
Killer instincts. An innocence lost

A girl brainwashed to be a serial killer as a child by her dad a former serial killer turned hypnotherapist. He has been dead for years but she is still trapped inside her body with a monster he affectionately fostered inside her. Now she is struggling to keep the dual life under wraps while she stays with her husband who the is head of the crime unit. This guy doesn't know that he is married to the monster he is charged to hunt. Will she be able to kill the monster? or will the monster kill her husband? Will he be able to accept her if he ever finds out what she is?

Ghaadha · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

Hi there miss me?


I had to wait for just the right moment or he will know where I am hiding. Just a little longer dear and I am going to rescue you from this mess. I think I heard him leave. Time to get out. I sat up and the body I was hiding in sat up with me. I used her as a bodysuit to hide in. I slide out of the body and saw Dimitri was tied to the bed and he was barely conscious. I had to get him out before my uncle came back. I untied him and give him the antidote. I looked behind me to make sure uncle Phil is still otherwise engaged.

I took the familiar blood-caked ax and walked out towards my uncle. He turned to see me and he turned white as a sheet. He never assumed that I would show up like this. His shock turned into a smile, "You're alive? I knew my brother was too soft to kill you. I never understood his need to use hypnosis to turn you into a killer. You fought him hard and begged him to stop killing. I can still hear your screams. I always felt that he didn't train you as well as he should have. I thought you wouldn't join in on the family business, I guess I was wrong. How did you get here?" I smiled at him wickedly, "You brought me here, dear uncle. I was snuggling inside the corpse of your ladylove. I hollowed her out and hide inside her. No one would look inside a dead body." He smiled, "If you weren't my niece I would marry you." I snarled at him, "You took my love from me."

He lunged at me in the hopes to stop me. I dropped the ax. And picked up the sword on the floor. He fell into it and died immediately. "Oh my God!" I turned to see Dimka was lucid. I raised my hands and asked him to arrest me. He refused and I explained everything. He said he heard everything. He understood why I left. I wanted a way to fix what was broken so I could live with him. He covered my tracks for me and asked me to leave. He promised me he won't go to jail for this. He would say he tracked this serial killer and they fought. In the end, he died. I thanked him and left the scene.

A few hours later I saw the breaking news, Dimka was walking out of a car with two teenage girls who looked like they hadn't taken a shower in a week. He looked concerned about the internal investigations concerning his current partner's treachery. But in the end, he got commendation and a new partner. Little did he know it was me. I had been a widow since the car crash that killed my twin sons and my husband two years ago. I moved out of the penthouse and got a studio apartment. My in-laws sent me what was my half of DD's property. I kept it aside as mad money. I needed something to do so I joined the police academy. Apple begged me not to do it. She made it clear it was a bad idea. She was concerned I would get busted. She was furious when I told her that I am making Dimka my partner. Her temper tantrum lasted for hours and I had to call her fiance to stop her from going overboard. She implored that I had done a good job hiding from Dimka. I am ruining it by going to him. I ignored her and went for it.

I hope he doesn't flip when he realizes that we will be working together. I just pray that God keeps him in a good mood. As I recall he usually has a lot to say about his partners before they turn to compliments. I told myself, "Don't think just do it." So I walked out of the door with my badge and gun. The monster winked and mouthed good luck to me. I gave her a nod. I got the car and saw about fifty messages from Apple telling me I was making a huge mistake. Each message used a different combination of words but they meant the same thing. Quit the desire to be near Dimka and leave town. Tell the police I had changed my mind and go to Switzerland with Louis.

"I DON'T NEED A PARTNER. I AM FINE WITHOUT ONE." I heard him from across the hall. Man's got some lungs. The chief was a woman in her late forties. She was calm, "This woman is the best and she asked to work with you because you are the best. I checked her records. Do you have any idea how many precincts want her? She asked for you so I am approving her request. I only want what is best for the people and right now it means making sure my precinct has only the best and most dedicated men and women this city has to offer. You will accept her as your partner and that is final. Have you even read her record?" I knew that answer before he blurted it out. I have asked him the same thing a few times when we were dating and after we got married. 'I rather meet the person and gauge them personally.' Sure enough, he said the words to the letter. I wanted to laugh but this was my first day. I wanted it to be on good terms.

I knocked on the door and asked permission to come in. Dimka jumped out of his skin when he heard me. He turned around thinking he was hearing voices. He saw that I was wearing a badge and a gun. His eyes widened with the realization that I was his partner. He turned around swiftly, "I take it back. I am cool." She looked at me with intrigue as she dismissed him to have a word with me in private. "He likes you. He usually has the tantrums of a four-year-old year before he even considers warming up to them. Good luck! I am serious. He is the best there is" I smiled, "I know how good he is. He is my ex-husband. That's why I requested for him." She jumped up from her seat like it was an electric chair. "Should I be concerned?" I smiled, "Don't worry everything is gonna be fine. I should go talk to him." She gave me a curt nod, "I should tell you your ex has been in therapy for a while. She says he is improving but he won't trust her enough to solve the problems he has." I chuckled, "Consider those problems yesterday's news. I know the kink in his armor and he will tell me everything." As I reached the door she asked me, "Why did you divorce him?" I lowered my head, "He cheated on me with one of his coworkers" She gave me a sad look to say she had gone through the same.

I walked to see him leaning against the wall talking defensively to a different woman. I teased him, "Your new girlfriend?" He turned red instantly. "She is my quack without a stethoscope." I turned to face his therapist. "I got this. Run along and dissect someone else please." I heard the monster cackle inside me. She seemed to hate the therapist just as much as I. Dimka laughed with me. The woman gave me a look before she walked away. "She has a crush on you Dimka." He waved his hand. I guess I am still the only one he wants. The phone rang and we left to inspect the scene of a murder. Thankfully, not one of my victims.