
came to palace

Hayden to lady" This is my house?"

The lady replied "Yes, my lady this is your house".

They both enter into big house

When Hayden enter in main hall then she hear" Why are you in the forest?" Tell me Hayden.

Hayden was shocked that lady know her name and she was talking very casually ,she thought she should remains quit and thought it seems I have travelled time to past time and I have to thought idea to survive and go back to future to my parents.

The lady said this is last warning do not go alone next time out of house is that okay to you .

She said yes .I am sorry I will not do it again.

Lady it is ok but don't tell your father about this mama will handle it .

Hayden came of idea it is good to be here as their daughter it will give her time to find solution to back.

After some days Hayden learn lots of things to survive and to act like daughter of minister.

When Hayden was eating in dinning table with her parent ,some people came in and said something to her father and her father was angry and shout How can he order my daughter to come in palace,does he doesn't know that she is my daughter.

Mother ask to father what is matter and why are you so angry.

Father replied to mother crown prince want Hayden in palace now. Mother said but why ,what he want from Hayden.

One of servent say madam and sir it is not that you are thinking . The lady was in forest with royal horse and after he is not agree to eat and when where anyone try to claim him , he beat that person .Only lady can claim him on that day that's why prince want lady came in palace.

After sometime of silence father said But this last time Hayden is going to palace and I will not allowed next time and also raised a complaint to king .

Servent said yes sir as you said .

Hayden was nervous what to do and she said to her mother It is compulsory to follow the order , I don't want to go to palace .

Father spoke in between and said we can't denide the order from palace you that but don't you worried I will make sure that no one can bully you .Just go this time and help the prince and maintenance distance and Keep your manner in front of king and queen if they came okay.I know that you will manage.

Hayden said yes I will keep that in mind .Just don't worried.

(Servent take Hayden to palace, and she was taken to backyard where horse is kept)

When horse saw Hayden he brake the locked and Directly come to Hayden in rush that make Hayden scared .

She said to him claim down you are going to hurt me . When he hear it then immediately he sit down like a puppy following his master order .

After that everybody get shocked and started gossip what is happening and how it is possible for royal to follow her order in that way .

Hayden Just ingored this and ask the servent to bring him food so he can eat and she can leave quickly as possible as because while adjusting here she got information that in palace games are going to win the crown which is dangerous game so she doesn't want to involve and Make her life harder .

But she don't know that some one is watching her that how is claimed the royal horse and how royal horse follow her order .

Some things is going happened to her but she don't know .

(Author: Hello readers if you like my novel then please share and like it )