
The First Mission

Chapter 26: The First Mission

It was time for the monthly tests at The Black Rose Academy, its walls with students eager to prove themselves.

The mission hall of the Black Rose Academy buzzed with activity as students from various specializations gathered to choose their missions. Valeron and Tristan made their way through the crowd, their minds set on a different kind of mission than the usual ones for first-year students.

As they reached the mission board, Valeron turned to Tristan with a determined look in his eyes. "Tristan, we need a mission that truly challenges us. I don't want to waste my skills on mundane tasks. Let's go for a three-star mission."

Tristan, always eager for excitement, grinned widely. "You read my mind, Valeron. I was getting tired of babysitting nobles' brats. A real challenge is just what we need."

The receptionist, overhearing their conversation, approached them with a concerned expression. "You two are first-year students, right? Three-star missions are usually reserved for third-year students with more experience. Are you sure about this?"

Valeron nodded firmly. "We're aware of that, but we believe in our abilities. We want to prove ourselves as Shadowblades, not just run-of-the-mill students."

The receptionist sighed, realizing that Valeron and Tristan were not going to back down easily. She picked up a communicator and dialed a number. "Instructor Dante, there are two first-year students here who want to take on a three-star mission. What should I do?"

After a brief conversation, she hung up and turned back to the determined duo. "Instructor Dante has given his approval. You can take the mission, but you must keep your GPS devices on at all times. If you encounter any trouble, the academy will be able to send backup."

Valeron and Tristan exchanged glances and thanked the receptionist before leaving the hall. They found a quiet corner to review the mission briefing they had just received.

"The Razortooth Mercenary Squad," Tristan read aloud. "Kidnapping noble children for ransom. Sounds like a nasty bunch. Their last known location is at the outskirts of Jura in Clan Firebrand's territory."

Valeron leaned back in his chair, contemplating their next move. "This mission won't be easy, Tristan. We'll have to be cautious and plan our every move."

Tristan, who had always been eager for action, couldn't help but grin. "That's what makes it exciting, my friend. We'll show them the might of the Shadowblades."

With their plans set, Valeron and Tristan decided to find an inn for the night. They knew that this mission would be a true test of their abilities and would shape their journey as Shadowblades at the Black Rose Academy.