
Chapter 117: Forgotten Secrets Part 4

A few days had passed and the Sovereign was currently flying above the Opal Ocean on its way towards the Komi Islands.

This ocean was a well known danger zone to many who either sailed it's waters or flew above its skies. It's weather patterns were largely unpredictable and could shift from mild and calm to disastrous in mere moments.

This factor played a huge part in why conflict between the Komi Islands and Ettenheim never solidified. As for traders and other ventures, they needed to use alternative routes that would require them to go around the continent just to guarantee safety. They were of course some who dared use the direct route but this was more often than not very unsuccessful.

At this very moment, violent winds and roaring thunder raged through the skies of the Opal Ocean yet the Sovereign remained calm and steady in its flight.