
Killer instincts. An innocence lost

A girl brainwashed to be a serial killer as a child by her dad a former serial killer turned hypnotherapist. He has been dead for years but she is still trapped inside her body with a monster he affectionately fostered inside her. Now she is struggling to keep the dual life under wraps while she stays with her husband who the is head of the crime unit. This guy doesn't know that he is married to the monster he is charged to hunt. Will she be able to kill the monster? or will the monster kill her husband? Will he be able to accept her if he ever finds out what she is?

Ghaadha · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

Don't mess with me

Till he was taken to the hospital he kept staring at me like he had discovered something that would radicalize his life. I kept my eyes and my gun trained on him. Had he budged an inch he knows that I will kill him without hesitation. The others kept telling me to put my gun down but I made it clear that until he is sedated the business end of my gun will be facing him. If he so much as blink funny that moment will be the last day of his life. He promised not to do anything that would piss me off.

I asked him if we had met and he said he might have met when I was a kid. I realized that he was one of my father's patients. I asked him if he was treated by Dr Walker. He shook with fear, "Yes he tried to convince me that hurting people would be a bad idea. I broke into his house and tried to break him but you defended him by attacking me with a knife." He showed me his left hand. It was missing two fingers. I asked him to lift his shirt and he obliged. His chest had chunks of flesh missing from it. I smirked at my handiwork.

He recalled, "You did this to hurt me and you further threatened me to hurt me. I remembered that you promised to gut me till I resembled a boned fish if I ever try hurt your precious papa ever again. I asked my lawyer to find me a different doctor after that." My partner stared at me with absolute awe as did everyone else. He grimaced as he remembered my threat so he asked me casually, "You won't shed a tear if you shoot me?" I smiled coldly, "I will celebrate your death like no one on this earth ever will." He nod his head to say he believes me. He was placed in an ambulance with people we know and trust. Still I climbed aboard in case he tries anything. I kept me gun pointed at him as they closed the door. In the corner of my eye I can see Van Pelt shaking her head as she sat in her car to follow me. Sirens rang as he was taken to one of the hospitals nearby.

I asked the doctor to let me stay till the end of the surgery for their protection. They complied to my request since he had faked an illness to be taken to the hospital wing or hospital only to attack the doctors so he can flee. I changed into scrubs and walked in without wearing a mask. I saw that he was cuffed to the gurney so unless he freed of them he can't hurt anyone. I sat down as he was given a sedative and I moved forward to shove the needle further in. I saw the blood drops on the sheets. I realized that he had pulled the needle out to make sure he will escape. I happily shoved it back in place and he opened his eyes to give me a dirty look. The doctor and nurses were happy to see that he wasn't going to kill anyone today. I pressed down on the needle to make sure he can't pull it out. He tried to protest as he fell asleep. I sat and watched as he had knee surgery. When the doctors were done I changed my clothes and walked out of the Operation theater. I stepped out to see my fellow officers were waiting for me. The doctor thanked me profusely as he closed the door to get back to work.

Van Pelt and Mitch stepped forward to ask me questions. I asked one of the officers to wait with the serial killer in case he wakes up and tries anything. He happily obliged. Van Pelt was first to ask, "You were the one to kick his butt! How old were you? What happened that night?" I walked past her to the vending machine. I paid for a Snickers and a bottle of water and sat down to enjoy. The captain sat next to me and asked me the next round of questions. "Did you really carve him? Are you the reason he lost two fingers? How old were you when you did all that?"

I took a deep breath and answered her questions. I was afraid of what I did those days. It is one of the reasons I split in two. "I was thirteen years old when he snuck into the house. Mom had taken my brother to the dentist. I had just came back from a study group when I heard a crash. I picked up a kitchen knife and ran into the dad's study. He was on the floor and this creep was about to end his life. I held on to the knife and chopped off two of his fingers.He screamed in pain and tried to grab me. I picked up a taser and zapped him. He fell to the floor and I carved a few chunks out of his body to make a point. He screamed the entire time I inflicted pain. If I felt he was going to get up I used the taser again. When I was satisfied with what I had done I called my neighbor. He is a police officer so I assumed that he will go to jail. He took the monster to hospital and on the way I made sure he understood that he unwelcome in my house. The creep escaped from the hospital and more women ended up dead. I never saw him till today. I know what he capable of and I am willing to shoot him to stop whatever he has in mind. I was trying to pluck up the courage to fight my dad when he goes on a drunk rage. I took my anger on him. I was so scared that I had the capacity to this so I went to therapy to find a way to stop it. I finally convinced mom to divorce dad. He was kicked out of the house. The divorce wasn't finalized at the time. He was on his way to work when he died in a car crash."

The others congratulated me on my bravery for standing up for my dad. Also for find a therapist because I understood that I could be as violent as dad. Van Pelt was happy that there was someone she knew that could frighten a serial killer. Sure enough when the Q&A session ended we were told that he was about to wake up. I pulled out my gun and stomped towards his bed. When he opened his eye and first thing he saw the business end of my gun. He jumped in fear and there were a few people that laughed at his fear. Usually he is the one who takes pleasure in seeing the misery and pain of his victims. He takes pleasure in knowing how to instill fear in those who are in close proximity with him. Whether they happened to be cops or civilians. So this was a refreshing change of pace. They like the fact the shoe was finally in the other foot.

We requested that we do video conference and finish the rest of his trail. His lawyer protested but in the end he was such a threat to society that they complied to the idea of video conference. His lawyer screaming about negligence and God knows what. After five hours of accusations, screams and sobs the jury ordered that he get the death penalty. I asked my colleagues to try and make sure that he does not get any nickname since this would immortalize him. He would be dead but still the pain of his actions will live on. This in turn would inspire others to commit murder. The reporters who were eavesdropping had never thought it was even a possibility but they did put that into consideration when they reported the news.