
Killer Boy

His name is Freddy Parker (reincarnated) or you can call him KiLLER Boy. He have a superpower (But which type.. you guys should find out by yourself.. hehe... ) He was a powerful individual (who worked for the currupt government in his previous life), reincarnated in the FUTURE after he was killed by the government's conspiracy.. (isn't it interesting?!) Let's read about Freddy:- After reincarnation, How he became a psychopathic KiLLER, who will stand against the currupt government in this life and how he will torture them to death with his super genius and powerful friends (who have the same goal as him).. It'll be a Story full of MASSACRE, MYSTERY, ACTION, SUSPENSE AND THIRRLER.... Author's notice: Hey guys, let's enjoy the gorgeous creation of mine.. hehe.. The picture isn't mine.. credit to the creator..

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Reincarnation of Freddy in the Future


In year 2150


In a adult hand sized capsule,filled with blue liquid,a baby opened it's eyes.

The baby's looks was confusing,it looking at her surroundings like an adult observing everything.

Eyes confused,with a mix of ecstasy is shown.

Freddy opened his eyes and saw his surroundings, it's a big room, everything is white,except the big room is many other capsule like big glasses,filled with a blue transparent liquid.In each capsule,there is a baby,but varying sizes and shapes are organized accordingly from eachother.Each capsule have 2 mitre distance from one another in a row.

The capsules are connected with many wire-like thick and big tubes.

After observing his surroundings,he came to a conclusion that it must be a institute where baby's are born.He suddenly started observing himself,he have baby hands, he's also in a capsule and his nose is connected to two tube-like thin wires.

Freddy is shocked speeches,

'....what's this.. where am i.. and why am I here.....' thought in his mind.

He tried to talk,but only bubbles came out from his mouth..

Outside the Baby Room,2 nurses came rushing in and saw a baby,in a capsule struggling with itself.

They came to the capsule and unlocked it,the liquid drained away slowly and the capsule opened itself.

"...wh....what?! A baby is born before the schedule,call the doctors." a flustered nurse 1 asked the other nurse while drying the baby in her hand.

"..okay", nurse 2 went quickly went out of the Baby Room to call the doctor.

After cleaning,checking up the baby's health and doing all the necessary work,nurse 1 took the baby to another room,where Dr.Elezabeth came to check the baby.

Nurse 2 called the baby's parents in the hospital in which they came rushing in the hospital.

"What happened?? How's my baby? Where is he?", the baby's mother started to calling her baby in a flustered manner.

"Doctor, what happened to our son,is he okay?", the baby's father asked inquiringly to doctor while he pacifies his wife.

"Oh.. Mr.Green, don't worry, your baby is all fine. We were just surprised, because your baby woke up before his schedule which is after 3 weeks...", Dr.Elezabeth pacified the couple after checking the baby.

"Oh God..!! gave me a heart attack.", Mrs.Green sighed in relief after hearing this.

The baby's parents walked to their son who was also looking at them inquiringly.

"My baby,did you know who I am? I'm your mommy,come to your mom.", Mrs.Green got delighted after looking at her son,she quickly took her baby in her arms and cooed with him.

Mr.Green also looked at his son very happily, though he observed the baby is not behaving like one,a little weird,but nonetheless, he's their baby boy.So, he threw thought in the back of his mind.

The whole time Freddy looked at his supposed parents in this life which seemed more futuristic than before, and got to a conclusion that he had reincarnated, but not in the past, he reincarnated in the Future.

He knows it's weird,but he got to live his next life, the most important thing is he's alive and not dead.

He couldn't fully remember his past life,but he surely remembered how he died,by someone's betrayal,He believed,but got backstabbed instead.

He will never forget those,he vowed to himself, whatever happened in his past life will never happened in this life....

And obviously he'll make those type of people pay the price....