
Killer instincts. An innocence lost

A girl brainwashed to be a serial killer as a child by her dad a former serial killer turned hypnotherapist. He has been dead for years but she is still trapped inside her body with a monster he affectionately fostered inside her. Now she is struggling to keep the dual life under wraps while she stays with her husband who the is head of the crime unit. This guy doesn't know that he is married to the monster he is charged to hunt. Will she be able to kill the monster? or will the monster kill her husband? Will he be able to accept her if he ever finds out what she is?

Ghaadha · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

Now you know how i felt

It was my day off so I had a quick shower and changed into something fun. The aberration had its fun so it had gone to the farthest reaches of my psyche. I sat down to watch a soap opera when I got a call saying a socialite was recovered and she claims that a serial killer kidnapped her. I got changed and ran to the scene. It had to Carolina Chow. She wasn't very smart but she loves the attention. When she saw me, she ran to me and gave me a detailed description of who it was. Unfortunately, I knew someone who can deal with him. She lives inside me. I asked to use the bathroom and tried to entice her to come out.

I just killed a professional hitman. I am good. Unless it is an emergency. Lose my number.

Carolina was kidnapped by Frank, he is dad's oldest serial killer friend.

What The Fudge is he doing here? He is supposed to be in a coma. Alright! Time to settle the score. Move over and don't act jealous. If Dimka sees you he will try to make you jealous.

Whatever it takes just do it will you.

Whatever it takes eh? No birthday presents for a year.

I am going to regret this aren't I?

Ok! Tell you what? When you find him let me know. I will deal with him. If Dimka tries anything, call Ralph. That will keep him in line.

You got it.

As she predicted Dimka decided to make me jealous. I wanted to take the high road but I could not. I felt jealousy boil inside. I saw her and remembered that she needs protection if I am going after that creep. I needed my ex-husband out of my way so I can do my thing. Her dad was concerned about Carolina. He asked the chief to place Carolina under Dimka's protection. He was sure that he will try again. She agreed immediately. I explained that this is related to a cold case I have been looking into, I would like permission to investigate. My partner won't need me. She agreed. I looked at the evidence and head straight to the junkyard. I found him but he escaped. I called it in which pissed HER off. I reminded HER if he disappears without a trace then his brother will show up. This was something that neither of us wanted.

I was forced to watch Dimitri dress in a tux and escort Carolina around. He gave her his special attention. He kept looking back to see if I was angry. But I gave him a kind smile and looked the other way. My heart was breaking because he was with someone else. But then Ralph appeared out of nowhere. The monster whispered in my ear. Give Dimka a taste of his own medicine. I hugged Ralph and asked him if he had seen anyone with a limp. He checked his camera and showed me a picture of a waiter who gave him the creeps. It was him. I told Ralph to find Chief Radley and stay in the hall. He promised to do it if I promised to go on a date with him.

I heard her give me the siren song as we approached one of the men responsible for my creation. He has lost weight but I wouldn't underestimate him. He is agile. He saw me and decided small talk wasn't going to help him escape. I took the gun from the holster and shot him in the head without a second thought. I had my fun with the professional hitman. He has destroyed much of me. He doesn't deserve more. I walked towards him and wore my gloves. I took his knife and placed it in his hands before I placed it on the floor. Implying that he tried to assault me and I shot him in self-defense. The chief came as I pretended to walk towards the dead guy. She checked for a pulse and she gave me a look. I explained that he looked suspicious so I asked him to turn around and show me his hands. He lunged at me with that knife instincts took over and I shot him. She asked Carolina to confirm this was her kidnapper. She concurred so the case was closed.

The incredible Hulk had this look like he had an entire evening planned where he would subject her to watch him with Carolina. As much as I enjoy coming out for fresh air. Prison was not part of the agenda. It was when he looked into my eyes did he realized that it was me.

"Where is my wife?" He politely whispered into my ears. I smiled, "She summoned me. I am afraid you are stuck with me." He gave me a frightened look. "What business would you have here?" I winked and walked away.

He caught up to me as I got into the elevator. "If you are trying to make her jealous. I can convince her to go out with Ralph." He growled, "Who?" I smiled, "A cute guy we knew from photography class. He always chased after her." He lowered his head in shame, "I just want her to understand how I felt when she was in the arms of another man." I gave him a menacing smile. "You already achieved that when she caught you having sex with that blonde you made her feel extremely jealous. I had to switch places because of the conflicting emotions. She cried for days because you broke her. She was winning in her attempt to get rid of me for your sake." This made his ego inflate so much so fast I chose my words carefully. "But you cheated on her. Thank you very much." He gave me weird look that made me wanna vomit. "What did I do to deserve thanks from a monster?" I smiled at him venomously, "You made her realize I was the only one who ever cared about her. Thanks for making us friends. She decided that she wants me around. She is not getting rid of me. She decided that we will co-exist. And it is all thanks to you." He looked scared, "I am the reason you are still here?" I gave him a curt nod and walked out of the elevator.

He was summoned by one of the uniform cops the moment he got out of the elevators and he walked towards them. I saw Ralph and I told him when I will be free. I asked him to pick me up from the precinct. He agreed happily. I got back to the station and filled out the stupid reports. One related to the case and the other because I expended a round. My partner came over and asked to see her. I smiled and obliged. He was going to get what he deserved. Tag you're it, honey.

I woke up to see Ralph walking towards me with flowers. He reminded me that I owe him dinner and a movie. I put on my coat and accepted the bouquet of white roses. He gave me a dazzling smile, "They are your favorite. You always smiled when you saw them. I remember when you used to make a crown of these and wear it. You said you were a wood nymph. I believed you because you were so beautiful. You are even more beautiful than the day we first met." I smiled, "Shall we go. It is going to rain" he smiled, "Do you still dance in the rain?" I replied, "I haven't danced in the rain since I said no to your proposal." This made Dimka walked over angrily. He even attempted to throw the bouquet into the trash. He tried to intimidate Ralph but we ignored him and left to have dinner at our favorite place.

After eating Pakistani food we got out to see the incredible hulk. He stomped towards us and quickly tried to get rid of Ralph. I asked him if he was free to watch a movie next Friday when he reached us. "You will have no further interaction with my wife. If I see you near her again I will arrest you." He walked away reminding me of the Friday Matinee. I promised to be there on time.

He flung me on his shoulder and walked away. He had my car towed so he would be the one to drive me home. "I am sorry I am the reason she is still here. You almost defeated her." I was shocked, "Is that what she told you? I remember things differently. I made peace with her while we were still married. I let her lose without safety precautions after we got separated from each other." He remained silent till we reached home. I refused to let him in. He threatened to break the door and I let him in just this once.