

Chapter 28: Bait

The town of Jura seemed to buzz with a sense of anticipation as Valeron walked through its streets. He knew he had to be careful, for he was playing a dangerous game, one that required him to be both the hunter and the bait.

He and Tristan had spent hours contemplating how to approach the mission to exterminate the Razortooth Mercenary Squad. After much discussion and weighing the risks, they had settled on a plan. Valeron would act as bait, drawing the mercenaries out into the open, while Tristan would remain hidden and follow behind to strike when the moment was right.

Valeron's steps were deliberate, and he made no effort to conceal himself. He wanted word of his presence to spread quickly through the town. It didn't take long for that to happen.

A shady-looking man with a sly grin took notice of Valeron. Seeing him walking alone, without any guards or companions, the man's interest was piqued. He turned and walked briskly toward an alley, disappearing from Valeron's view.

As he moved through the labyrinthine alleys and backstreets, the man reached a decrepit door tucked away from prying eyes. He knocked on it seven times, each knock following a complex pattern. After a brief pause, the door creaked open.

Inside, dimly lit and filled with the odor of stale alcohol, sat four men around a table. They were engaged in drinking and rough laughter. One of them, a burly man with a scar running across his face, let out a loud belch as he turned toward the newcomer.

"What the hell are you doing here, Mouse?" the scarred man, Caesar, grumbled. "Told ya not to bother me unless we got game."

Mouse, still wearing a shrewd smile, leaned in closer to Caesar and whispered, "We do have game, Caesar, a big fish just walked into the pond. The heir of Clan Abyss is here, and he's without any guards, apparently."

Caesar's expression shifted from annoyance to concern. He leaned back, processing the information. After a moment, he breathed a heavy sigh of relief. "You're positive he's without any guards?" he asked in a hushed tone.

Mouse nodded fervently. "Absolutely sure, Caesar. This is a golden opportunity for us."

Caesar contemplated the situation for a moment longer, then made up his mind. "Fine, I'll pass the information to the big man. I'll inform you of the plan once I get feedback."

Hours passed, and the sun dipped low in the sky. Valeron continued his deliberate stroll through the town square, knowing that he was being followed. He reached a deserted area and turned to face his pursuers.

Three shadowy figures emerged from the corners, their presence concealed until now. One of them spoke with a hint of amusement, "Well, well, the kid ain't half bad. At least he ain't like the pussies from the other Clans."

Another figure chimed in, "Yeah, takes a lot of balls to know you're being followed and still decide to confront your stalkers."

Valeron looked at them, his eyes gleaming with a mix of determination and defiance. "Stop talking and try to take me," he challenged, his voice dripping with confidence.

Without warning, he sprang into action. The first assailant, caught off guard by Valeron's impulsiveness, was slow to react. Valeron's agile form swept him off his feet, and with a swift, spinning motion, he sent the attacker crashing to the ground. The thud of impact echoed in the deserted area.

Valeron didn't pause. He used the momentum from the takedown to perform a handstand and flipped over to a new target. The assailants, now fully alert, attempted to react, but Valeron was faster and more agile than they had anticipated.

He executed a precise heel strike to the head of the figure before him, sending him reeling and ultimately dropping unconscious to the ground.

Valeron landed gracefully and turned his attention to the remaining assailant. But before he could make his move, a dart whizzed through the air, finding its mark in Valeron's neck. A numbing sensation spread through his body, and his vision blurred.

As he felt his consciousness slipping away, Valeron managed to focus on a new figure emerging from the shadows. This person clapped slowly, applauding Valeron's performance as he succumbed to the effects of the dart.

"That was a most marvelous performance," the figure remarked with a sardonic tone. "But you'll have to go to sleep now."

With those words, darkness overcame Valeron, and he collapsed to the ground, his mission as bait fulfilled.