
Kin To Shadows

An ordinary lazer was reincarnated as Shikamaru with some extra features, let’s see if we can change the games P.s I don’t own any of the animes and cartoons

Shanhe11916 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Hardworking weakling

3 months later

You know how you always see training montages of Zoro in the one piece and think to yourself - That would never work in the real world or something to that effect because children's bodies aren't supposed to be strained like that, the sheer improvement they seek in their training at that young age is something that always used to inspire hundreds of health-conscious people for a long time and a person like me for two weeks before my ailments caught up with me

' If I was a normal child I would not have so much as twitched with my rate of improvement however I'm not and thus I know how ridiculous this is '

I mean it's not even 7 months in this body and I feel better than I ever did physically

' Especially because I could never even attempt the Saitama routine in such a short period of time '

' The fact It's not that hard to do the routine back home as well is also true, but that is when we think of people at least above the age of 15, that's taking into account if you do all exercises with taking breaks as well '

But here I stand....literally on a handstand while biting down a bokken as I try to beat my new record of 32 without slowing down or taking breaks

Surprisingly I made enough gains within a week to further add 3 to that record and that's something that makes me smile.

" You know if you're just training physically you might as well have played in the playground and make some friends "

And it turns right back to neutral with a pointed comment, an unwanted comment mind you from my dear old mother

' Bloody helicopter parent, can't you just stop with the snide comments '

" All play and no work makes me sad mother "

" And all work makes you happy? "

" Hell no, but it makes the boredom go away "

" You're a sad child Shikamaru, I still think I should take you to see a doctor " this is said while making a judging face as she takes a sip from her coop lemonade sitting in the shade of the house while I'm outside burning my hands on the ground in the hot sun

" Please I'm the poster child of responsibility mother " 'No I'm not ' " any doctor would just give me a candy while remarking, truthfully how full of youth I am "

" The day when you're the poster child for responsibility is the day when you know that it's way past your waking hour without me yelling my throat hoarse "

" You need to lower your expectations mother, just cause I like to train doesn't mean for one second that I like to wake up early, anyone who says otherwise is a filthy liar who lies "

And this has been routine for the three months so far as I don't hide my training anymore. I either snark with mom and dad while they supervise me and if they're not available they rope in the next-door neighbor uncle Tanaka into watching me

' Though I can't deny it hasn't made us closer, I mean just look at us three months she would scare me straight if I cussed accidentally and now as long as it's minor words she just lets it go '

And then after finishing my reps and then after eating dinner, I started to train with the bokken

As I don't have an ounce of an idea of any forms without me forgetting something, I have just been practicing how to cut and unsheathing a blade with the hope of increasing their speed

But I'll admit swinging your arms like that without any goal is to my surprise quite calming in its own way

' I guess it's because I'm actively pursuing my dream. Or maybe that's just the crazy thoughts '

And it was talking about crazy thoughts that I thought that I was lucky that the Kumo incident had already passed, hell I hadn't even thought of it till I remembered that most of the rookie nine had almost the same age

' I mean I hate what happened, but I don't think I could have changed anything. They were watching the delegate, my thoughts wouldn't have changed a damn thing at the end unless I told them I know the future and all that jizz and that is a big no. Still, I'm relieved that I don't have a reason to wrestle with that particular problem, might be cowardly of me, but I don't care '

Aside from that, the most important thing was that I awoke haki two days ago

' Ok it was just observation haki, but it's still haki. '

And only when I awakened haki did my training in the lobby give results.

The result is the fact that I knew how to maintain that haki till I was tired optimally for a better term because my body did what I did in the lobby instinctively

' But aside from being able to activate it, it's not quite mastered even in my limits, I mean I have to stand still to gather myself to use it or close my eyes if I want to be faster and that's as any person should know quite stupid in a fight '

So aside from physical training that was my other training during the day, read in the library with my zone active as long as I could to train my stamina and to familiarise myself with it even further I run around the house until I'm tired with it active in the evening.

Then I rest my muscles for further training in my sleep, though I have divided it further though

As I need to grow to learn jutsus I've been training in a period of two hours for a total of 6 hours the foundation of armament, observation and chakra control plus the additional peek into training modes available was also quite intriguing

' I mean I can spar with an opponent there, I can even adjust their level and add even more opponents to increase the difficulty if I need to '

Even an idiot could see the advantage of that, but I'm not starting that training till I get to genin aspect in all my stats except luck because aside from a few harebrained ideas I have no clue as to train that further

And speaking of I open the status mentally to see the advancements I've made and there are only a few changes worth mentioning

Name: Shikamaru Nara

Title: Nara heir

Age: 4 year


Strength: E

Speed: E+

Dexterity: E+

Intelligence: D+

Stamina: E

Wisdom: D

Luck: D+

Chakra: E+

Chakra control: D-


Observation haki: E+

Armament haki: locked

Conqueror haki: locked


Strategic Level 2

Sleeping Level 3

Language Level 5

Calligraphy Level 4

Hiding Level 2

Running Level 3

Killing intent (resistance) Level 9

Dungeon admittance Level Max

Techniques: none

' Still, no techniques but that's okay with me, I don't want to learn all jutsu or techniques anyway just the ones that I need. -Fear the one who practices one kick a thousand times than the one who practices a thousand kicks one time- and all that shit '

And I know that I might be lagging behind people like Kakashi and Itachi but the fact is they were geniuses, legitimate ones I mean

' Meanwhile, I'm just coasting by thanks to the system and intellect added to me '

Aside from that fact is that I'm attempting to be both Maito Gai and Kakashi at the same time

' People should remember that despite their fluid taijutsu at the end of the day Kakashi and Gai and all others could only perform at a level that their age could allow them to, that is why Itachi and Kakashi and the like kept advancing while Maito Gai and the like were sidelined for a while '

Unlike Gai they also learned ninjutsu, genjutsu and all that and they were all rounded up. Thus were considered superior and promoted over Gai.

' But Gai was accepted by Mardara himself as the strongest taijutsu user alive when he was at his strongest, all the geniuses at that moment were behind Gai '

And unlike all of them my physical limit is very very further than theirs was and naturally while I won't keep going without giving importance to ninjutsu at the end of the day, I believe that as long as I master all aspects of haki and a few techniques in shadows and the like I won't need to master or learn techniques like an average ninja

' I mean armament haki will take care of defence and if observation haki works like I think it does on genjutsu as well then aside from the ones like tsukuyomi I'll be safe And conquerors haki is basically a deterrence/knockout area skill '

The observation haki as we know is to let the users know about anything they're looking for as long as their zone and genjutsu are basically illusions to stall the mind I believe that observation haki regardless of the fact whether I'm captured in an illusion or not will continue to send me information, thus even if I'm captured in the illusion I should be able to fight.

' Of course, this is just my hopeful theory but let's hope it's true '

I'm so far satisfied with my current rate of training and if everything goes well I'll be at least be genin level before I enter the academy

And speaking of the academy I was actually thinking of just going a few days and letting my shadow clone go on the other days just like Itachi did

' Of course, there are a few problems in this like not knowing the technique and the fact Itachi graduated with this excuse but still, this is the best way in my opinion because there is no way in hell I'm sitting through classes again without any protesting '

Pops said that usually children enter the academy at the age of 7 but he did without any hesitation state that I would join at the same age as Chouji and Ino will.

I think he was expecting some protest at that

' I'll put off school as long as I can, but I think he's mainly worried I'm gonna be an antisocial emo kid like Sasuke is gonna be, I'm pretty sure that's why they're being good cop bad cop thing with my training '

' Or I could also be reading into it as I'm a great procrastinator but meh '

Still socialising might need to pop in the park a few times to relieve them but if any kid comes to try and chase me with a booger or disgusting games like that I'm knocking them out

' No question about that, I didn't tolerate that shit the first time and ain't tolerating that now. '


Sorry for the late uploading my exams are starting and my phone was slightly having problems as usual thank you for reading my story and special thanks to SENJU and DeluxeOG for supporting me with power stones

Hope you guys have a great day and stay safe and happy