

He was powerful He was terrifying He was huge He had the whole world under his feet, within his grasp but to him she was his world, she meant everything. He was feared by all but it only mattered that she was scared of him. He was worshipped by billions yet he worshipped the very ground she walked on. His calloused hands were capable of ripping people apart yet they only held her with tenderness and possessiveness. His claws ripped out throats yet they only extended towards her to play with her curls.

Ogwu_Nuella · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs



"Move over broom" I hissed, pushing the long equipment over to the other side of the supply closet. Pulling my legs closer I grumbled when my page flipped close.


Nibbling on my lips I hastily flipped through the excess pages, looking for my book mark. "Audrey! Audrey!" Luna's high pitched voice echoed through the hallway bringing me to a halt. I stopped breathing, afraid she'd hear me and find my hiding spot.


"Where is this girl?" Her footsteps neared the closet doors, my breath getting caught in my throat at her close proximity to catching me. I let out a shaky breath when her footsteps fade away, giving me enough time to get out and run to her.

Pushing the creaking doors open I stuck my head through, letting my eyes wander all over the hallway. The ghost is clear. Sighing in content I slipped out, closing my book and hiding it under the many napkins that resided in the closet. Promising to come back and find my bookmark I whispered a quiet 'goodbye' and shut the doors. I tiptoed out of the hallway, heading for the kitchen.

I halted in my steps, almost smacking my face straight into the Luna. She stood there, hands on her hips, her scrutinizing gaze on me. Her nose was scrunched up in distaste, her mouth twisted in an ugly scowl. Yikes.

"Audrey, I have been looking for you all morning"


"Sorry L-luna" I apologized, bowing my head in surrender. I stared at her ballet flats, not wanting to look her in the eyes and have her punish me for being disrespectful. The last thing I wanted was to be whipped again or worse starved. I'd been on good behavior ever since my last punishment but I had a feeling it wouldn't last, at least not now that the young Alpha was back home. "Do you need me for anything?" I asked, offering my help before she'd ask for it, hoping my well strategized tactics would work in appeasing her anger.

Honestly I was always getting into trouble for responding to calls late or never answering at all. Most getting me punished. I couldn't help myself really, I'd rather answer late than have anyone find my hiding place, it was my escape from everything. I'd go there all the time to read or just cry whenever everything got so hard and suffocating. I had to remind myself why I was here and putting up with all this. Just a few more days and I'd be out. I would be eternally grateful for the books I stole from the pack library, no one ever went in there anyway so I figured no one would notice and they didn't. Those books saved me from breaking down or just flat out having one of my meltdowns. It kept me in check. I'd spend hours cooked up in the supply closet or in the Alpha's private garden, reading and spending time with the gorgeous sunflowers. It made a lot of my days easier. Spending thirty minutes to an hour alone with my books would get me through a month or two of struggles.

"Yes" she finally answered. Raising my head I kept my gaze fixated on her hands, the new bracelet that hung at her wrists unmissable. The Alpha must have gifted it to her as a compensation. Most often Luna would catch her husband with his mistress and immediately get offended. It was common for Alphas to have mistresses, most often it would be mandatory. But Luna hated the idea of sharing her husband with anyone else, be it his mate-only mistress Gertrude. She was honestly the sweetest person I had ever met. She never interfered in pack matters to let herself be known, she understood finding her mate after so many years and that he already had two children would mean she won't be anything more than a mistress to him, she accepted it. She would do anything to stay by her mate's side. It was so honorable what people would do just for their mates, but sadly not every one got to meet theirs in their life time. The idea of dropping everything for your mate most often never sat right with a lot of people and I was included, I had big plans and a mate wasn't one of them.

I would have wished Gertrude and Nicholas met a lot sooner, probably the Alpha wouldn't have turned out so corrupt and many things would be different. Yet I could only wish it happened. I had never spoken to her before but the few times I'd seen her she would send me sweet smiles and knowing nods as I passed by. "Hunter is back" her words immediately sent chills down my spine.


"Serve him his dinner up in his room" she finished, opting to walk away.

"Pardon" I called out after her, bringing her to a stop. She turned sharply to me, impatience written all over her face "Y-you mean I have to go to his chambers?" I asked, not wanting to hear the answer.

"Yes Audrey now go" she dismissed, waving me off. I stayed rooted to my spot, biting down harshly on my lower lip, fear and regret sipping into my skin at what I was about to do, my heart thumping loudly in my ears.

"I-i can't go" I whispered, regretting the words as soon as they left my lips. A sharp sound echoed through the room, the sting on my cheek unmissable as I fell back, the force so great it had me tripping. I held my throbbing cheek, keeping my head lowered. I hadn't registered Luna's slap until the pain settled, bringing tears to my eyes but I would never let her see me cry. It was what she wanted, to see me cry, crumble and break.

"Dare to refuse my orders and you will be thrown into the cellars you wretch" she spat, making me winter at the mention of the cellars. The last time I was there was when I accidentally broke one of the chinas. I was thrown there the next second and denied the one meal I get in a day. I was occasionally beaten and whipped, only lucky to be left alone when I had passed out from the loss of blood.

She marched off, leaving me to gather myself to the kitchen to prepare the young Alpha's dinner. I had no problem obeying the Luna's orders, I didn't like being hit or slapped, I just had an issue with being within even a foot close to Hunter. He always made a move on me irrespective of who was watching. He was cruel, evil, shameless and arrogant. He insisted on the fact that we were mates and as his mate he could do with me however he pleased, whether it meant with or without my consent. It always unnerved me the way he'd force himself on me, trying to touch and kiss me. On more than one occasion I'd refused and turned him down, much to his displeasure. He threatened to get me in trouble with his mother-the Luna, if I didn't comply, as an Omega of the pack in would be subjected to different kinds of tortures as punishment and I doubt I would be able to survive through them. So instead I resolved to avoid being in his presence for as long as I could. It became easier when he was taken to an Institute for future Alphas, he was away for 2 years and now he was back.

Goddess please save me.

I inhaled a deep breath and placed three consecutive knocks on the large double doors. A sharp 'come in' welcomed me and I shit my eyes tight, gripping the door knob to steady myself before pushing the doors open. Carefully walking in I let my eyes register my surroundings, fear creeping into my spine when my eyes landed on Hunter's hunched up form, perched at the end of his four post bed. The poorly lit room didn't help lighten my fears either. His eyes traveled to mine, piercing blue eyes met mine, making me inhale sharply at the glint of malicious intentions swimming through them. I gazed away, walking over to deposit his food tray at the far off table, sweat trickling down my back at the feeling of his eyes following my every move. My heart best quickened as I stood straight, turning to come face to face with his bare chest. My eyes went wide, my gaze diverting out of sheer reflex.

I moved to step back but his greedy hands were quick to wrap around my waist, settling at the curve of my back. He stared down at me, his body flushed against mine, my little hands between us in a little attempt to stop my body from completely coming in contact with him.

"My, my bambina, you've grown so fine" he whispered into my ear, his lips slightly grazing my earlobe. I flinched away, stretching out my hands to keep us apart despite his still around my waist, fighting against my barriers.

He hadn't changed one bit, his strawberry blonde hair had grown past his hairline, a few strands falling on to frame his forehead. His faint brows looked darker, blending out well with his mustache. He was what many girls would call handsome and down right sexy but I was repulsed, irritated and disgusted by his very person. I wanted nothing more than to slap him across the face for touching me but I knew better than to get myself in trouble. I was trying to keep a clean slate, failure to do so would ruin my plans and honestly it was the last thing I needed right now.

Turning my head away I avoid his approaching lips, silently declining his advances. "P-please young Alpha let me go" I whimpered, forcing my face away from his pinched hold on my chin.

"Now don't start addressing me as that" he tisked, forcing my face to his. "You know you can call me Hunter or baby if you'd like" he winked and I almost gagged.

"Please I have ch-chores to do. Let me leave" I begged, trying in vain to detach his hands from me. Without warning he smashed his lips against mine, holding my jaw in an iron grip, refusing me to pull away. I fought hard, shoving at his chest but he didn't budge, my little hands hurting. He began moving his lips against mine, slipping out his tongue to try seperate my lips but I pressed them together, denying him any access. He leaned down closer, tightening his grip trying to coax my surrender but I didn't give in, his invasive hand went to caress my derriere making me jolt in disapproval. I shoved harder, a loud thud resonating through the room. My once tightly shut eyes flew open, my gaze falling on the man that sat on the floor in front of me. My eyes went wide when I realized what I'd done.

I had pushed him, sugars.

My hands flew to my mouth, their swollen redness making me disgusted by my own lips. I stared at him wide eyed as his eyes darkened, turning into slits.

"I'm so sorry young Alpha" I exclaimed, shaking furiously as he got to his feet, coming right up to my face. A sharp pain shot through my skull, his hand grabbing a fist full of my curls and yanking my head back, his face coming so close to mine.

"You will be sorry" he seethed, anger dripping off his words as he pulled me outside with him, dragging me along like a ragged doll. "I will teach you a lesson and hopefully after this you will never reject your mate"

No, no, no.