
Killer Boy

His name is Freddy Parker (reincarnated) or you can call him KiLLER Boy. He have a superpower (But which type.. you guys should find out by yourself.. hehe... ) He was a powerful individual (who worked for the currupt government in his previous life), reincarnated in the FUTURE after he was killed by the government's conspiracy.. (isn't it interesting?!) Let's read about Freddy:- After reincarnation, How he became a psychopathic KiLLER, who will stand against the currupt government in this life and how he will torture them to death with his super genius and powerful friends (who have the same goal as him).. It'll be a Story full of MASSACRE, MYSTERY, ACTION, SUSPENSE AND THIRRLER.... Author's notice: Hey guys, let's enjoy the gorgeous creation of mine.. hehe.. The picture isn't mine.. credit to the creator..

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3 Chs

Chapter two

2years after..

"young master, young master, where are you.." a maid started to shout for their young master who runs off to elsewhere with always carrying various books with him.

"where is young master, did you checked the library?" butler Stephen came forward and asked the maid.

" yes, checked, but young master wasn't there..." the maid said worriedly..

"sighhh... if we can't find young master, he'll starve himself again while reading his books all day long.. It's a good thing that young master wanted to learn,but young master's concentration in books are worrying.." butler Stephen sighed and started to search for their young master Kian again with the maids.

Unbeknownst to them, Kian (Freddy will be called Kian from now on) is outside the mansion,beside the lake, siting under a willow tree with some thick books open wide infront of him.He have small auburn hair flowing in the slight wind, with his childish round chubby face reading books seriously, he looks very adorable.

It's a history book, Kian started to read. these history books to see if inquire if he's in another world or in the same world,but in the future.

He discovered many things, this world developed into a future generation, because of global warming, pollution on earth and many more reasons earth had became inadequate for living any life.

Thus the scientists discovered many technology to keep them alive.

In year 2050, scientists and governments experiment on humans became successful and humans became evolved.Countless people died for their experiment to be a success.

The name of the lab was WWLO organization,it was established at the year 2012.

After seeing the name Kian had a stinging pain in his head, because he remembered the name, it was the organization where he also got experimented with his grandfather.

He now knew, he came to future, but at the same world where he already had a past life.

This future world developed rapidly after the invasion of aliens at the year of 2100.These aliens had a higher technology in weapons and transportation than the humans, thus they attacked earth.But as humans also mutated after various experiment of the scientists,they also started to defend themselves.After the long arduous war for one year, human managed to win the fights between aliens and humans.

This war gave humans a greater benefit, they took the higher technology from the aliens and started to use that to develop for their own.They will not be able to know if there are other alien existence who'll attack again in the future.

Thus human lives changed dramatically,after changing lifestyle and habitat their bodies also mutated to live in the environment.They received many type of mutated element powers and also some got passive and unique powers,such as, five elements, ice, ultrasound, enhancement of hearing and strength...etc.

They created many floating island like existence that can accommodate even a big city which hovers over the galaxy.But these island are each connected to the main system,which is controlled by the military or government.

Each floating island is divided into ranks and also who is living on the floating lands.

Kian watched this from before and guessed it from looking at the islands.

0: rank is the polluted earth itself where the low borns lives.

1: rank is at least high like a mountain from earth, it have many types of factories and their owners lives their.

2: rank have small cities and where simple and avarage peoples and shopping malls and have many marchants.

3: rank for normal schools, high schools.

4: rank where big universities, hospitals and many offices resides.

5: rank where the nobles or military personnel lives, they can have a separate island like Kian's dad or can live in big cities in the largest floating island.

6: Lastly where happens every scientific researches and where military development happens.

Kian skimmed everything and thoroughly understood this world is for the strong, whoever is strongest, they can have free advantages in everything or your power must be a rarity.

Kian's father Ryan Green, is have that type of rare ability, which is space.Space ability is very scarce in this world,where his father is a very high leveled space ability user.Ryan Green's space ability can be offensive or a defensive power if he wanted it to be.Thus Kian's father's position in this world got a prestigious noble presence.

Kian's mother,Sara Green is a light type ability user,her power is also grown to a highly offensive power except healing people.

They got married with eachother,thus this family is highly respected.

But to their misfortune,they Mrs.Sara couldn't carry a baby, it's because, although mutation gave humans endurance to live in this destroyed world, but they also lost the fertility rate.The higher one's power grows,the lower their fertility rate becomes.

That's also why when Kian opened his eyes,he saw many capsulated babies in that room.

"Young master, young master... you're here, let's go,your lunch is ready, first eat, then you can read again," came a voice from a rushing maid who is coming closer to her young master.

"Okay, let's go."

Kian snapped out of his thoughts and closed the book and prepared to leave for his lunch,

"when mom and dad is coming home? " he asked while walking ahead in the mansion.

"They'll come back in the evening today young master, do you want me to tell your parents something,if you want anything?" the maid asked this after carrying the heavy history book that Kian was reading.

"Yes, tell them, I want a laptop," Kian said casually.

The maid didn't got surprised by her 2 year old genius young master, who started to read after the 5 months of his birth and also their young master's growth in learning was also very fast.

They thought, their Master and Madam are a rare prodigy amongst the ability users,so their child must be even more than that of a his parents.

So it's no wonder that their young master is a genius...

Well .. Kian can understand what they were thinking,but looking at the pros and cons,he decided to be more intelligent than his ages childrens,cause no matter how he acted, an 23 year adult man can't become a child after what happened in his past life, could he?

The others will think he's a genius.

Now he have to know about himself, because after reincarnation, he have half of his memories with him and the other half will be triggered if he came across his background.

Thus now he have to find about himself, he needed the old criminal files for that or old records about himself from the research institute.

That have to wait for now untill he grows up,now though, he have focus on his powers,that started to develop at the 4 months from his birth.