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Part 5: Revelation about my enemy

after this battle Boaz arrived in his kingdom in a sorry state and kept vomiting blood

Boaz's watchwoman ** Nehemi * saw Boaz in this state in an upper room of the tower over 100,000 floors she descended these floors in a second and was already facing Boaz she was terrified and cried

Nehemi << LORD BOAZ WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?>> at these cries Boaz began to pull her hair and whispered in her ear

Boaz << don't shout I hate that...!!>> and started to vomit blood again Nehemi felt really bad for him and asks him

Nehemi << lord boaz, are you going to die >> boaz looked at Nehemi and laughed sarcastically to tell him

Boaz << I will never ever die the problem you see is that erasa killed my regenerative capacities, self-healing, and all that can cure my current state, I can't die I'm going to suffer like this forever because I can't do anything about it that's it my paine >>

Néhémi << but ... it's terrible that, so you were going to live hell without ever stopping >>

Boaz << Hum.. hum.. Alas yes Nehémi I am condemned to suffer like this..kof ..kof. Shit it's in this kind of case that we would like to die hehehe >> Boaz collapsed on the floor and was bleeding profusely but looked especially thoughtful and kept staring at the ceiling

Néhémi << my lord... did erasa do such a thing to you? >>

Boaz << yes Nehemi, and don't even think I can avenge myself... erasa is stronger than you and by far hahahaha.. she is also faster than you she and I are of the same level but my advantage was not to not be able to die unlike her >>

Néhémi << Hum.. you meant that she died? >>

Boaz << yes indeed unfortunately.... I no longer feel her presence or her existence in the plane of existence I would have liked her to be able to survive for.... me... finally you see where I am coming from Nehémi >>

Nehemi << I'm really sorry that I can't be seasoned for that >>

Boaz << it's not a big deal.. kof... kof shit what a pain >> Nehemi reached out his hand and tried to stop Boaz bleeding but it was useless

Boaz << there is nothing to do my princess don't get tired!! >> Nehemi shed a few small tears still persevering but still no result

Boaz << stop crying..i'm not going to die just living hell but hope that in a few years my body can be immune to pain by this >>

Nehemi picked up Boaz and arrived in her room in an instant she put him in her bathtub and diluted water with her magic which she manipulated to make Boaz forget the effects of the pain but only each time he was submerged in this tub.

Boaz lying in his bath felt no more pain and was proud of Nehemi

Boaz << Wow.. you have progressed with your magic, are you able to do that now? You know how to do what else I'm curious >>

Nehemi << I have an unlimited number of powers now and I improved the capacities of our last dragons I swear to you that I will cure you you will see >>

Boaz << Hmm... I really want to see how you're going to proceed >>

Néhémi << stay there I take care of the rest >> after that she disappeared

Boaz << why I have the impression that she will really cure me... hihi yes I trust her >> .

In the distance in a cave it was all dark, there was warmth but pleasant a body lay on the ground covered with a soft coat of bear fur

The body moved and woke up as after a nap it was erasa who had just woken up

Erasa << What am I not dead? >> she was looking at her hands, touching her head and protein

Erasa << I'm not even hurt.... was it a bad dream? I may have never faced Boaz >> she got up naked and walked towards the exit of the cave at the exit she saw a magnificent landscape a field of flowers stretched as far as the eye could see, a magnificent river with animals magnificent that she had never seen before griffins, phoenixes and even unicorns... The sky was of sublime beauty and this place made you want to live there and stay forever

Erasa << Wow... it's beautiful here where am I? >> A voice answered this question

The way "you died here you are in paradise"

Erasa << What? A demon can go to heaven? >>

The path "exactly well come where your eternal rest will be magnificent" Erasa did not really understand what was happening but thought that it was perhaps the absolute being called ""God"" who was telling her that she looked the sky

Erasa << So you took me into consideration to put me in paradise me a demon? >> Then a hand touched erasa from behind

Erasa turns around to see and sees Aaron who tells her

Aaron << So I got you well admit hehehe >> Erasa jumped so much she was surprised to see Aaron she shouted at him


Aaron << ho ... erasa I resurrected you and this is how you thank me? alala what ingratitude >>

Erasa << and then what else? You humiliated me in hell and almost killed me, eliminated.... you know I didn't need to be resuscitated by a being such as you, you had to let me die for good I would have liked that better than see you again... >>

Aaron looked at Erasa attentively without saying a word. Erasa continued to complain to him.

Erasa<< ... no, but I really wonder what you can want from me Aaron, you're worse than Boaz you're a real evil monster ...>> Aaron put his hand on Erasa's head and gave him a hug erasa wanted to push him away but remained attentive to what he was saying

Aaron << I'm really sorry erasa, that day I wasn't planning to kill you but given this turmoil there was I too wanted to be seen suddenly but I wasn't going to kill you for good believe me .... if I came from hell for you right now it's to make myself forgiven.. I'll serve you as your slave if necessary but don't hate me my darling little sister your pains are over tell me who hurt you and I'll deal with it right away >> erasa was in shock. She allowed herself to be hugged by Aaron and began to cry on his chest.

Erasa << you... are you going to shut up? Stop saying nonsense sniff .. you're a bad demon like the others so what do you really want from me huh? Backstab me later Aaron? >>

Aaron << I won't hurt you and if you think I'm lying to you you can ask mother >>

erasa stopped crying and wondered why he was talking about lilith here

Erasa << why are you talking about her? Is she here? >> Aaron gave a smile that showed his good humor

Aaron << yes indeed she is around at the moment >> following these words in the sky lilith was watching them well and truly with these large wings on her back she said

Lilith << what are you two doing like that? And all naked in addition>> she snapped her fingers then Aaron and erasa were dressed in the original clothes

Aaron felt too good in these clothes as well as erasa their clothes had been created according to their clothing tastes

Lilith lands on the ground and Aaron asks her

Aaron << mother, how long have you been watching us? >>

Lilith << about 20 seconds I was traveling in time to observe the origins of who you know >> Aaron understood immediately where she was coming from

Erasa << I wonder what you are doing here? >>

Lilith << you know erasa the worlds do not belong to you, and all the demons able to rise above the dimensions which make use of blocks in the underworld can come in any world.... here it is the world of myths >>

Erasa << the world of myths? >>

Lilith << yes a world known to be 40,000 times larger than the world of existence I'm not even talking about other worlds which are even more immense compared to those of the world of existence >>

Erasa << mother! Exactly how many people are there >>

Lilith << there are 20 of them and 14 of them are said to be infinitely larger than the world of existence my baby >>

Erasa << the world of existence? How is it made? >>

Lilith << it is made of universes which are included in the multiverses which are also included in the G dimensions which are still included in the world of existence and a universe is infinite, a G dimension revolves around an infinity of universes and which are composed of an infinity of past of future of present of present alternative of parallel world and dimensions which are beyond the third dimension... >>

Erasa << I don't understand... if they are so numerous and infinite they shouldn't be so tiny in front of other worlds, right? >>

Lilith << indeed But the higher spiritual layer marks a limit and at the same time a continuity >>

Erasa << how so? > >

Lilith << an upper spiritual layer is a special separation cleft that separates universes, multiverses, G dimensions and even worlds, in these layers if you look at them with an upper spiritual view you can see that they seem to show a limit, but when you go into this layer, however thin, you notice that it leaves in a universe and another a continuity inside without ever showing limits and these layers are everywhere in the worlds even here but in spite of these layers which are sensible make the world appear smaller and visible from other worlds are always infinitely larger than others like the world of hell which is infinitely larger than this world where we are and that of existence >>

Erasa<< I see... so how do you get out of one world to another? >>

Lilith << it is enough to rise above the higher dimensions and the special spiritual layers which encompass the worlds, they too are infinite and can even erase a being and these concepts completely if he is not able to rise above >>

Erasa << mother you are really informed you >>

Lilith << indeed I lived before existence so all this has no secrets for me hahahaha >> Erasa smiled at her mother and looked at the side where Aaron was but he was no longer

Erasa << but... where is Aaron? >>Aaron appeared behind her and shouted

Aaron << booouuuue >> Erasa taken by surprise frightened yelled

Erasa << haaaaaaaa!!!!! >> Aaron at this saw laughed

Aaron << hahahaha no but you should see yourself there honestly hahahaha >> erasa smiled nervously but still happy and said to Aaron

Erasa "ho you...you're going to pay me" and started chasing Aaron who couldn't stop laughing Lilith was watching them with her arms crossed and an emotional smile and said

Lilith << Aren't those two cute? honestly i love seeing kids playing i could spend all day watching this..it warms me so much inside >> running in his joy aaron fell to the ground and erasa accidentally fell on his back

A silence fell at that moment and the two looked into each other's eyes for a moment and started laughing at the same time, Lilith was just watching them with a smile of a mother happy to see her children playing together then she remembered everything immediately something that had escaped him

Lilith << Hey you two come closer!! >> The two approached their mother

Aaron << yes mother what did you want? >>

Lilith << we didn't come to get you Erasa to get you back, we saw your attachment to humans >>

Aaron << haaaa yeah that's right, and we have things to show you that can not only be useful to you but also expand your know-how >>

Erasa << hold on.... you spied on me? Why do this to me? >>

Lilith << Aaron didn't spy on you but I did... I especially wanted to see what you were planning to do in the world of existence when you arrived, note I have the right to observe my children if I want.

Hum in fact I have too many rights >>

Erasa << mother, how could I not smell you from where I lived? >>

Lilith << thanks to one of my many techniques beyond you you obviously know that this form that I am is not really me and that my true form exists outside of existence and non-existence like the higher gods, the demon kings, primordial demons and some rare beings, you can't yet have a level to remove yourself from reality itself, from existence and non-existence my baby >>

Erasa << pfff !!, it's not fair >>

Aaron "life is unfair"

Erasa << yes it makes you smart just because you are a primordial demon ... mother you also saw my fight against Boaz? >>

Lilith << yes of course in the vacuum of space >>

Erasa "damn what a shame I lost, I'm going to slaughter him on my return"

Aaron << you know you can't enter the world of existence on your own, right? >>

Erasa << how to acquire the necessary level for that? >>

Lilith << I will show you, but I have an erasa question do you really think that if you had the possibility of killing Boaz and you knew everything about him, you would kill him? >>

Erasa << but yes of course in the worst way as well!! >>

Aaron << erase, do you know that boaz only wants to die? >>

Erasa << What? >>

Lilith << we explored the past of Boaz and his life was not the rose if he became a sorcerer it was because he had no other choice basically he and you had a lot in common finally especially about humans >>

Erasa "it's impossible, Boaz is omnipresent, he said it himself you can't explore his past"

Aaron "if, thanks to a key technique called ** omnipresence erasur >>

Erasa << omnipresence erasur? >>

Lilith << yes, it's a technique that allows you to erase the omnipresence of an individual and once all that is erased, you can see past and future also present, parallel world of him and other being created and at that moment you can attack him on an infinity of planes of existence in an instant that he will not be able to know and if you eliminate him on only one of his planes, all the versions of him on these planes will die including the original >>

Erasa << it's an abusive technique... how to master it? >>

Aaron << you would first need the ability to be omnipresent otherwise

pffff >>

Lilith "we used this technique not to kill him, but just to observe his past related to this timeline version"

Erasa << I see, mother, can you take me one day to see her past too? >>

Lilith << of course but the priority at the moment is a little more delicate >>

Erasa<< er... have you planned things? >> at the same time Lilith teleported them to a mountain

Erasa looked around and saw plants that were a little special and different, plants that looked rare even in this world due to this red radiance they had.

Erasa << what are we doing here? >>

Lilith<< you'll see he will appear soon >> erasa didn't understand where she was coming from but kept her calm

Then she saw in the distance a pool of lava which was several kilometers long and looked like a huge lake but of lava and this pool of lava began to boil then a huge dragon came out of it, red in color and spikes on its back it was doing that to leave it seemed to have no final size so much it did not stop extricating itself it reaches the great heights of the zone where they were and the tail of the dragon finally appears. Once completely extirpated the dragon made a big growl

The dragon << grrrrraaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! >> his simple growl shook the whole area for miles

Erasa << but... he will disturb the other inhabitants of this country >>

Lilith << don't worry, he lives all alone in this tiny country and anyway he is not really the symbol of happiness in the world of myths >> Lilith advanced towards the dragon and said

Lilith << now you can take a more adequate size, can't you? >> the dragon then transformed into a small dragon of 13 meters maximum

And approached the family demons and said

The dragon << what do you want from me? >>

Aaron << answers coming from you, we saw you in his past you know him very well and you are going to tell us .... or rather tell it to erasa to confirm what we have seen, and even add this that we may have missed because we skipped several eras >>

The dragon << hahahaha, who do you think you are? To come into my habitat like that and bother me for a stupid past >>

Lilith << listen to me my little dragon, you have in front of you the devil Lilith I advise you not to want to play it too much >>

The dragon << but of course... and I'm god while we're at it >> the dragon changed shape again and took a form more suitable for combat with huge legs

He attacked the demon family but saw that he had changed location instantly, he understood nothing and did not know where he was

The dragon << but what???>> he then looked behind him and saw Lilith who kept smiling

The dragon << what makes you smile? >>

Lilith << just the fact that I can do to you what I want and you will do nothing to stop me >>

The dragon << anything, rather tell me where we are !!! >>

Lilith << on a dimension that I just created to make you understand who you have in front of you you are too insolent as slugs >> at the same time in the mountainous area, erasa was wondering where the dragon was so she wanted more know and ask Lilith

Erasa << mother, where is he? This dragon >>

Lilith << don't worry my baby I'm just learning the good manners a little further >>

Erasa << huh? But you are here >>

Lilith << not only, I am everywhere and nowhere at the same time especially as the existence and the inexistence are playgrounds for me hahahaha nothing is impossible to me absolutely nothing >> erasa observed Lilith with administration and said in his head

Erasa << if only I could become like that >>

Lilith << you will become it I tell you but you just have to be patient >>

Erasa << huh?? Can you read my mind? >>

Lilith << obviously !! >> in the other dimension, the dragon attacked Lilith with its jaw full of teeth curved backwards

Lilith had her arms completely crossed and stretched out her hand the dragon got stuck in the air

The dragon << you blocked the time? No it's impossible the temporal techniques are useless on me what did you do? >>

Lilith << hihihi... I just blocked the air around you, I made this area so solid that it would be impossible for you to move but if you want I can cancel the blocking of the area and block time as you say? >>

Lilith << hahahaha try to see >> Lilith then removed her technique and blocked time on the dragon, the dragon was like paralyzed in time and could neither speak, nor move, nor even breathe.

Lilith << sorry to you, the authoring capacity that I have allows me to decide what will happen as I want, where I want and when I want and I wanted this technique to work on the dragon that you are. You can't do anything about it, you can't refuse when I literally redo your script or your story in my own way! Hmm.. too bad you can't even listen to what I'm saying right now either >> she freed him from the prison of time and the dragon rushed at her

The dragon << So you see that the technique of time is useless hahahaha >> Lilith transferred what happened when she blocked time in the memory of the dragon and the dragon stopped instantly and saw the scene then he observed Lilith who looked at him with a terrifying smile and the dragon began to be afraid of the latter because by transferring to him what had happened he understood that Lilith had the ability of the authors which clearly allowed him to change any story, ability, events, and even scenario.

The dragon turned back to Lilith and dashed to the opposite side to escape.

The dragon << I have to save myself quickly, quickly, quickly if she had the ability to modify or just change the events of existence like many of the beings I ate I would have had no problem devouring her because I am immune to these magic tricks. But there she has a capacity far above all that can affect me it's over for me >> the dragon was trying to run away but it was useless because Lilith was absolutely everywhere she appeared on her head of the dragon and said

Lilith << don't tell me you want to play with me anymore.... the slugs >> instantly the dragon turned into slugs and fell on Lilith's house

Lilith << no but look at you, such a powerful dragon has become a simple slug! I'm sorry I'm going to put you in a cute little kitten instead >> The slug then became an absolutely cute kitten

Lilith << rooooooooh!!! he is so cute ! No I rather want you to be a filthy old rat >> The cat then became a filthy old rat

Lilith << hahahaha!!! no but look at that you are in your real appearance there hahahaha!!! >>

Then in the area of ​​​​the mountains the rat appeared on the hands of lilith who was there

Aaron << yuck mother what are you doing with that rat? >>

Lilith << it is the dragon of earlier which is this rat, I all simply decided it >>

Erasa<< an existential manipulation type technique works on this dragon? So I could have easily ended it right? >>

Lilith << no erasa this kind of technique is useless on him although I could have wanted it to work on him too, I especially wanted to show the power gap between him and me >>

Erasa << what technique did you use then? >>

Lilith << a technique far beyond manipulation...

It's the author ability that allows me to easily affect him and make him become what I want, the worst thing is that he thinks right now he's always been a rat because that's the basis of this technique I I didn't turn him but I decided he was a rat and for him he is >>

Erasa << the authoring ability is very interesting, I want to master it >>

Aaron << if you cross the stage of simple hyper demon there is a chance that by being better hyper demon you master this ability, about 80% or 60% chance but a primordial demon has this ability very quickly >>

Erasa << I see, I hope to evolve very quickly. But for the dragon, do you have no information to extract? >>

Lilith << it's no longer worth it, we'll go and check it ourselves over time, whether it's past or future >>

Erasa << uh, mother, could you please restore her to her true form? I find it a little unfair to leave him like that >>

Lilith "of course" Lilith threw the rat to a dizzying height and the rat reverted to the dragon it was originally

When he appeared he prostrated himself before Lilith and said

Dragon "I'm so sorry to have to face the devil in person, now I can feel like I had past lives like rats and slugs, high dragons like me can feel that"

Lilith smiled to assert her superiority.

Lilith << well, well we'll give you some time with erasa, tell her everything she wants to know then!>>

The dragon << she will know all she wants you can count on me >> the dragon turned to erasa and said

Dragon << rides on my back little one!! >>

Erasa << er.... >> she looked at Lilith and Aaron

Both nodded at the same time and erasa smiled and climbed onto the huge dragon. At this the dragon flew away and in an instant it reached a dizzying height although for erasa the dragon was slower than her, she still enjoyed the walk

The dragon "erasa, that's your name, isn't it? >>

Erasa << uh ... yes that's right >>

The dragon << enchanted erasa daughter of the devil, I am arlonge the master dragon son of orlongue the dragon god >>

Erasa << ha.... you have a god? >>

Arlongue << yes, it's a chance that I could have because the dragon gods do not reproduce in normal times but orlongue was able to conceive me anyway >>

Erasa << how did he do it? He found a female dragon? >>

Arlongue << hehehe no, he created me with these traits and his abilities although I am much too weak for him, he is nevertheless a revered god especially in the regions where he lived although this is no longer the case >>

Erasa << So....where is your father? >>

Arlongue << daughter of the devil where does your father live? >>

Erasa "in the underworld"

Arlongue << the underworld is specific to demons and the devil just as we dragons are specific to a specific place which is the world of myths, but father has mysteriously disappeared from him >>

Erasa << In the world where I was I could see dragons and I was able to eliminate them, how did they end up there since the world of myths is for them normally? >>

Arlongue << they were just invoked >>

Erasa << summoned? >>

Arlongue << yes, because I have not yet known humans capable of rising above the higher spiritual spaces and coming to look for beings here in normal times, yet I have been able to 20 million years, they can invoke superior world beings thanks to spells, these spells that the gods can give them >>

Erasa << of the gods? Boaz is in contact with gods? >>

Arlongue << yes indeed, gods called tertiary or omnipotent gods but of rank or level 1 and only one of level 2, these gods there can rise above the upper spiritual layers and interfere with superior worlds above this that boaz can see >>

Erasa << so Boaz is of what level compared to them? >>

Arlongue << hehehe very low almost non-existent they are so above him that he can only see the avatar forms of these gods who have been having fun manipulating Boaz for a very long time now >>

Erasa << it breaks my morale, entities above a sorcerer to whom I lost? I want to die for good! >> erasa lay down on Arlongue's back

Erasa << Arlongue? How do you figure in the story of Boaz? >>

Arlongue << there was a time I was also summoned by Boaz, he wanted a dragon that was both overpowering but that he could control >>

Erasa << and ? >>

Arlongue << I was the ideal candidate because Boaz had three advantages over him compared to me, he was faster than me and I couldn't kill him because he is the space void this ability that the gods gave him is a grace for him but a burden for his adversaries, and Boaz finally he had in his possession invoked at the same time as me what I held dearest >>

Erasa << what was most dear to you? >>

Arlongue << exactly, it was a little female goblin >>

Erasa << you are not a solitary dragon then? >>

Arlongue << there was a time, but this little goblin had lived around my territory, I tried to drive her away but she was just coming back so I decided to ignore her.... then she started to bring me delicious little meals hehehe.... at first I didn't eat them, but every day she came to get rid of what I hadn't eaten and replaced it with new things, always hoping that I would taste them at least once, at one point i could see a bit of desperation on her face i felt like she really wanted to get closer to me so i started eating what she brought me and she was super happy >>

Erasa << wow, I wonder why she wanted you so much >>

Arlongue << because she felt alone, being a goblin in this world is not good news, and goblins devour and slaughter other creatures but the little goblin did not want to do like the others and she m said that with me she thought she could live happiness and peace forever >>

Erasa "poor thing, at the same time it's the same principle as the demons to believe that we exist just to be evil beings, but we all have our personalities"

Arlongue << the demons here are rather arrogant and the majority of the demons that I have known before even out of this world are of such, except perhaps you who seem different erasa >>

Erasa << are there humans here? >>

Arlongue << no, but creatures close to humans having common traits or almost like for example the fairies, ogre, goblin, dryad, some demons ... >> the dragon in the flight made a detour erasa did not understand why, the dragon accelerating its speed could fly at more than 100,000 decillion times the speed of light and landed under a tree of strength the country began to shake erasa wanted to know why the dragon had acted in this way so she asked

Erasa << Arlongue why...>> and she was looking at the face of the dragon which looked sad looking at the ground and the dragon said to her

Arlongue << it's her ...>> erasa looked at the ground and saw a tombstone marked zémira

Erasa << is it the little goblin? >>

Arlongue << yes, she was killed when I was a summoned from the world of existence >>

Erasa << by Boaz? >>

Arlongue << no, by one of the superior gods who manipulates Boaz ""Galaad"" >>

Erasa << What? But were you not faithful to Boaz? Why did this god do this? >>

Arlongue << he said he hates goblins because he thinks they look like ogres and on the pretext that they are ugly and for him everyone who is ugly does not deserve to exist, he had taken out a sword and stabbed zémira at multiple times just to make his death slow and painful and I couldn't do anything about it because I was sealed by another god and Boaz didn't seem to want things to happen like that but he couldn't do anything him too, erasa, the scene of the death of zémira..... I was not ready for it.... hearing her screams, her cries wanting help, she kept screaming *at the help Arlongue help me please * she was bathing in her own blood!!! >>

Erasa "I still can't believe a god did this"

Arlongue << erasa you know when I was removed from my seal, I was sent back to this world with the lifeless body of zémira, when I saw this, his little lifeless body thinking back to the scene of her death, I cried for the first time in my life tears of sadness and disappointment, she wanted a good life living by my side and here she is dead... erasa, don't we deserve to live a peaceful life just because of our appearances? Just because we are like this? >>

Erasa << if obviously, we all have the right to live the gesture of this god is not normal... why did not you try to resurrect her? >>

Arlongue << I don't have the power for that, we Chao dragons can resurrect people all we can do to take lives >>

Erasa << I see >> erasa descended from the back of the dragon and approached the tombstone, she then stretched her hand on it and her purple aura threw itself on it giving the impression of burning the top

Erasa "I don't understand.. >>

Arlong << What? >>

Erasa<< I just gave the order to this body to come back to life but nothing happens... normally her body would have come out of the grave and she would have come to life but nothing >> at this moment Lilith appeared and surprised the dragon and erasa at the same time

The dragon bowed down and Lilith didn't like it

Lilith << Arlongue you can get up, and never bow down too please? >> Arlongue sat up and said

Arlongue << uh... understood >>

Erasa << mother, what are you doing here? >>

Lilith << I am everywhere and nowhere at the same time nothing escapes me, you know why you could not resuscitate zémira? >>

Erasa "well no"

Lilith << simply because the being who killed zémira is a being higher than you his level of existence and yours are unbalanced he is far too far from you, but far too low for me >> Lilith snapped her fingers and the body of zémira seemed intact and extricated itself from the tomb then zémira came back to life

She fell on the ground and looked around her... she immediately saw Erasa, Lilith and Arlongue watching her. Looking at Arlongue she smiled and had small drops of tears in her eyes tears of joy she got up and ran directly to Arlongue and gave her a hug, Arlongue was embarrassed because he didn't want to show his good mood in front of Erasa and Lilith so he played the serious

Zémira << Arlongue.... you're here I'm so happy I missed you so much >> Arlongue blushed and answered

Arlongue << er... yes.. it's fine.. now... not the pain to be so enthusiastic.. hum.. hum.. >> erasa smiled too because she knew that Arlongue was happy

Lilith << good Arlongue, I think we're going to leave you a little alone to enjoy your reunion, I still have something to show to erasa >>

Arlongue << ok it's understood >> Lilith took erasa's hand and the two disappeared instantly, immediately, Arlongue took zémira in his dragon hands and hugged zémira

Arlongue << roooooh I missed you so much... hahahaha I promise you that we will never hurt you again >>

Zémira << hahahaha... Arlongue you tickle me!!!!>>

Meanwhile, erasa and Lilith were in a place that felt like they were scanning time and erasa said

Erasa << zémira is not ugly at all in fact, she is even super cute >>

Lilith << yes but Gilead just hated this goblin in fact because she is special >>

Erasa << special ?? Hmm... I see, and where are we mother? >> we travel in time to see the past of Boaz >>

Erasa<< WHAT, REALLY? and why that first of all I have nothing to do with Boaz me >>

Lilith "just shut up, you'll learn a little better about who your real enemies are" erasa observed Lilith and wondered where she was coming from but wanted to see this anyway.

Then they arrive at a time 50,000 million years ago life at that time looked very difficult even more than the present

Erasa << mother where are we there? >>

Lilith << at a time when even you did not yet exist, the day of the birth of Boaz >>

Erasa << Boaz is older than me? How it is possible ? I thought humans weren't over 200 years old at the most. >>

Lilith << all humans are not the same you know? There are some who die at 100 years old, 50 years old and others can, with certain conditions, even achieve Immortality >>

Erasa << So boaz is immortal? >>

Lilith << the boaz of the present is immortal yes now observe what will happen and be attentive >> they appear in a box lit by a candle where there was a single woman who was pregnant and had contractions she was about to to give birth

The woman was in tears as she was in pain but no one could help her as she was alone

The woman "no one will come I have to stop imagining and start acting" she lay down on the floor and began to push to get the baby out

Erasa was not a big fan of the show

Erasa << what is that? What is this woman doing? >>

Lilith << she is giving birth >>

Erasa << and the demons when they want to give birth, do they do the same? >>

Lilith << it depends on how you want to reproduce. If you use the way of humans then erasa you will find yourself in the same state as this woman because humanoid demons and some are often similar to humans we have a lot in common. But you can choose the method of the father of Arlongue who just created him with his characters there are several methods >>

Erasa << ha ... I see but this method is disgusting >> Lilith laughed

Lilith << I wonder if you will want to reproduce one day and with whom? What if I went to see your future? >> Erasa blushes and says

Erasa << no mother I forbid you >> Lilith laughed at erasa again and it was interrupted by the crying baby, a sign that boaz had come into the world

Lilith << now observe erasa here is Boaz >>

Erasa << he looks so fragile like that >>

The woman (Boaz's mother) was exhausted, there was blood everywhere but she was holding her baby in her arms to calm him down and allow him to eat also by drinking his mother's milk.

Mother of Boaz << now that my son is born, I will be able to look for work to feed him, don't worry, I will do everything so that you have a life of a little prince, even if I don't have enough to spoil you yet >> Then she fell asleep after these words

Lilith covered this part of the time as if she were page a book and arrived at a few months when Boaz's mother had made several plants for food and to sell at the same time.

While she was working, baby Boaz was lying in a small basket where he was taking a nap and a stranger arrived with a group of people.

The Stranger << Madam, I say hello to you...sorry to bother you but we would like to have some information >> Boaz's mother left what she was doing and walked towards the strangers

Boaz's mother << hello...yes what did you want to know? >>

The foreigner << the land is magnificent, is it yours?>>

Boaz's mother << yes, this large piece of land is the one that my husband was able to offer me even though he is no longer with us >>

The foreigner << ho sorry for you madam ... however would you be able to give me this land in exchange for 30 million gold coins? >>

Boaz's mother "30 million ... but it's too much"

The stranger << just like your land is far too splendid, so do you agree? >>

Boaz's mother << I'm sorry but no, this land is the only big gift after my son that my husband was able to give me >>

The stranger << What? Do you refuse this amount? I can add the sum to 100 million gold if you wanted >>

Boaz's mother << I'm sorry but it's not >> she turned to continue her work but walked towards Boaz in his basket to see what he was doing

The foreigner was thinking and watching her, the foreigner's friends did not understand how such a poor woman could refuse such a sum.

The stranger << well guys I'll go for a second plan >> he walked towards the woman and said

The foreigner << hello it's me again, you have a pretty baby that I can see there for a few moments? >>

Boaz's mother "Um... ok go ahead" The stranger picked up Boaz and stared at him then he said

The stranger << he is a beautiful little boy, he will be big and strong later with a mother as determined as you >> Boaz's mother laughed and said

Boaz's mother "what a flatterer you are"

The Stranger "However, I am telling the truth, you are very determined about what your dear Husband left you, however this little boy deserves the best with the efforts that his mother can provide for him".

Boaz's mother << I will do everything so that he lacks nothing >>

The foreigner << and with the amount that I have prescribed for you, do you think he will miss anything? you too would have benefited a lot with this sum but madam tell me what you want I will give it to you in exchange for this magnificent land >> following these words, Boaz's mother thought about it because the proposal seemed tempting to her but she had her decision and answered

Boaz's mother << no thank you, I always prefer my land >>

The stranger took a nervous step and said

The foreigner << tell me Madam, why are you trying so hard to keep this land, if you think that it is the land that is only fertile here for your plants, you are mistaken because in many regions of the country the land is even better fertile than here, I can buy you a land even bigger than this one and even more fertile and on top of the land purchased I will give you 10 billion gold coins so what do you choose? >>

Boaz's mother "I always keep this land, my husband told me that this land is a blessing from God, and that I must promise him never to leave it and always take care of this land so I will do it until my last breath then I will offer it to my son, your money sorry but you can go and buy other land >>

The foreigner << I see... you said until your last breath? >>

Boaz's mother "yes indeed" The stranger gently put the baby back in the basket and said

The foreigner << so it's a waste of time, thank you very much for this conversation madam, on this I will leave you ... thank you again for giving me your precious time >>

Boaz's mother "nothing, thanks again to you too for the compatibility" The stranger gave a friendly wave and signaled to his friends that they must all leave

Boaz's mother went back to work

Lilith << erasa, how do you find this woman? >>

Erasa "Very faithful to her husband and devoted to what he told her"

Lilith << do you think that she could attract problems with this fidelity? >>

Erasa "no, it's just land nothing more" Lilith sneered and made the underside of the land visible and Erasa could see a huge giant block of gold similar to a Giant Stone...over 1000 meters in length and 79 tons of weight

Erasa << she will get into trouble with that... foreigners had certainly understood that it was a land that could make them 20 times richer or even more >> Lilith also covered this part of the time propelled herself to two days ahead

It was night, about 11 p.m. After a busy day, Boaz's mother went to sleep with her baby by her side but suddenly the door of the hut was broken down, more than 8 men came inside to capture the mother of Boaz, she woke up in fear and told the men

Boaz's mother << what did you want from me? >> the men did not answer her question and lifted her and her child she was screaming for help but she lived a little further from civilization no one came to help her then

Erasa << but what do they want? >>

Lilith << SHUUUT . Shut up and just watch they can't see us anyway >>

Erasa << so I will help this woman >>

Lilith << don't do this, otherwise you will cause several phenomena outside this timeline which will blur the laws of the other multiverses and parallel universes created in this timeline and you will cause the creation of another by your action and you will change the course natural of history >>

Erasa "Hum... okay I'm not going to do anything" Boaz's mother was captured and put to sleep by his men

Later around 3 am she woke up and saw that she was locked in a cage she wondered right away where her child is she looked upstairs and saw the stranger she had met in his land

Boaz's mother << you?? What do you want from me ? Where is my son? >>

The stranger << it's very annoying madam but at this moment I proclaim your death and for your son don't worry he will follow you too >> Erasa was shocked by what she saw but Lilith told her

Lilith << erasa, if you are already like this when it's just the beginning then I wonder how you will do for the rest >>

Boaz's mother was also shocked, and said

Mother of Boaz << why? Why did you want to kill me? Because of my land, right? >>

The stranger << yes indeed, I saw that you were too sincere to preserve it, to take it and leave you alive would be a big problem later for me because your child will eventually grow up and you would explain it to him normally > >

Boaz's mother << what you are doing is ungrateful and stupid, do you realize that you are going to eliminate a person just for a piece of land? >>

The foreigner << of course that I realize but what does it matter to me? Lives there are thousands on earth so one lost, 10 to find and this land is not easy, it has a huge treasure underneath that makes me covet it so much and you are like vines that m prevent me from having access to it, so I will eliminate what prevents me from having it and have easy access to it >> Boaz's mother was more and more surprised, because she did not know about the treasure suddenly she sought to give the treasure abroad in exchange for her life

Mother of Boaz << ok I see... I could give you all the treasure in exchange for my life and that of my son I beg you to accept my request >>

The stranger << ha no sorry but I prefer to make you disappear for good >> Boaz's mother was completely scared but on the floor where the stranger was, there were 5 men dressed in black who came presented

The "perfect stranger, it's time to take action"

One of the men "ok let the dogs go" another man pressed a button which opened Boaz's mother's cage and once the cage was opened Boaz's mother saw over nine dogs with red eyes and drool that kept flowing, the dogs were literally thirsty for blood they attacked the woman with monstrous violence, Boaz's mother was still trying to protect her head with her hands but the pain from the dogs' bites were difficult to bear she could feel and hear the sound of her pulpit tearing under the bites, her blood pouring out

Boaz's mother wanted all this to stop but unexpectedly the stranger stopped the massacre the men dressed in black locked the dogs in their cages

Boaz's mother was in tears she couldn't bear the shock of suffering like this for a piece of land and what it contains, she couldn't bear to know that a life could be taken away just for wealth, all she wanted was was to give her son a princely life by working hard but she was about to die with her child

The stranger "this death might be a little too cruel for a person who has done me no harm, so I'm going to kill you otherwise take you there" The stranger turned and walked down, the men took the mother of Boaz who had the morale in crumbs and asked several questions at the same time

They put this woman in the back of one of the men on a horse, she was tied up and losing a lot of blood

The stranger and his men rode on horses near a lake Boaz's mother was still silent and seemed absent she still looked pensive and desperate at the same time

When they reached the lake, the men dismounted from their horses with Boaz's mother. One of them held Boaz in his arms

The men started tying the woman next to a nest of fire ants The stranger "when you're done find me" The stranger left

The men continued their crimes one of them took out a jar of honey and started to cover Boaz's mother with it, the others put honey all over her provoking the red ants with honey they then covered the baby with honey and left him next to his mother

Boaz's mother << please at least spare my child, he doesn't deserve this >> one of the men answers

The man "we only do what our boss wants so sorry for you ma'am" Boaz's mother lowered her head again and looked at her child covered in innocent honey on the floor not knowing what awaited him. She began to shed tears completely disappointed with what her child will have, but she wanted to offer him a good life.

The men therefore finished and left, the red ants came en masse on the mother and her child, starting to sting both the cries of the baby who suffered from ant bites made the mother cry who for her was hard to attend The ants were more and more numerous on the victims to the point of covering them almost entirely and one of the men who works for The Stranger resurfaced and first took the baby which he rid of the red ants and rubbed a cream on him which calms the pain against these bites, while carrying the baby, he cut the bonds that held the mother and then he rubbed the same cream on her

Boaz's mother didn't want to know who it was, she took her baby in his bloody state and gave him a big hug.

The man << you must not stay here flee, at the moment I come to help you if you are caught again and I with you I will be .... dead flee quickly >>

Boaz's mother << I thank you very much, but don't worry, you'll have nothing to fear or have to worry about for good >>

The man << huh? Where were you coming from? >>

Boaz's mother "you will see"

The man "briefly run away now" Boaz's mother started running with her baby, as she ran she didn't look behind her and seemed to be preoccupied with other things

It was 8 a.m. when she arrived home.

She entered her house and laid her baby on a tablecloth and she took bandages and covered the huge wounds that the dogs had caused her, she took an old outfit from her husband which included a hood and covered her head with it, she had hands, feet, and body covered with bandages indeed and she watched her child sleep for a while before leaving the house

Erasa << I wonder what she has in mind >>

Lilith << observe you will see yourself >>

Boaz's mother entered an old library

On her way home she picked up a mysterious book which few people took seriously because this book had strange stories about mythical creatures Boaz's mother took the book and told the owner she will return the book tomorrow she wrote his name on it a paper to prove it and went away, on returning home, she read the book attentively

Boaz's mother "I think I understood" she drew a circle with her blood and put candles around it, then she took her son whom she put in front of the circle of blood. In the circle of blood there were triangular patterns and an eye-like pattern in the center.

Boaz's mother stood up in front of the circle behind her son.

Then knelt down and had the prayer area inside her. Then she said out loud

Mother of Boaz << deus dolorum, deus bestiarum, deus scelerum, deus sanguinis, deus spei, deus vitae, deus mortis, deus neutralitatis, deus boni, deus mali amen dico tibi, veni, veni, veni, veni. Come, come Galaad, and Galaad, and get down Galaad>> she said it once but not much was happening there was just a little coolness in the room but she didn't seem distracted she resumed what she said several times

Mother of Boaz << deus dolorum, deus bestiarum, deus scelerum, deus sanguinis, deus spei, deus vitae, deus mortis, deus neutralitatis, deus boni, deus mali amen dico tibi, veni, veni, veni, veni. Come, come Gilead, and Gilead, and come down Gilead>> the second time she said it, outside the room in the village, there were grains of salt falling from the sky like rain. The inhabitants did not understand what was happening and what was the phenomenon

In the room the baby began to cry loudly

Boaz's mother recited the formula a third time

Mother of Boaz << deus dolorum, deus bestiarum, deus scelerum, deus sanguinis, deus spei, deus vitae, deus mortis, deus neutralitatis, deus boni, deus mali amen dico tibi, veni, veni, veni, veni. Come, come Gilead, and Gilead, and descend Gilead>> and the third time a strong wind distorted the clouds of the sky. The clouds were so deformed that even in space it was visible, in the village the cattle began to die by the second ... the death of the animals their bodies were rotting by the second too and the skeletons were crumbling by the second second also and became dust, the villagers were terrified by the events the rain of salt becomes a rain of ice and the villagers all collapsed from an enormous fatigue which made them sleep at the moment

The baby Boaz cried more and more while crying his mother added last words to his incantation

Mother of Boaz << Ho dominate Galaad, per fluxum sanguinis mei te invoco ad fluxum lacrimarum mearum, ut ad me venias exoro.>> ha these last words a wind felt and extinguished all the candles in the hut there was darkness total in box. Then, a light appeared in the center of the circle of blood and a form also appeared a male form taken completely form it was a male being which levitated against the ground, it had the covered face and the body also of a white cover which him also covered the eyes the mother of Boaz because of the ritual was bleeding from the nose but she had the joy of seeing the being who had appeared

Mother of Boaz << you are the god Gilead? >>

The being << indeed you have dared to break the laws which separate the spiritual beings from the physical beings which will cause unusual acts which will probably never stop because the spiritual beings should never interact with the physical beings >>

Mother of Boaz << I know it yes but I need a spiritual being in the title and capacity of god to accomplish one of my greatest wishes and perhaps my greatest wish because I think that after having done it I would live more >>

Gilead << so you broke the laws that separate beings from metaphysics for your wishes? Wouldn't you be selfish? >>

Mother of Boaz << you could call me anything you wanted but I want to get what I want at all costs and for that I would need you and your limitless powers >> Galaad listened to the woman without saying a word

Mother of Boaz << Lord Gilead, I know that my actions will cause interactions between spiritual and physical beings for billions of years see Until the end of time but too bad I want my son to reduce this world later to the suffering the physical beings are errors the proof with myself and what I have just done we are selfish to the point of even mixing the beings of the metaphysical in our concerns... so I want my son not to lack nothing absolutely nothing, I want my son to become a human god later thanks to you, I want him to visit the whole earth during his youth and that he can see what will belong to him later by himself Lord Galaad answered my wish I beg you >> Gilead observed the woman for a few seconds and answered

Gilead << do you know that your actions will make that the demons can interact with you now and possess you, that the respective beings in their world can go where they want now following just your selfish wish which broke the laws of restrictions of the worlds ? >>

Mother of Boaz << yes I know it and I don't care even if it will be unfavorable later, I just want you to make my wish come true, this world has insulted me too much, I have more than to do from him so i beg you again lord galead grant my wish now >> galead literally saw that this woman was right she didn't care what might happen all she wanted was her wish although she was completely in tears and in a state of mad witch

Gilead << it's okay I will grant your wish, but I would need sacrifice to feed me during the growth of your son and to forget the laws that you have dishonored >>

Mother of Boaz << for the sacrifice you can devour me as soon as you are ready to start what I asked you you can also devour The stranger who harmed me as well as these men except the one who saved me red ants this is for my wish i offer you these lives just for this, and for the law my son will make up for what is missing in the future >>

Gilead << you think I know those who have hurt you perhaps? >>

Mother of Boaz << yes indeed because you are a god and this kind of thing are small details for you >>

Gilead << Very well then you can say to god to life >> suddenly the body of Boaz's mother began to evaporate like smoke she still had time to say to her son

Mother of Boaz << be well my big one, eat well and strengthen yourself because you will do great things later... by the way I still haven't given you a name my baby, I'm going to call you Boaz you'll be like a giant snake above the universe nothing will escape you and you will devour like the snake your enemies like mice... to god Boaz my son >> and the woman disappeared completely at the same time at The foreigner he also disappeared with the men who had harmed the mother of Boaz. The only survivor of this erasure of existence is the one who helped Boaz's mother to save herself from the ants, once the god Gilead finished erasing them from existence, he disappeared and left the baby alone in the box.

Part 6: The Birth of a Better Hyper Demon

After the disappearance of the god Gilead, erasa was nervous

Erasa << mother, why is he not taking care of the baby as agreed, he still devoured the mother and did too many things when he arrived so he only has one thing to do >>

Lilith << just watch what happens >> Lilith accelerated the time and erasa could see that Galaad came from time to time to take care of the baby in his least desires, Galaad watched and protected him without being necessarily on the scene , the baby therefore lacked nothing to feed himself, for his needs ... Gilead is a god so he knows the slightest desires of living beings whether they speak or not. Time passed and little Boaz was already 4 years old, he was walking through the streets of the village dressed in an old cloth on his body the villagers looked at him strangely but acted as if they did not see him the young boy was walking and saw children playing together he decided to observe them sitting in the high grass . The children were playing with a small ball which they took turns throwing at each other but one of the children was clumsy and missed his catch of the Ball which was heading where the little Boaz was. The ball fell in front of his feet

One of the kids, 'slim, now who's going to get that ball in those high grasses? >>

Another children << bah we obviously what stupid questions >> the children began to look for the ball then the young Boaz came out of the grass with the ball in hand and pointed in front of one of the children. Boaz said nothing, he just held out his hands which contained the children's ball to give them back. The child in front of Boaz took the ball and said

The child << uh... thank you very much, you're nice >>

Boaz still said nothing

The child << don't you speak? What is your name ? >> the other children came to interrupt and one of them was able to say the child << get away from this little Gilan boy immediately!! It's a small mind. Nobody saw her born, nobody knows who gave birth to her we just knew her like that as mysterious as it is >> gilan and the other children were afraid of Boaz under the words of their friends but gilan who was in front of Boaz looked at him and saw that Boaz had a blank stare full of loneliness which also seemed sad

Gilan << are you sure it's a spirit? >> Boaz turned around and walked into the forest again the children watched Boaz leave without saying a word

Boaz on entering the forest went under a tree to sit down and he sat down

Then the leaves around him would levitate in the air and the area would go dark Boaz didn't look surprised to see that.

The god Gilead was indeed about to appear and he did

God Galaad << Boaz, you are 4 years old already and your mother entrusted me with a mission I think the sooner the better you should start walking to travel the world first >>

Boaz << ok lord Gilead >> Gilead disappeared after Boaz's answer

Boaz started walking south thinking of things that made him sad so he told Gilead about them.

Boaz << Lord Gilead... are you there? >> said Boaz while walking a voice resounded in his head that of Gilead who answers the small

Gilead << yes I am here >>

Boaz << ok.. I would like to know things that you could answer me >>

Gilead "go there"

Boaz << why are the other children afraid of me? Why do people distrust me? Why can't I have fun with other kids? >>

Galaad << they all do this because you're just not like them, for a 4 year old child, I gave you the ability to think and speak like an adult you are smarter and more mature than many other humans because your mother wants you to do something that none of the men you've met so far can do >>

Boaz << and mother? She's dead right but why does she want me to do things for her even after she's dead? >>

Gilead << because she cursed the world Boaz, this world disappointed her enormously all she wanted was to offer you the life of a little prince with her means but instead she was almost eliminated because of something thing that belongs to him suddenly it is through you that the world will know misfortune and in exchange you will not miss anything >>

Boaz << Hum... yet I lack friends >>

Gilead << hahahaha... to slow you down? You should rather do what your mother wants with you little one because she has endured things for you that you will not do >>

Boaz << I will do what she wants yes I see it as an end goal to reach >> Boaz was perhaps mature in thought but still had this spirit of a 4 year old child in him who when thinking of this mother whose he doesn't even remember it anymore but that she suffered for him is enough to give him motivation Boaz walked all day and didn't even walk around the area with his little feet. It was late already Boaz was exhausted

Boaz << .... tell me that I have already traveled half the planet please >> Gilead appeared

Galaad << no ... you are even very far from having covered the entire country only >>

Boaz << What...? Ho no it's going to be too long then >>

Galaad << if you are tired you have the right to sleep and rest and tomorrow you are back on the road >>

Boaz who was already very sleepy began to yawn and said

Boaz << it is understood Lord Gilead >> Gilead gathered a pile of dead leaves by his telekinesis and Boaz lay down on them in the forest. Gilead also covered Boaz with these dead leaves so that he would not catch cold.

Boaz << thank you very much Lord Gilead... haaaaa!!! (yawn) good night to you >> and Boaz immediately fell asleep

The night passed the day Boaz also got up and when he woke up he saw that there were several fruits around him fruits that were not even part of the region Boaz was happy he looked towards the sun and said

Boaz << thank you again for the lunch Lord Gilead >> he then began to eat

Erasa still observing with Lilith began to grow inside her and wondered if Gilead was really evil in fact Lilith who could read minds told her

Lilith << it's good to ask yourself questions but you yourself will make your decision in the end >>

Erasa << yes ... indeed mother >> Boaz had finished eating he got up and went to a stream to drink a little then he said

Boaz << it's time to resume my journey >> he began his journey then for hours then days and months

Boaz << Lord Gilead... I've already traveled enough, right, maybe half the planet, huh? >> he said alone in the woods at night walking

Gilead appeared behind him and said

Galaad << you did 2/4 of the country on the move for 8 months >>

Boaz "What? Just the country?? I will never end up with this planet at this rate >>

Gilead << walk only as long as I am there you do not have to worry because you will even succeed no matter how long it takes >> at these words, Boaz was in joy and had regained courage to see that he always had support. He started to run then hoping to go faster he was so overwhelmed in his joy that he hit a giant bear. Boaz's joy turned to fear in an instant the bear growled showing his huge teeth as sharp as razor blades Boaz fell to the ground and the giant bear threw himself in the air to crush Boaz with his huge paws. In fear, Boaz covered his face with his hands and closed his eyes, then he was shaking like a leaf until he no longer heard the bear's growls and sniffed liquid pouring from him. on the hands he opened his eyes and saw the bear completely stripped to lint with organs sticking out of him, blood on the trees and on the outlines of the area which was a rather disgusting sight

Boaz << er... Lord Gilead? Did you kill that bear? >> Gilead appeared and said

Galaad << yes, I'm telling you, you don't have to worry about everything you have to do, it's essentially your walk, I'll take care of the rest if you're tired, rest >>

Boaz begins to cry like the 4-year-old child he was and throws himself on Gilead to give him a hug he cried

Boaz << thank you thank you thank you very much lord Gilead you are the best... for a moment I thought it was the end of me >> Gilead seemed to be without emotion his eyes covered by the blanket not showing the expressions of his face he replied

Galaad << you had a shock rest a little >>

Boaz << Lord Gilead please don't go stay with me >>

Gilead << I am always with you .. even when you do not see me I am always by your side >> Boaz was dozing with tears in his eyes he wanted to feel the presence of Gilead as a child wants to feel that of his father or mother

Boaz << I don't want you to disappear and I can't see you .. I want you to stay present please... >> just after saying this sentence, he fell into a deep sleep Galaad looked at him patted his head watching him sleep and said

Gilead << Very well little one, I will not move for this night >> Gilead lifted Boaz and floated in the air he put himself in a meditation position with his legs crossed and put Boaz between his legs and covered him with his blanket

Another day dawned and Boaz pretended to continue sleeping just because he wanted to continue to feel Gilead's presence but Gilead knew it well and said

Gilead << no more pretending your walk will not be done by itself then you should go back there >> Then he disappeared and Boaz fell by the head

Boaz << ouch!!! .. Lord Gilead it was a bit sudden to disappear like that ... hum. >> boaz gets up and does not see anything to eat this morning as usual but at the same time he notices that he was not hungry so he continued walking for days, week, me and then 4 years of walking Boaz was now 8 years old and he arrived and he had already crossed three countries he arrived in a neighborhood where there are many rich people the city was as different from any he had seen before He saw well-dressed children who looked at him from high because he was more like a wild child

That didn't discourage boaz

A gentleman dropped his money from his pocket Boaz saw it and picked it up then he walked towards the gentleman to give it to him. He touched the gentleman and said

Boaz << sir.. uh hi... I think you dropped that!>> the gentleman who was quite rich looked at Boaz and said

Sir << but just heavens what the hell is worth me the contact of this disgusting and wild child please save my money to buy you an outfit more distinguishable at least haha... >> he turned around again and continued on his way . Boaz was standing and watching the gentleman leave

Boaz << but... I just wanted to give him back what was his! >> The way of Gilead resounded in the mind of Boaz

Galaad << he doesn't want it so keep walking >>

Boaz "agreed". Boaz continued to walk and time always passed 1,2,5 years Boaz had reached an area of ​​ice and frozen continent he was very cold

Boaz << I.... do I really have to cross this place? >>

Gilead << no zone is avoidable in your journey on earth, so continue I will keep your body temperature constant and I will establish a surge of heat around you which will cover you completely so you will not feel the cold >>

Boaz << I thank you Lord Gilead >> Gilead then did what he said... for Boaz the coolness was now without effect for him at the same time the bodily abilities that Gilead gave him developed a resistance to the coolness and to the the ice to Boaz suddenly he didn't realize that Gilead had deactivated what had given him to cross the frozen continent. 6 years were enough for Boaz to cross this continent on foot. He was now 19 years old and his outfit which used to serve him more as a cover before now became a kind of sex mask due to the size of Boaz which meant that the cover could no longer cover him entirely. Boaz was a

young adult with long hair and handsome. While walking, in a city under the effect of the heat, he saw in a somewhat dark area that there was a group of young people of their age or almost struggling to hit something in the distance

Boaz was going to see what it is. The kids looked pissed and kept kicking something on the ground like a ball. Approaching, Boaz saw that it was a little girl who was being slaughtered by those there like an animal.

Boaz << no but how can they do that? >> he ran towards the explosion and separated all the young boys, the little girl was bleeding profusely and had her eyes closed, she was also shaking a lot certainly under the effect of the pain she felt

Boaz << bunch of.... why hit that little girl? In this way it is despicable >>

young people << Hey you, where are you from with such an outfit? Get out otherwise you'll get yourself killed too >>

Boaz << why do so much harm to this little girl? She's about to die there >>

One of the youngsters "too bad... we don't give a damn, she just didn't try to throw stones at us"

Boaz << for no reason? OK, did you think about his parents' reaction? >> this sentence of Boaz made the boys laugh at him all at the same time out loud

Boaz << Did I say something funny? >>

A young "well we don't have time to waste you're going to take shots instead of this little one"

Boaz just had time to protect his face when a rain of blows fell on him, the boys hit him again and again and again it never seemed to end. The boys beat Boaz to the last of their energy and left completely exhausted.

The youngsters "it's good he's had his day...hahaha...I think he's going to die...we don't care" and the boys who have disappeared from the area. Boaz was bleeding profusely and had deformities on his face and a broken arm. He looked at the little girl who had been lying on the ground since earlier.

Boaz << ho no .. I hope she is well. >> said Boaz with concern. Boaz sat down and touched the girl's neck to feel her lice.

Boaz << luck.. she's fine, she just has a fever sei.... Lord Galaad why didn't you intervene >>

Galaad << because I can take care of someone if you ask me because a human does not treat himself like animals and I came to submit to the kindness of a human who did not ask me to kill other humans like that >> Boaz looked intently at Gilead and said

Boaz << ok ... I see but could you treat this little girl? Please >>

Gilead << if it is your desire >> Gilead healed the girl instantly and Boaz likewise Boaz stood up and Gilead said

Gilead << gone continue your way >>

Boaz << I can't leave this little girl like that imagine that the others come back they will eliminate her >>

Gilead << it's not your problem Boaz >>

Boaz << yes I know Lord Galaad but let's at least wait for her to wake up >> Galaad nodded and disappeared

Boaz was suddenly alone with the sleeping child, he sat down next to her and looked at the horizon and at the same time asked himself questions about his mother.

Unexpectedly after a few minutes of waiting the little one woke up Boaz was happy and said

Boaz << Hey baby how are you feeling? >> The little one looked at Boaz but with fear and said

The little "please don't hurt me" Boaz lost his smile and said

Boaz << hurt you? >> The little one was shaking and remained silent. Boaz approached her a few centimeters, put his hand on her head and said

Boaz << you have nothing to fear from me little one I mean you no harm I just wanted to watch you so that nothing happens to you in your sleep >>

The little "really?? >>

Boaz << yes, I swear to you >> The little girl stopped shaking and seemed to be calm Boaz then thought that the little girl was really too naive because nothing proves to her that Boaz necessarily wanted her well but it's normal she doesn't is just a child

Boaz << what is your name little one >>

Little "Nehemi"

Boaz << Nehemiah... magnificent. Where are your parents ? >>

Nehémi "they drowned"

Boaz understood when the little one was an orphan

Boaz << why did we want to hurt you just now? >> Nehemi lowered his head and wanted to cry Boaz saw what was happening and touched her chin and directed the child's gaze into his to say

Boaz << calm down... Nehemi don't cry you can tell me everything nothing will happen to you >> Nehemi nodded and then explained

Néhémi << since I lost but parents 2 years ago I am being chased, annoyed ... those there provoked me and threatened me suddenly I threw stones at them and I fled but they m found and hit me i would so like to be strong for the... >> boaz cut him off from his fantasy and said

Boaz << Nehemi, be wise, do you understand? Doesn't make you end up in such a state anymore understood? I'm going >> Boaz stood on his two legs, turned around and walked under the gaze of Nehemi who felt sad. Boaz was still walking to him, then the voice of Gilead reached his mind to say

Gilead << she is following you >> Boaz turned around surprised and saw that it was true

Boaz << er... stop following me, will you? I have a huge march ahead of me and you won't be able to hold on so stay here >> Nehemi looked at the ground with darkened eyes that made tears flow which worried Boaz and made him say

Boaz << Nehemi?? You are fine there >> Nehemi began to howl

Néhémi << sir... I want to come with you I'll do what you want I won't bother you I promise I don't want to be alone anymore no...no...no please don't leave me here for a second of more >> and she fell on her knees with her arms stretched out along her body she continued to cry under the silent gaze of Boaz. Gilead knew what Boaz was thinking and told him

Galaad << don't tell me that you are going to leave with this child? She's going to bother us don't even think about it >>

Boaz << Lord Gilead, sorry but I'm going to disobey you after seeing this little girl come close to death just now I still can't resign myself to leaving her like this if she begs me to adopt her >> Galaad didn't care at all of all that and said

Galaad << ok .. but that she slows you down, don't you understand? >> Boaz nodded and said to the little

Boaz << ok Nehemi from now on you will live with me and I will see to your safety ok? >> Nehemi was overjoyed and got up and ran to Boaz creating

Néhémi << it's okay sir!!! >> and she jumped into his arms

Boaz << Now we go the road will be long now that you live with me you are forced to overcome it without further restrictions >>

Nehémi << it is understood sir >>

Boaz "well now let's go" and the two set off again to go around the world.

Erasa << mother, I no longer want to watch the story of Boaz >>

Lilith << Yet you are about to know who is and who is not your enemy my darling >>

Erasa << yes but I just remembered that I have Humans who are important to me and who are waiting for me I have to take care of them >> Lilith thought for a moment and said

Lilith << I see that this story gives rise to a compation with respect to humans... you are too attached to them but it is your desire so let me speed up the time so that you can see the essentials and save time >> erasa left a moment of silence and nodded in agreement Lilith sped up time and by doing so erasa could see even though it was fast how much Nehemi and Boaz had become bonded over the time Lilith stopped her temporal acceleration more precisely during a discussion between Boaz and Galaad Boaz was already similar to the one that erasa had faced so this part certainly took place not long ago erasa had understood it and remained focused

Boaz << Lord Gilead, kill people, make them live with horror and all that... I can't take it anymore, I don't want to hurt anyone anymore >> Gilead was sitting on a throne and there had other thrones all over the place with other gods sitting on them

Galaad << now that you ask me that what can I do? It was your mother who wanted this and so be it >>

Boaz << haven't I already done enough for her? I've been killing for 46,000 years, I'm sick of it >>

Gilead << do you think you are fit to challenge? If so, you impose yourself on the request that your mother devoted to me and if so, you will regret it >>

Boaz << I just want to be free, it's really fed up to see blood >>

Gilead << you have no choice it's your mother who wanted that >> Then Galaad blew and his breath was so powerful that he threw Boaz out of his palace dropping him between the clouds and there Lilith stopped everything

Lilith << erasa are you ready to face Gilead? >>

Erasa << no...hum... yes... haaaaa..... honestly I haven't enough power, he would eliminate me only too easily mother >>

Lilith << yes indeed >>

Erasa << but if I could even have a little higher power I would have faced him easily, for a moment seeing the story of Boaz I thought to myself that Nobody was unhealthy in fact but it is maybe Boaz's mother's fault all that.... yet Gilead is a big problem>>

Lilith << I'm going to give you just a little power because giving power I normally hate it but I'm going to do it because you have a goal and it's rare for children to have a specific goal... follow me to the world of myths you will have what you need to face Gilead >> Erasa looked at Lilith with administration and nodded

Erasa "it's okay"

Lilith created a portal between multiple time-spaces and proceeded to move through them with erasa. While doing so, she traveled from several future, past, present, parallel world, parallel dimensions... at the same time which caused them to appear in an instant in the world of myths

Arlongue was cuddling zemira so he was always happy to see her alive

Arlongue << gouzigouzigouzi ... humm >>

Zémira << hahahaha ... >>

and on a tree, Aaron watched them sitting on a branch

Aaron << yuck disgusting!!! >> Aaron saw Lilith and erasa

Aaron << ho.... you are already there cool finally I was going to go crazy with these two >>

Lilith and erasa look disapprovingly at Arlongue who hadn't seen them yet and was continuing his hug session with zémira

Arlongue << be careful we are going to fly over a little ..... !!>> Arlongue finally saw Lilith and erasa, he was embarrassed, such a dangerous dragon seen in this way

Arlongue << you are already there from what I see hehehe... >> he said while being embarrassed

Lilith << well well... yes my dear Arlongue... Aaron, erasa will fight Galaad and I'm going to push her to have more power than that >>

Aaron << great.. I think to beat Gilead she could just become a better hyper demon >>

Erasa << but ... I would not have changed so much I am a hyper demon to be a better would not be much >>

Lilith << think again the difference in power and level between a recent hyper demon, a hyper demon and a better hyper demon is colossal you could even compare yourself to the gods with omnipotent level 1 and even surpass them just by being better hyper demon gold in hyper demon or recent hyper demon you will not be able to hold even 1 millisecond with one of them >>

Erasa was amazed she didn't know there were levels of power that could separate hyper demons and so far

Erasa << mother how to get to this level? >>

Lilith << usually it can take millions of years but thanks to me you will have it in just a few hours >>

Erasa << and how are you going to do it? >>

Lilith << you just need to gain power in a short time and at the time of your harvest I will give you the additional capacities you will have a progression of several million years in just a few minutes but for that you must be able to have a being of almost the same level as you and that you merge your souls >>

Aaron << mother... uh why not make him better hyper demon by just snapping your fingers instead of going through 4 paths? >>

Erasa << huh... could you do that mother? >>

Lilith << yes of course but it would be too easy it seems like laziness ... Aaron can do it too but neither he nor I will do it I decide so >>

Arlongue and zémira was attentive to the discussion of the beings of hell

Lilith << erasa, you will seek a being in this world of the same level or slightly lower than you, you will devour it and merge your souls as well as your power I will increase the two powers for an immense level >>

Erasa << uh.. ok it's understood >> at that moment, Arlongue interrupted them

Arlongue << excuse me... erasa needs to evolve from a lower level, almost or equal to her. They must then merge their souls and become one, right? >>

Lilith << yes of course >>

Arlongue << I am more or less close to the level of erasa she is just faster than me and maybe a little stronger I vouch for this fusion >> everyone was surprised except Lilith who smiled sadly

Zémira << Arlongue... Why? >>

Arlongue << I want to take part in this battle as well as possible and be more powerful zémira, don't worry I will always live because I will be erasa and erasa would be me >>

Lilith "exactly..."

Zémira << I don't want it to happen like that... >> Erasa disappears and appears behind Zémira she slowly stroked her head and said

Erasa << don't worry .. I promise that Arlongue and I will be one so if that's the case you will always be by these sides believe me >>

Zémira << I don't want Arlongue to face Lord Galaad... he's too dangerous >> said Zémira, falling in tears

Erasa << well... zémira Arlongue and I are going to make you a promise... we won't lose this fight >>

Zémira wiping the tears said

Zémira << is it true?? Arlong? >>

Arlongue gave him a smile and said

Arlongue << yes ... it's true >> Zémira smiled and Aaron added

Aaron << they haven't even merged yet but are already coordinated >>

Lilith << Very well now Arlongue erased it's gone >> Arlongue stood straight and erased spread his purple aura which came out suddenly and darkened the area by spreading a huge wind. The aura threw itself on Arlongue and in an instant he became a skeleton then dust which was also swallowed up by erasa

Erasa was concentrated with her eyes closed she searched in her stomach without limit the soul of Arlongue. Erasa was in a trance, she had formed a form of herself in her body this form of her was very small. The small form of erasa found the soul of Arlongue she grabbed it and put it on her chest, closing her eyes. This small physical form became spiritual and was in the soul of her own body where she let Arlongue's soul stick to hers. A huge light came out of erasa's eyes and a sphere locked him in a kind of water sphere more than 8 meters in circumference Lilith extended his right hand on the sphere and gave erasa a surplus of power

Aaron created a small capacity meter for him to mark the end of the harvest.

The counter << resistance to physical attack acquired, speed multiplied, author capacity acquired, voracity acquired.... >> Zémira was dazzled by this multicolored scene around her that the aura came out of her body too. Lilith saw this and extended his left hand to zémira who fainted

The counter << the capacities given to the subjects are now unlimited.... uncountable.... stop the harvest!!! ... stop the harvest!!!.... stop the harvest!!! ... >>

Aaron << mother maybe we should do what the meter says here.. >>

Lilith << no.. I want the counter to explode because I can no longer count the abilities I donate to erasa >> Aaron was not surprised by what his mother was saying. The sky was turning black and a storm was created due to the reinforcement of erasa

The counter << stop the harvest!!!.. stop the harvest!!!... stop the harvest!!!.... harrrrrrrrrgggggg..... >> the counter exploded and the sphere which held Erasa also exploded freeing the sky and stopping the storm.

Lilith "there... now it's over" erasa floated naked in the air with a golden aura gravitating over her body

She slowly landed on the ground and opened her eyes

Aaron << wow ... erasa has become a better hyper demon it looks more like the same erasa from earlier >> erasa looked at herself and extended her right hand which she observes

Erasa << thank you for gaining power... now it's true that I can feel a difference between me a while ago and me now... I feel like I can walk on everything and nothing now >> Instantly, erasa created clothes on her brand new body

Lilith << hihihi... now with Arlongue you are neither man nor woman do you prefer that we say he or she when talking about you? >>

Erasa << he ... Arlongue is the dominant sex of this new body being a male so it will be he >>

Lilith << it's recorded my prince >>

Aaron << don't take too long a big head ... hahahaha >>

Erasa << Hmm... no my human form is erasa.. my demonic form is Arlongue >>

Aaron << but yes... come on you can go >> erasa looked at zémira lying on the ground

Erasa << what happened to zémira, I hope she is well... >>

Lilith << she is taking a nap but I discovered a little secret... a gift that zémira possesses... she has the absolute ability of the four-leaf clover which gives absolute luck to the one or the one she loves by her presence... with this ability she can give you a 100% chance of defeating your opponent in a fight and have the opposite effect on your enemy >>

Erasa << wow really... and I never knew it >>

Lilith << we can see that Arlongue's memories are now yours too... she awakened this ability with the strong emotions of earlier when you fused this ability which had certainly been in her for hundreds of years years have finally woken up and I'm going to give him the topo to master this ability as easily as possible... you can go >>

Erasa "it's understood mother" erasa opened a portal and went inside then the portal disappeared

Lilith << you see Aaron!!... things will only become more entertaining >>

Aaron << yeah !!!>> said Aaron with a sadistic smile..