
King of Rejects

The demon king died 20 years ago. What does that mean? Global war of course! Did you just become an Assimilator? Congrats! Off to the battlefield with you! Wait, you're not even a grown up? Too bad! Your ability isn't good enough? Guess a life of mining will suit you! Calling them 'dangers to society', you threw them out. Guess we'll have to make a better one ourselves. Or should we just take it all back? Hohoho, so many fun options! Surely, this'll all work out. In perfectly normal and human ways.

Syed_Sakif_Rahman · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 4: Orientation [1]

If you had to make a list of the worst ways you've woken up, how high would you put 'getting kicked in the head'? For Abdur Rahman, getting kicked in the head was pretty high up there.


Waking up with a start, he looked around for a bit and concluded, 'I have no idea what's going on.'


Last he remembered, he was getting on a jeep with the friendly neighbourhood warlord who said he was going to 'sell him to the military'. Like that made sense. On top of that, he couldn't even find the person who had kicked him.


He was in a massive hall, his butt resting on the cold, practical stone slabs which composed the floor. The room was lit up with large fluorescent LEDs which sparsely populated the uninteresting ceiling. All around him, he saw people waking up in a daze like him.


Before he could go ask anyone else about their situation, the lights turned off and a spotlight shone on a person descending from a rope. As she slid down the rope, he couldn't help but notice the amused expression on her face. The lights quickly turned back on after everyone had their attention grabbed by this weird scene.


"Hey there, newbies! Welcome to orientation. My name's Elena but that's Miss Elena to you. I'll be the one responsible for getting you ready for your mandatory military service. Please try to escape. I'm in desperate need of entertainment. And if it hasn't been said already, congratulations for becoming an Assimilated."


'What mandatory military service, this is just abduction!' 'What's an Assimilated?' 'When can we go back?'


Such cries resounded from all around me. With a number of people asking the same questions as I wanted to, I didn't need to open up my mouth. All the better for me then.


I can go for a cool, silent and brooding look. Looking around more carefully, everyone else seemed to be much younger than me. I even spotted some kids at around maybe 10/11 years old. Yep, this'll work.


"I'm sure you all have a lot of questions. Some good, most terrible. But keep those questions inside your noggin for now. I've got more left to say. I'll let it slide just this once. But the next time one of you interrupt me, I'll show you what this big sister is capable of."


Flashing an arrogant grin, she continued explaining in detail the various activities awaiting us in the coming days.


'Definitely a middle child.'


"We'll be holding a class on 'Introduction to becoming an Assimilated' later this evening. Surely, some of you have been experiencing some weird things happening with you recently. You'll get a much better idea of why as well as answers to plenty of other, technical questions related to your condition. As for when you'll be allowed to go back, think about it after you survive the training. Every single one of the authoritarian entities in the world, whether it be governments, guilds or monarchies, have agreed to this mandatory training and conscription.


You're a lot more fortunate than some others. You got abducte- I mean invited to our facility, Blue rain. You'll have the chance to get scouted by various countries and guilds instead of being forced to go somewhere you don't want to. But that's only true for those that actually show promise during the practical assessment. But considering the fatality rate, you should be able to get a decent enough offer so long as you survive the assessment.


But I'm getting too ahead of myself. I'll mention the boarding rules for you all and I'll only say it once. You'll be soon moved to the boarding facility right next to this building. You'll be separated into gendered facilities and..."


'This seems like the time for something to be set up to surprise me.'


As I got distracted from her giving the instructions, I noticed the tags around each of our necks.


As I looked at mine, I noticed it had my name, height and age written on it. Interestingly, when I pulled on it, it seemed to just detach from the chain and come to my hand seamlessly. I put the tag back and once again tuned into her speech.


"… And remember, seniority is based on age but anything within a 3 month period is basically negligible. Whew, that was a lot. Hope you paid attention to all that. I'm not going to repeat any of it."


'Maybe it wasn't the best time to fiddle with my tag.'


"But I'm sure at least one person did. So you can just ask someone around you and they'll probably be able to help. Although, whether they choose to tell the truth, or whether you decide to believe them, that's up to you."


'Why does she sound so ominous?'


"Regardless, you all will get to know each other soon. So how about we expedite that with a game?


Around your neck, you'll see a tag with your name and other information including your age. If someone else pulls it, they'll be able to take it from you. If your tag gets taken by someone else, you're out. When you take someone out, all the tags they're holding will be considered yours.


The last person in possession of their own tag gets the chance to request something from me. It's up to me to decide if I want to comply, but only one person even gets a chance to ask. So, what are you waiting for? You want me to blow a whistle or something? Get started!"


Everyone that was still sitting hurriedly got up on their feet. With shaky eyes, their nervousness was open for everyone to see. But some individuals were a bit more daring. Their eyes darting around erratically, trying to think of a way to get someone else's tag without losing their own in the process.


'Will I be able to last till the end?' 'What do I even ask for?' 'Do I defend or attack?'


I could read their thoughts from a mile away. I didn't miss how a few people were planning to swoop in at the last moment to steal all the glory. Like they'd actually survive till then. Then again, still better to have a plan then none at all.


Wasn't expecting a free win this early, but I'll take it. Guess it's time for these kids to meet their 'silent and brooding' big brother.

I wonder if they're feeling stuffy in the humid air, being stuck inside a hall like that. All the upcoming running around is surely not going to help with that.

Syed_Sakif_Rahmancreators' thoughts