
King of Realms

God's servant also known as "Sorodel de Bourbon" (Soro) has woken up from his hibernation after 300 years. However his greatest gift given by God has gone missing, so he sets on his journey to find the missing gift in the "Land of Astra" where magic and supernatural ability exist to fight creatures and monsters from different kind realms appearing.

Over_Powered · Fantasia
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1 Chs

1. A New Friend

In a snowy place surrounded by monster of Orgs, A young man sacrifices his own life to stay behind and helped his comrade escape through the realm they came in from a dangerous presence, staring down from the skies that give chill down your spines. With lost hope he died in the hands of Orgs, leaving his comrade devastated from the other side of the realm.

Suddenly a small star appeared vividly in the eyes of this young man, as he loses conscious, the small star turns out to be a mysterious man standing in middle of the monsters of Orgs and the young man.

His threatening gaze and presence was felt from the skies to the ground, casting fear among the orgs.

As he calmly says the word "Acus" every orgs surrounding him disappeared like flying ashes.

Right after the orgs disappeared the tension from the sky and the from the ground grows bigger.

A small girl with long Blonde hair and a red children's dress Floats along sides with her comrades with no fear of the situation.

" He must be the young man's last hope of getting out.

With a shinning black amor comes forward a man with confidence of defeating the threat in the ground comes forward to the blonde girl

" I think you should let me handle this, I'll finish this as soon as possible and catch up to you General Ruby."

"If you say so then make sure to not to have too much fun." says General Ruby with a cold smile.

From the sky to the ground he lands in front of the man. After a short stare down between them, he asked.

" What is your name?"

The man replied in a calm and cold voice "Sorodel De Bourbon."

"I like asking the names of the people who I am going to kill." says while taking his giant sword out of his back.

"May your be remembered as a hero"

He says it slowly and rushes towards the Sorodel De Bourbon while gripping his sword readily to swing when he reaches him.

With a blink of an eye his sword was stop by Sorodel's bare hands, causing the wind from the snow to stop and the ground to shake for a split second.

In complete shock he stops his.