
Killua In Naruto?!

A man wronged by God. A man with a second chance. A man becomes Killua in the world of Killers. A man of focus, commitment and sheer will. P.s. I do not own Naruto or Hunterxhunter. They belong to their respective owners. And thank you for giving my fanfic your time :)

Monster1a · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 1


It's real if you are wondering. I am being tortured. By Lucifer himself, an honor if you ask me.

This man has electrocuted me, stabbed me, poisoned me, killed me with various methods that you wouldn't believe the methods of torture, death was like a normal Monday to me now.

At this point I've got resistance to pain, elements (yeah all the elements), and some unthinkable stuff.

"Ohhohohoh I made a mistake you aren't Hitler" said the Devil to me, then shouted to his loyal demon servant "Maze dear we mixed him up with Hitler."

'I was getting tortured for someone else's sins? What the f#ck'

"I think you might be on to something Luci. Maybe Hitler was sent to heaven." Said Mazekin the demon

"HAHAHA so even dad makes mistakes HAHAHA" said Lucifer

"He made you. That's a mistake if you ask me" came an emotionless voice.

Lucifer and Mazekin turn their heads toward the voice. Their reactions differed Mazekin was rolling on the floor while laughing her ass off and Lucifer had an amused expression, but if you looked in his eyes you would notice that he was absolutely livid.

Lucifer being angry was going to start torturing me again. But as he was going to continue I was teleported. I am now in front of an old man who is drinking beer?

"I made a mistake," he said in a dead serios voice


"STOP" said God while having scrunched eyebrows and an annoyed expression.

"I know what you've been through so let me make it up to you, I'll send you to another world. How about it?"

I sighed "Will I get away from this shitty place?"

"Yes you will. How about everytime you die I will let you reincarnate in a world of your choice?"

"So no heaven and hell for me? Like even if I die?"

"No kid, don't worry. Alright let's get on with it. Since this is your first reincarnation I'll choose for you"


"So you will keep the resistance and healing factor you developed here and you will get the appearance and abilities of Killua from hunter x hunter obviously they will be changed to suit the world, but don't worry you will get some goodies in that world." Said God after ignoring me the mortal.

"Alright you shitty old man. Next time I choose." I said after sighing

"Alright sure kiddo. Off you go BWAHAHAHA."

I vanished.

"Father did you tell him the world he was going to? " Asked Micheal the Arch Angel.

"Huh? Oh guess I forgot. Don't worry he is smart he will be fine."


Second Great Ninja War

Land of Rivers

Katabami Gold Mine Village


Limbs. Bodies. Weapons. Blood.

Thats all someone will see when they enter this once prospering village. The village had become a battlefield between the leaf and sand village. People of the village came under the crossfire and were massacred.

The big villages made it a battlefield due to two reasons, First, the village was between the country of fire and the country of wind. Second, To show the power of their respective villages to the small country so that they don't get any ideas like the country of Rain had.

Though, if we look closer we can see two gennin standing infront of eachother, they were the last of their whole battalion, One had bandages covering his head with war paint and he wearing a beige wind sheeter and a head band of the sand village. He had a kunai in his hand, in a reverse grip which had some sort of purple liquid on it.

While the other one who was in a daze, had white hair blue eyes a blue undershirt that was the symbol of the Uzumaki clan on its shoulder pads, he was wearing black flexible cargo pants with multiple pockets for equipment that he would use. But interestingly enough instead of a belt he had a headband like the sand genin but this one had the symbol of the leaf village.

The boy still in a daze mumbled "It's been about 4 years since the shitty old bastard God left me in this war-torn world."

The Suna genin was quite confused as he heard the mumblings of the White haired young man, he was apparently cursing at God?

Not like it mattered he found hope at the young boy's daze, he as a ninja was trained to go for such opening because only a dumbass would alert his enemy if he is distracted.


A boy with a straw hat and an orange-haired individual sneezed somewhere in the multiverse


The genin rushed at the white-haired individual while his face adorned a malicious grin.

The white-haired kid was still in a daze still ranting about God and cursing him continuously.


Kunai. The suna genin launched his kunai at the kid and stabbed his stomach with a swift and calculated motion he held the kunai in a reverse grip and pushed it towards the genin.

"Now you are dead kid you were just stabbed by a kunai with poison developed by Lady Chiyo herself, and even the bitch Tsu-" His words got up in his throat because, well his head was detached from his body and he could only watch in shock as he saw that the world became upside down including his body.

What actually happened was that in the daze Killua didn't even register the Kunai being in his stomach thanks to his resistance and obviously the poison won't affect him.

But what got him out of his trance was when the genin was going to call his sister a bitch, he who apparently was a siscon reacted in an instant.

[A.N. Siscons are scary]

Let's breakdown how the genin fron Suna died

So as Killua heard the T of Tsunade his hand hardened,

Then when he heard S of Tsunade his nails sharpened

And as soon was said U, his hand moved in a half-moon-like arc which appeared beautiful, though as soon as the arc was finished so was the suna genin.

The cut wasn't a fine one, no it was very rough, this signified that even in 'instant' death he hadn't received a peaceful one. It was quite painful.

"Never call my Big Sister anything like that ever." said Killua with cold eyes devoid of emotion reminiscent of his broken self which he had been in hell.

Although God 'fixed' his mind before transmigration some things just can't be fixed.


Our MC looks at his stomach as wanted to scratch the itch on his stomach which turned out to be a FUCKING poisoned kunai.

"Oh well just a poisoned Kunai."


Killua proceeds to take out the kunai as if nothing happened, his skin had already started repairing itself, a perk of his heritage and his time in hell.


Killua POV

Now what am I supposed to do?

I did the mission that my sensei gave me. And earned the hate of sunagakure. Oh well just a waterless village, they will probably dry out (pun).

Though Killing 127 people might get me a decent bounty I hope its good maybe 30 million like Luffy's first bounty?


So how was it? Good enough?

Ofcourse it was now gimme ur stones oh and please leave some reviews i need them.

Please drop some constructive criticism and ideas if you want.

I hope you have a good day.

-Author San