
King of the former dynasty

In the twilight of a fallen kingdom, where crowns crumble and shadows dance, a young prince ascends the throne. His coronation, a bitter symphony of loss, echoes through the marble halls. For the rebellion has painted the palace walls with blood, leaving no trace of kin but whispers of survival. And then there's Teri—the weaver child, half-ghost, half-mortal. His existence, a riddle etched in crimson threads.Born lifeless,buried alive, he clawed his way back from the abyss, the scarlet filaments clinging to his tiny fingers like secrets whispered by the earth itself. Teri's became the third ghostweaver in centuries. His mother, eyes wide with wonder and fear, cradled him in her arms, defying death's decree. The others fled, abandoning the babe and his spectral companions. The great general, Teri's father, defied the usurper king. In a hidden chamber, he revealed a box—an enigma of destiny. Three artifacts nestled within, each pulsing with purpose. "Find their owners," the general urged, entrusting the box to his daughter, Darlene. "Escape," he whispered to his wife, urging her to flee with their children. The constables hunted, but the family eluded their grasp. Days turned to weeks, and news of the great general's demise reached Teri's mother. Alone, penniless, she remarried—a fragile alliance that would soon shatter. Teri's stepfather despised the weaver's gift—the communion with ghosts. A poisoned pastry stole Teri's sight, but not his resolve. When his mother's screams pierced the night, Selena, his spectral sister, whispered the truth. Fury ignited within him, and the stepfather met his end. The mansion crumbled, and Teri fled with his sisters—Selena's ghost, Darlene, and Elley, the five-year-old. Now, seventeen,Teri try to find the box that was taken away. As the sun kisses distant horizons, Teri embarks on a quest: to find the rightful owners, to unravel the tapestry of fate or perhaps,just perhaps,to weave a new dynasty fromthe strands of the past.

dgirlblusky · História
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs


Teri lay motionless on the bed, his pale face contrasting with his dark hair. Elley, Darlene, and Mizak stood across the bed, their eyes filled with worry and fear. Mizak sat on the edge of the bed and gently held Teri's hand, feeling a pang of guilt in his chest. He wondered if it was his fault that Teri became like this.

The door opened and Lord Hoself entered the chamber, his expression grave and serious. He looked at Elly,mizak and then at Teri, who seemed to be in a deep slumber.

"Did Teri retire to his chamber by himself?" Lord Hoself asked.

"I carried him back to his chamber last night. He fell asleep while we were outside, so I had to carry him back," Mizak said.

"And you didn't notice anything different in his chamber?" Lord Hoself asked.

He continued, "His windows were closed and a vase with flowers was beside the window. Only that it wasn't a regular flower. The flower had a very beautiful scent, but it was also very powerful. The flower is called the beautiful devourer and it's made by the illusionist."

"Illusionist?" Mizak asked. He had heard about the illusionist before, but he couldn't remember where or when.

"The beautiful devourer belongs to the illusionist. It makes one unconscious and devours their soul as they sleep, granting them what they most wish for. The more you inhale it, the faster you die. As long as the victim is asleep, it doesn't matter if the flower is taken away from the person or place where the victim is. It will still kill the person, but slower."

Elley furrowed her eyebrows in concern. "Why would the illusionist do this to Teri?"

"It means trouble is coming," Prince Ivive said as he entered the chamber. He had a stern and cold look on his face. He had heard of the illusionist too. The last he heard was that he or she served the king of Delmos kingdom.

"King of Delmos kingdom? This is bad. Does he know Teri is here? No, it's not possible," Mizak thought to himself.

"The girl who died was a servant here. She arrived two weeks ago. It seems she was the one who placed the vase of beautiful devourer beside Teri's window, since it was her who arranged his chamber. She might be connected to the illusionist," Lord Hoself said.

"I'm tired of eavesdropping," Lady Melovine said as she entered the chamber. She wore a red dress and her whip was attached to a belt on her waist. She folded her arms against her chest and stood with them.

"I have looked at the scene and I have checked the girl's body. This is what I can say. Teri was already sleeping that night on his bed, as the scent of beautiful devourer flooded the room. The serving girl entered the room with the intention of killing Teri with a dagger.

However, Teri woke up immediately and extended his red threads and they destroyed her heart. That's why blood came out of her eyes and mouth. Then he fell back to unconsciousness, because the beautiful devourer was too strong. Now, am I the only one who knows Teri is a ghost weaver?" Lady Melovine asked as she glanced at everyone in the room.

"I know many people don't know about the ghost weaver, but his fellow travelers surely knew who he was and kept silent," she said.

"Ghost weaver? I know about the ghost weaver. How could I not know Teri was a ghost weaver when it was very clear before my eyes," Prince Ivive said to himself.

"How do we wake him up?" Mizak asked Lord Hoself anxiously.

"By traveling to his dream," Lord Hoself said.

"And how do we travel to his dream?" Prince Ivive asked.

A serving boy came inside with a small box and stretched his hand towards Lord Hoself. "My lord."

Lord Hoself took the box and placed it on the table beside the bed where Teri lay. He opened the box and there was a transparent globe inside. "My father got this when he was young. From a witch, he said. And it can work with a few words. It serves only one purpose and it's to see the dreams of a person when he sleeps."

Lord Hoself incanted some words and the globe showed a place with people in it. It was Teri's dream. It was a daytime in Teri's dream. It showed Teri genuinely smiling as four ladies danced barefooted on the grass in a courtyard.

"Those two ladies look like me and elder sister, Darlene," Elley said as she stared at the globe.

Okay, I will start from the beginning of the second part of your story. Here is what I wrote:

Darlene was also staring at the globe. "Yes, it is. And if those two ladies are you and I, that means the other two..."

"Mother and elder sister Selena," Elley said, cutting her off.

Darlene smiled faintly as she pointed at one of the ladies in the globe. "That is mother."

"I'll be the one to go to my brother's dream," Elley said.

"You can't," Lord Hoself said.

"Why can't I?" Elley asked. She had always wished she remembered how her parents looked like, even though she never spoke about it. Seeing her mother in the globe, she just wanted to see her.

"There can't be two of you. Imagine Teri seeing two of you. It will make it worse," Lord Hoself said.

Elley looked at him like she was betrayed, but she could not do anything. He was right. She looked away and backed a little.

"Then I'll go, father," Lady Melovine said.

"So you can spar with him? I'll be the one to go," Prince Ivive said.

"I'll be the one to go," Mizak said.

"I agree, Mizak should go," Elley said as she looked at Mizak.

"I want my brother back," she said to him.

Mizak nodded and faced Lord Hoself. "Let's begin."

"Lay next to Teri on the bed, facing up with your eyes closed. I'll make you sleep," Lord Hoself said.

Mizak laid beside Teri and closed his eyes. Lord Hoself began to say some incantations.



I gasped as I woke up.Did it work?.

It was evening time and I was standing in front of a gate guarded by few guards.

It was a manor and on a wood carving,it was written,"the ereen manor".

The guards were in uniform.

I walked forward and they blocked the gate.

"Who do you seek",one of the guards asked.

"I seek for the young master of this manor,Teri ereen",I said.