
killing God of Douluo

Becoming God in douluo universe ---------------------------- (A N) : it might contain a few things you have already read and i am just trying to copy but bear with it.... if anyone finds it bad I am sorry..... (a sorry can't solve your all problem but it can solve most of it )

gRiMlOrD · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


In a room full of dust and garbage you can see a clean corner , which is also the only source of light in the room ...

In that corner you can see a man with his face full of beard, his eyes looking dead his body can be said on verge of collapse and his face is also fully showing tiredness and need for a good rest.

But the man eyes are still glued to the screen like he is watching something very interesting.

'Ding '

His computer screen suddenly has a notification pausing the show he is watching..

" Ohh!! come on !! I am on the last episode .. don't distrub at this time "

In anger tried to remove the notification but by mistake he clicked on it..

'Congratulations you agreed to go to another dimension, fill some details and you are ready to get reborn in another world full of adventures '

" who does this shit these days? sigh... well at least this one looks interesting and who knows this one might get true hehehehehe "

' in which world you like to go? '

" clearly douluo dalu , I am watching it right now and I liked it a lot "

' Decide your background '

" I want to be disciple of Qian Daoliu ' Choose your martial spirit '

'a) custom made martial spirit

' b) random martial spirit'

" of course random twin martial spirit "

'* twin martial spirit

' it is detected your spirit is of higher grade choose innate abilities for your martial spirit , as your martial spirit is of high level you can choose two abilities. '

'ultimate control

' immortality of body and soul with high adaptability

' choose your ability cheat '

" spirit beast and training system "

' you will be sent to another world in a few moments!! '

" huh? .. is it real? "

just as the man is about to complete his sentence a lightning flashed destroying his small house to ashes..

( douluo dalu)

In a remote village on the borders of heaven dao empire, The people of the village doing there daily work as usual , the population of the village is just about a hundred houses due to it's being a remote village with low development.

In far corner of the village , you can see a child just sitting under the light basking sun..

The boy has a delicate face , with his jet black hair and pitch black eyes like a black hole which seems to suck the soul in.

( Feng liu : pov)

' it's really been three years..., I still can't believe it '

He is our mc also known as Feng liu, who has just turned six year after coming to his favorite world.

" Let's wait for martial spirit awakening and then let's thik about what to do in our future "

After talking to himself for sometime , he stood up and started going to his house , he doesn't have any main character background, both of his parents are alive , he even has many uncle and aunties , as this village is not big so people here live like family.

" okay let's recall everything "

' I practice golden body art so my body is much more healthy then others moreover since I know my martial spirit I have already thought of everything with the help of system.

at first my martial spirit I will go mainly on speed and strength having practiced body art can be said to be good and with a few attack methods and moment technique I can be a perfect fighter. '

" let's just wait for tomorrow and see what happens "

After that he went home and went towards his house and spent his day as usual.