Orphan-turned-bartender Jaime, believed to be ordinary despite a superhuman-creating event, is the most powerful among them, able to mimic and amplify superpowers. With Armageddon approaching, he is destined to be the Superhuman King, standing at the crossroads of a celestial war. Armed with immense powers, he must choose his allegiance between angels or demons, his decision bearing the weight of the universe's fate.
"Do you know him?" I asked Michelle as I escorted her to her car and opened the door for her.
"Who?" replied Michelle, getting into her car, needing to return to her office.
"Lawrence," I said, closing the car door and letting her roll down the window.
Michelle stared at me intensely, "Is he now involved with your little princess?"
"She's not my princess..." I said with a heavy heart, "Yes, they're involved."
"I think he has changed his taste now," Michelle replied, adjusting her car mirror.
"What do you mean?"
"I've always found him drawn to the pretty ones."
"I think Nadia is pretty enough."
The most beautiful in the world.
Michelle laughed, "No, in my opinion, her quiet friend is more beautiful and captivating. If Lawrence were to choose, he'd probably choose her."