
This Is Awkward

"Table Seven, needs ketchup!" a man's voice shouted.

"Coming!" replied an energetic voice of a woman.

"Katie, pick up the order while you're at it!" said the same voice of a man again.

"Sure, boss" Katie replied as she immediately went over to Table Seven and put a squeeze bottle full of ketchup and at the same time took the order of the customer occupying the table.

"Sweetie, get another pot of coffee going, we're out!" the restaurant boss said.

"Alright~ sheesh, I'm on it!" replied long haired blonde woman as she went over to where the coffee maker is and made another pot of coffee.

The blonde woman was the man's childhood friend and also his best friend since they were orphans living back at the orphanage where both of them grew up in.

'She really is a stunning woman' the man thought to himself while watching his childhood friend doing her work.

'It doesn't seem real that such a person is living with me under the same roof and even works at a place like this while wearing a waitress uniform and doing a regular job. It's like she is unconscious of how stunning she looks to everybody else' the man thought to himself and feeling quite a bit proud.

"I don't need you being rude right now, young lady. I've got..you know, shit to grill" the man said with a laugh.

"I wasn't being rude! I was just trying to tell you that I'm already on it. It's not like I don't do the same thing everyday and stop talking to me like an old man, you're only three years older than me, sheesh!" she replied with a bit of a laugh.

"How about this, Elise. Next time, I won't tell you and I'll just let you do it and if the customers doesn't get their coffee, I'll take it out from your tips!" the man laughed as she handed Katie a plate of bacon and egg sandwich.

"You can't do that, John" Elise started laughing like she had just heard the stupidest joke ever!

"Why not?" John asked while looking at her as he stared at her beautiful and mesmerizing green eyes.

"Because you just can't, silly!" Elise sticks her tongue out towards him and laughed so hard and in John's ears, her laughter sounded melodious.

"What?" John suddenly sounded confused from her reply.

"I said you won't even get a single cent from me because that coffee pot is never going to be empty!" Elise laughed as she squeezed his right cheek.

"Geez~ with the amount of tips you received everyday, you make more than me so you should at least buy me some Chinese takeout" John's voice sounded like a mumble because of Elise pinching his cheek.

"Then tonight's dinner is on me!" Elise laughed before walking away over to the dining area where Katie is currently wiping some tables.

"Alright, you said it! You're not allowed to go back on your word! It's about time you buy me something!" John said as he laughed triumphantly.

But just to make sure, John went over to where the coffee pot is.

"Oh boy" John shook his head helplessly and he saw something wrong about the machine.

"She did change the filter, the coffee ground and even the water. She did everything but turn the machine on, sheesh~ " Leo said as he mumbled as he turned on the machine to give her the illusion that she didn't screw up.


A little while later, the coffee was finally done.

John looked over from the counter to see if someone's gonna pick it up and then he turned his sight over to the dining area but saw the two beautiful ladies busy with the restaurant customers.

"It seems I'm gonna be the one to do it then" John said as he walked over to where the coffee machine is.

John poured a cup and took it to the customer who ordered it.

"Enjoy! Don't hesitate to ask for a refill" John said as he handed the coffee to the lady at Table Three.

"Sure! Thanks!" the lady only smiled at him before she got back to typing on her laptop.


John was about to go back to the kitchen when he heard the woman call out to him, "Yes?"

"Here!" the woman handed him a phone and said, "the waitress with black hair left her phone on my table. Just wanted to let you know and return it"

"Is that right?" John said as he took the phone from her hand, he took a look at it and saw that it really looked like Katie's phone.

"Thank you, miss. I'll return it to her immediately" John showed her his best smile.

"I-it's not a problem" the lady suddenly blushed as she immediately went back to what she was doing with a smile on her face.

John just smiled because he's aware that he may not be that handsome but he sure is a hunk.

So John went back inside as he planned to put Katie's phone on her locker.

John sighed, thinking of how careless Katie is.

John's first impression of her when he met her was that wild kind of a girl who loves partying and clubbing of sort. John actually quite likes her as she's really great at her job.

"She'll definitely feel relieved knowing her phone wasn't stolen or something" John chuckled but when he was just about to put inside her locker, it suddenly slipped from his hand and dropped on the floor.

Katie's phone flipped open and what he saw shocked him as he immediately picked it up from the floor and looked at it.

And what he saw was a nude photo of her and as a twenty five year old young man.

'Holy shit!' John cursed inside his mind while his heart started throbbing excitedly as he felt his body getting arouse as he looked at her picture on the phone and at the same time, he was also confused.

"Just what the heck is she doing taking a nude photo? Should I even be looking at this?" John said as he wasn't expecting Katie to do something like this but he also can't help but have lewd thoughts about her right now.

"I always knew she had a top shelf breast but hers is at least a E-cup size breast" John said mesmerize as his breath also started getting heavier.

"But she could have taken these for her boyfriend. Wait, does she even have one?" John started a question and answer portion by himself while staring at the photo on the phone.

"Since I've already violated her privacy. I can't stop now" John said as looked around for a bit and wanted to get a closer look at the photo and see more if there are more of it on the phone.

John is literally acting like a perverted a**shole right now. Well, any man would probably doing the same thing right now if they were on his situation. After all, men are horny creatures!

John saw there were also other nudes inside but he figured it out that it probably came from the web so he closed it feeling quite a bit disappointed.

"What's this?" John said when he saw some kind of writing or story on the phone.

[John is on a day off today so Catherine was a bit sad knowing that her friend won't be at the shop today but she was brimming with happiness with the gift he had given her yesterday]

[So she planned to visit him tonight at his place and gave him a little surprise that he won't forget]

"That's weird. It's like me and her" John had a question mark floating above his head but he continued reading as he felt intrigue by it.

So he continued reading and reading.

[At John's bedroom]

[That felt so good~ you were great, honey] John said feeling tired and satisfied.

[I'll take that as a compliment but it seems you'll have to pick a different orifice as you've already filled my pussy so much that I feel like it won't be able to take another shot from you]

[Maybe you can do it with my mouth this time? It would be easier to clean it up later as I only need to swallow all of it]

[I do like seeing my c*m dribble down your cheeks] [said John]

When John read those part, his elephant was literally bulging hard and that he felt that he was going to have a nosebleed from how erotic and arousing the story but also felt weird of why Katie is writing something like this about the two of them.

"Don't tell me she's actually attracted to me and wants to have a go? But she's Elise best friend though but wow, this is seriously awkward" John mumbled helplessly to himself as doesn't know how he will react when they bump at each other later while inside the restaurant.

John then looked around then hurriedly put her phone inside her locker before hastily moving away from the "scene of the crime".

"What the hell am I gonna say to her when I see her? Damn, I need to take a breather" John said as cold sweat started dripping down from his face, feeling quite nervous.

So John immediately headed back inside his office as he started doing some things to distract him from thinking of what the he just saw and read earlier.

But he seems to not forget about her as she kept popping out inside his head.

Katie is a beautiful black haired woman and she had a deep-parted lob hairstyle to her right side of his head and wearing a square eyeglasses which really makes her more charming than she already is and has a hourglass body figure and a plumb a** and stands at five foot and eight inches, seven inches shorter than John.

*Knock* Knock* Knock*

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" John said while typing on the computer.

"Hey, boss!" Katie's voice sounded.

John immediately stopped what he was doing as he started getting nervous and uncomfortable all of sudden that he started sweating.

"What the heck happened to you? It looks like you've been through the wringer!" Katie was surprised seeing how haggard John looks like right now.

"Hey~" John just showed her a stiff smile as he didn't know what the f*ck should he say right now!

"So~ what are you doing back here, Katie?" John said as he really didn't know how to look at her right now that he already knew what she looks like while naked and what to think of her after he read those "things".

"It's already the end of my shift so I'm clocking out" Katie smiled at him with her hands behind her back.

"Ahh~ right" John said and then he continued, "Oh yeah, you forgot your phone at the dining area earlier, good thing that the customer brought it to my attention or else it would have been gone by now"

"Seriously!? That's pretty dumb of me" Katie slightly opened her mouth in surprised.

"Yep.Anyway, I already put it back with your things" John said as he kept smiling,trying hard not to say something stupid in front of her.

"Thanks boss, you're the best!" Katie cutely stuck out her tongue towards him which weirdly aroused him.

"Katie, wait"

John suddenly called out to her when she was just about to leave the office.

"Yes?' Katie stopped just at the doorway and looked back.

"Ohh...nothing. Have a good day" John wanted to say something about what he saw earlier but thinking that it would certainly make her feel uncomfortable about it when she finds out that I've looked through saw those "things" then it would certainly become awkward between the two of them especially when they would bump at each other in the restaurant.

"You too, boss" Katie smiled before closing the door behind her.

John just sighed helplessly in the end.

"I guess this is fine too. At least I know that a hot and beautiful woman is at least into me"

What do you guys think so far about Chapter 1?

Does it need some changes? Was there any mistakes like grammars or the likes?

Don't forget to point it out, please! ^_^

ApocalypseXcreators' thoughts