
King Cobra

An admirer of martial arts in general is randomly transmigrated into the body of Miguel Diaz at the end of the school fight. In a situation that does not amuse him our neo miguel decides healing is his first priority and then he would go on a warpath against his enemies as he resolves himself to reach the peak of combat sports leaving behind a legacy of the likes of the greatest fighters of all time

sayanth_sk · TV
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12 Chs

Destiny and Heart to Heart

Two days have passed ever since my plans have been set. I could lie and say that I'm losing my mind during the wait, but that would be preposterous. I managed to get myself a laptop by beg…I mean charming the head nurse by going on the lines of requiring it for school work. I knew that head nurses in the United States earn quite well you see. The woman pitied the 'poor' crippled boy and managed to get me one of her son's older systems. It is quite the outdated piece of junk but it'll make do for basic entertainment purposes.

I try checking out the various media that's available and the differences to my past life. It seems like everything is the same here, I should've figured it out earlier since I recall that moron Demetri blabbing out about Harry Potter and Game of Thrones. Looks like I cannot plagiarize shit, and my seemingly brilliant money-making scheme sinks before it even begins. I sigh in a bit of frustration and decide to figure it out later.

I think back to all the conversations I have had so far and reconsider whether I was lucky or unlucky being placed in this time frame. If I was placed in an earlier time frame where everything was calm, I am pretty sure I would have been caught out on my actions and my articulate speech patterns. I'm pretty sure it would have been noticed by mother or yaya by now, but I usually stay in a sulky mood whenever they are here and mother tends to be busy due to her increasing number of shifts.

Johnny would have most likely straight up called me out on my bullshit but I managed to drive him away in my anger and he didn't get to process anything, and it would likely stay that way for the moment, as he is most likely dealing with Robby for now. When it comes to Samantha and Hawk…well, they are still teenagers with their own problems to deal with. Sam with her whole guilt and ptsd, and Hawk well; he is trying to make everyone forget about the existence of Eli and also the fact that I managed to distract him by being all buddy-buddy and telling him exactly what he wanted to hear. I'm pretty sure Sam would have noticed eventually considering we dated and all, but I managed to piss her off enough for her to storm out of my room.

Luckily, Kreese just doesn't know me enough to make a comparison and he too managed to hear exactly what he wanted. I am pretty sure those that were close to the 'original' will notice eventually, but by then they will assume it's the influence of Kreese and Silver or they would brush it off due to anger in regards to my near-death experience.

The real reason why I am not all that worried is primarily to the fact that Kreese had come through for me the other day. He told me that he managed to get the support from his friend on this venture with that whole smug look in his face but I'm pretty sure Silver just agreed to give the money as he wanted Kreese to fuck off. He then told me about the medical center. It seems like I'll be going to this premiere world class treatment center that is out of town in San Francisco. It's called the pacific heights something something…it's not that important (while there is indeed a place like that, I'm just exaggerating how top notch it really is). It seems like a facility that caters to the rich.

'Just like I thought, in order to get any form of medical help in the U.S you are required to sell your kidney first.' I think to myself in amusement.

They provide a variety of surgeries in regards to spinal injuries, and have the best surgeons that money can buy. They also provide the premier physical therapy for sport related accidents. This is perfect, I'll be back in prime condition in no time. The only issue that's not really an issue in my opinion is that I would be out of town and that would play right into my hand as it does not allow anyone close to me monitor my behavior until I come back well.

I am just not sure how mother would react to the idea where she wouldn't be able to hover over me all the damn time. When mentioned to Kreese, he said that he would handle it. While I would love to see him work on my mother's mind I guess I would have to suck it up considering that I'm stuck here. I'm pretty sure he'll get to her when she is at home or while leaving work or something like that. That's what I would do in order to get into their head.

Well, I guess I'm done wasting away in my thoughts for now. I open up Youtube and decide to view clips of various fights. It seems like some one uploaded videos of the previous All valley that I won. I decide to watch myself fight Robby in order to witness myself take that all valley crown. As I watch the fight, I notice something strange. I can feel my self understand and breakdown all of Robby's moves as he continues to fight defensively. I can see the very basic principles and intention behind each of the moves utilized.

I pause the video, shut my eyes and try to envision the school fight. I see those moves again and I have this strange feeling like I could possibly add them to my arsenal. I start breathing a bit heavily. I knew that this was something new. I don't have to check back my memories to realize this isn't something the 'original' had. I try some of the blocks that I have witnessed while stuck to the bed. I realize that it is not perfect, but it is similar. If I practice it a number of times, the form will perfect itself and will become muscle memory. I smirk at the possibility of my cheat like ability that would break the balance of the game. Well, if you are not cheating you are not winning. The possibilities of my poor man's perfect copy is still ridiculous in my opinion.

I immediately look into some pen spinning videos. I watch them and try it myself. It doesn't work, my pen ends up flying across the room. I try viewing other skills as well but it just doesn't give me the same feeling as when I witnessed the fight.

'The fight' I think to myself annoyed that I didn't figure it out earlier. I decide to watch some fights from the ufc, I quickly realize that I do have small tingles of knowledge enter my mind but it isn't the same quality as earlier, I find it very difficult in understanding their feints and the various complex moves and holds. I then question why I'm able to see through Robby quite easily? Is it knowledge? To be fair I only have basic Tang Soo Do knowledge thanks to Lawrence. Could it be due the fact that I have faced of against him multiple times.

'How fitting' I think to myself with quite some amusement. What better way for my gamebreaker to work than by actively getting into fights myself. It is like the being who has placed me in this world has given me a tailored fit ability. So, it seems like the more fights I get into the more knowledge and understanding I get from my opponents and can then practice and use as my own. Would've been nice if he or she had given me a healing ability as well but well, I shouldn't be greedy I guess.

Okay, this discovery of knowledge has certainly made my day. While my ambition to become the greatest fighter of all time was slightly un-realistic, I honestly believe I am now destined for it. My name will become as legendary in fighting history as Michael Jordan's is for basketball.

With my mind at ease for the time being, I decide to watch a movie. An hour into the movie I get a call from mother. I have a feeling I can guess what this would be about.

"Hey mom". I say with a slightly cheerful tone.

"Miggy!! How are you doing baby?". She says in some relief while noticing my cheerful tone.

The next few seconds pass as we speak of pleasantries.

"Listen Miggy, I've spoken to one of your sensei's from your karate dojo."

"Was it sensei kreese? What did he want?". I ask trying to get the conversation going.

"He spoke about getting you into a very good hospital in San Francisco for your injuries Miggy. He said that he wanted to help and all charges would be handled personally." She says in some worry.

"That's a good thing right mum? You won't have to take those extra shifts anymore and we won't go into debt either". I say with some excitement.

"It is Miggy. But I find it difficult to understand why he would do such a kind thing for us? It is just too good to be true." Before she could elaborate further and go down the paranoid thought process I interrupt,

"But mum, he really cares for all of his students. He really gives us good advice and his lessons have always been true so far, besides he has always been there for us". I slightly cringe trying not to be that articulate and bask in my youthful naivety and idealism.

"Besides, the hospital you've mentioned might be my best shot in getting to walk again. I've spoken to the doctor here mum and he said that if the surgery is done here, there is a 90% chance that I may never walk again. With the best technology and surgeons that chance would drastically increase. I really want to get out of bed and be free to walk and run again mum. Please, let me go through it." I ask in a desperate manner.

She stays silent for a few seconds and I can legitimately feel her warring with herself. Then she says, "And what about you being away from home for the next few months? Will you be okay with that?". She asks again in concern.

"Don't worry mum, I've just checked out the hospital and it seems like I would be provided with the best care. Besides, we will speak to each other every other day." I say trying to get her on board with it.

"Every single day". She says in an authoritative tone.

"Is that a yes~?" I question her with a small smile forming up my face.

"Yes, you can go there, but please Miggy, you have to promise me that you will not push yourself too hard" she pleads with me.

"Don't worry mum, I'll be careful. Now, are you coming to the hospital…." My conversation with her carries on for a few more minutes and eventually the both of us hang up.

Honestly as of this moment I feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. In the past few days of waking up, I've managed to get a hold over myself, discovered stuff that I've hidden deep within myself and I've successfully gotten things to go firmly my way, while conveniently ignoring my blunder with Lawrence. There is just one true blotch on my otherwise perfect record, Tory. There is nothing much I can do unless she comes to me first, and I need to be patient, getting frustrated is not going to help matters.

Time passes, the sun has set, and pretty soon visitation period would end. I go through some of my textbooks from school and actually enjoy reading them with a much fresher mindset. The original was always a nerd and I legit feel my nerdy brain working in full power. I can feel myself retain shit way better as compared to my past life and I feel more and more excitement as I continue catching up and going past the lessons that have been covered so far.

'This is bloody amazing!! If the whole greatest fighter who ever lived doesn't work out, I do now have a backup'. I think to myself in happiness. Before I could carry on, I hear a knock on my door. I look towards the door and feel by breath get held up for a second.

"Tory?" I say in a surprised tone. And then immediately snap back and get my head in for a new game.

"Miguel.." she says awkwardly with a look on her face that tells me that she has no idea why she decided to come here.

I give her a small smile and then say, "I had hoped to see you the moment I woke up. You look well" I tell her. Hell yea she does. A girl who has been fighting all her life. A girl who would tell you exactly what she thought, but at the moment she looks torn by guilt, just like I wanted.

"I wanted to come but I didn't know what I could do to help.." she says anxiously,

"So you didn't come at all.. Well, you are here now." I tell her quickly and that gets a small smile on her face.

"You did help me you know" I state again.

She blinks in confusion and says, "what?"

"When I was in a coma there is a lot of things I don't remember but I do remember your words to me on that day during one of sensei kreese's earliest lessons. You told me that people like us would have to fight for every inch of what's ours. I'm pretty sure I did and that's why I get to talk to you today". I say twisting the truth. There is no way in god's name I'm telling anyone what happened during my coma dream, too fuckin personal in my opinion.

She tears up and says in a breathy tone, "I'm sorry Miguel, for everything…me instigating the fight led you to getting hurt. I was so angry with what had happened that I just wanted to smash Larusso's face in, and it ended turning into an all-out brawl. I regret it so much."

"Tory while I agree that instigating that fight in school was the wrong way of handling things, I do understand where your anger came from.." I say trying to direct the conversation the way I want.

Her sadness and guilt starts disappearing and I can feel the anger of the 'originals' betrayal in her eyes. "Did you get together with me just for getting Larusso's attention?" she asks with betrayal in her tone.

Okay I need to be careful from this point on. Saying anything wrong could potentially lead her into punching me into the ground regardless of the fact that I am a crippled mess.

"Do you really think I would do something like that". Okay some leading first.

"I saw you with Larusso." She says in anger.

"From where did you see this". I ask in some anticipation

"In Moon's house on the second floor" 'Good', time for some gaslighting.

"And you did not see everythin did you?" I say knowing that she hadn't.

"I had seen enough, get to the point will you?" she says in anger and with some rising doubt.

"You need to know the full story Tory. I had gone out of the house to get some air since I was a little drunk. That was when I saw Larusso sitting there on her own. You have to understand Tory, I just couldn't understand the dojo war. I thought it was silly, I had naïvely hoped by talking to her we could all get a truce as school was soon starting. I just didn't expect what mindset she was in. She started thanking me for returning the medal of honor back to her family and she seemed to stumble, I held her from falling face first into the ground and then she kissed me." I say while noticing her narrow her eyes.

"You have to understand, I was just too shocked with what was going on. For weeks prior to getting with you I tried talking to her and set things right. She refused and rejected me at every opportunity. When finally, I had moved on she kisses me? I pushed her away Tory." I say expecting denial.

"NOO!!! That did not that happen!!!" she denies vehemently. Okay time add a bit more pressure.

"I did push her away from me Tory…You may have not seen the entire thing since you were devastated by what you saw. But I pushed her away and told her that I had you and she was with Robby and that it wasn't right." I reaffirm strongly.

She seems to be in stunned silence momentarily as I witness her eyes change from denial and then suspicion, she looks back at my heartfelt look and she seems to struggle with herself in denial for a bit more and then finally shrinks down in acceptance. I am pretty sure the only reason she is listening to me was because the 'original' was always kind to her and the fact that I didn't imply that she was crazy or go against her directly.

"I went back immediately into the party hoping to find you, but then the cops crashed the place. I couldn't get a response from you and then finally, well you know the rest."

She is still silent and seems to be devastated of the fact that her misunderstanding had potentially led me into being crippled. I carry on,

"Do you really think I would do something as horrible as dating you just for the sake of getting another girl's attention? Have you known me to do something so cruel? Do you really think so lowly of me". I ask in some sadness.

"I'm sorry, I am so sorry Miguel." She says with some tears flowing down her face. Wow I'm really something aren't I? in the original series the only time I saw this girl in tears was when she had to punch through solid rock. Now I've done it here by using her guilt as my weapon, or it is because of what she has gone through the past 2 and a half weeks.

I hold her hand and say that it's okay and that I would get better. I then proceed change the topic because the wailing of women can be draining.

"So, how's your mom?" I ask her. She knows what I'm trying here, but she goes along with it. I swear she is cool like that.

"Things have gotten worse actually. With me being expelled I have to take two extra jobs to pay the bills. I heard it you who told Kreese about my home life." She asks in a slightly annoyed tone.

"You have to understand Tory, I was worried, especially when he told me that you hadn't gone back to the dojo. I panicked. So I told sensei about it hoping he could do something about it. He did promise me that he would help you out".

"He did actually. I don't know what he did, but it seems like he got my landlord of my back. He also said that he would get me a lawyer for my discipline hearing. I am not too concerned about that since my family and I still have a roof over our heads." She tells me in relief. I smile just loving it when plans come in full circle.

I conclude that he used some of the money he borrowed from Silver to get a lawyer and maybe payoff the judge to rescind the expulsion order. This way she gets back into school and wouldn't have to go through that unsightly site of dealing with that bitch of an aunt or begging the Larusso matriarch.

"Good." I say simply.

She then asks me to go into details of when I told her that I would get better and I complied.

"So you will leaving town soon?" she asks with some sadness.

"Yes, but don't worry I'll be back good as new in a few months. Just do me a favor, once you get back to the dojo please don't directly start a brawl with Miyagi-do will you".

"Why not? You were hurt because of them". She asks in disbelief.

I calmly correct her "Hurt because of Robby, and he is in Juvie for the next three months for attempted murder. We shall deal with him once I get back. I have a bone to pick with that little shit. We need to be smart. Just like I told hawk we need to provoke them into first picking a fight, and please try getting along with him. He is a wonderful friend to have when he is not being a dick".

She laughs a bit and admits, "I almost kicked his ass when he came up to me today and told me that I would have to meet you. He looked prepared for a fight as soon he said it but eventually looked perplexed when I just finally agreed."

I laugh a bit as well. Yep, just like I thought this just feels right, I know some of these feelings may be from the original and I feel like this would be the only ones I would properly accept and acknowledge. As far as I know she may be the only person that I personally know that I could kick back, relax and let the walls down even though I can't really kick at this moment.

She looks to her watch and then curses, "Look Miguel I have to go, I still have a shift at the roller rink, I'll see you soon okay?"

"Oh yeah, that's fine. Listen, I know that you live far off from here, you don't have to come here if it is too difficult…." Before I could continue, she quickly closes the gap between us a kisses me hard. My minds just blanks and I kiss her back as well…

This kiss ends and the both of us are breathing a bit heavily. She looks at me with an intense gaze in those green eyes of hers then says, "I will come here because I want to". She then caresses my cheek and then my lips and then carries on "These are mine. If I see something like the party ever again, I will personally rip them off your face." I just gulp and feel incredibly hot under my collar. I dumbly nod my head in agreement in a daze. I see her give me that wickedly beautiful smile of hers and I watch her glide away across the room and then out the door.

"Dear lord, have mercy. That woman will be the death of me."

Looks like I've managed to make another large chapter. please do not get comfortable with this length. now i know some people would get annoyed with my addition of a cheat, but i have planned for this before i even formed an outline for my fic. and i am going along with it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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