardest to impress his parents they were never impressed with his work and never looked at him the same way.

But gladly Thomas was good enough to get a normal job that normal people get, this helped him sort out his life and finally for a long time Thomas was happy with himself and had a little bit of happiness in his life but as the saying goes all things must come to a end and that's exactly what happened. Everyone including heard they were going to have a new manager and everyone was excited.

When the new manager came in everyone was excited to see him except Thomas because it was the same bully that bullied him back in school and made his life miserable, after this life was hell for Thomas. The bully made Thomas do extra work for no extra pay and made Thomas to overtime with no pay which didn't help with Thomas's health.

After a few years working at the place and getting constantly bullied by everyone Thomas stormed out of the office and went to get fresh air to calm himself down, when Thomas lit his cigarette he decided to do a loop of the building just to calm down but when he wasn't half way through the walk a car came drifting around the corner and was dangerously close to Thomas but at that moment the driver lost control and turned towards Thomas at full speed and hit him straight in the ribs shattering a few off them.

Thomas was laying there thinking he was going to live through this a sue the people driving the car he heard the car doors open and a click sound, at first Thomas didn't think to much about it but what he saw completely changed his guess of the sound.

It was actually a gun and the man aimed it at Thomas's hip area and took the shot, immediately feeling the blood gush out of him he turned to the man but all he found was the man in his car and drive away from him, as Thomas was bleeding very quickly.

"If only I could have Another chance at life, I'd change everything or just do better"

Those where his last words before he shut his eyes and never woke up again.