

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Ação
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 80 : A Thorny Glare


" Zahhak , where are you going?!" Noir said in a tone a bit louder than his normal as he held Zahhak's arm , keeping him from running away at full speed.

" Aleena needs me Noir! Let me go I have to get to her as quickly as possible!" Zahhak tried to pull away but Noir's grip only got tighter.

Noir , finally frustrated , pulled Zahhak towards him and as he stumbled forwads , bumped his head into his own .

The impact made Zahhak dizzy and fall on his back on the ground.

He held his forehead with both his6 hands a tiny bump visible.

" Get a hang of yourself and tell us what's happening!!"

Zahhak , sat up , as the pain finally settled.

The red glow of the moon and the orange light from the fire reflecting off of him .

Noir , Aag and Somnium stood around the fire in a circle , with Noir standing right infront of Zahhak and Somnium standing behind the two captives , who too were looking at Zahhak with dumbfounded expressions.

" Aleena..." he finally spoke , " Has turned into a BlackWing completely...and she is in trouble.."

" What kind of trouble..." Noir asked , softly as he sat down , his body in air, and patted Zahak's shoulder.

"Her Vampire element ..... is causing her problems...I am not sure...but I think that might be it." He said with his head lowered.

" I see..." Noir stood and after a few minutes of thinking , he spoke.

" Here is the plan , we continue towards the temple and once we reach , we will send you a message."

" Noir I-" but Noir cut off Zahhak's statement with a smile ,

" You go to your sister , things might get a bit too dangerous for her and those around her..."

" Let me go with him too." Somnium spoke up.

" Huh? But we need you to-" this time Noir was the one cut off ,

" We need to take Giselle too....she is the one responsible for this ...also we will need her help." Somnium said , " Zahhak you won't be able to control her if she goes out of it and I can put her to cold sleep if needed...Giselle and Stone will both be under my chains that I have set in their souls , so if they even think of betraying us , the chains will devour them and they will forever turn into shadows."

Somnium glared , as if staring right into the souls of the two captives.

Giselle and Stone , both shivered.

" I really...." Giselle spoke hesitantly , " Don't know what you all are..talking about."

" We need to set out right now." Somnium said .

Zahhak was staring at Somnium , his eyes welling up with tears but before they could fall he caught them with his sleeve.

" Thankyou...everyone."

After a few minutes of preparation , Somnium , Giselle and Zahhak were ready to leave.

However , before they set out , Somnium whispered into Noir's ear, " I don't think they are lying about not remembering anything.."

" What?" Noir replied in a low tone.

" My chains seem to be interfering with whatever grabbed a hold on their minds and hearts.....if I let go they might revert back...however , stay on your toes , and stay observant of Stone's actions and words to Aag..."

Noir nodded and waved as the three of them began to walk.

" Oh ! Wait!" Zahhak said as he held out his hand and a black feather appeared , " I need to let the Killers know of my arrival there."

He shot the feather forwards -


" GAH!!! " Jun cried as something struck him on the back of his head , causing him to fall , face-flat into the ground.

" Jun!!" Samuel , Batuhan , Josh and Zaki ran to him in worry.

" What the he...huh?" He held the black feather in his hand.

As he held it , it vaporized and suddenly disappeared into thin air.

" Zahhak..." he said, " Is coming here to help Aleena."

" Wait...so that...ohhhhh...his odd mode of communication...I remember it now..." Samuel shook his head.


" Laila!!! Wake up!!" Dolion shook Laila's shoulder to wake her up.

Her stress and depression had made her fall into a deep sleep , almost forgetting she was in a tournament.

Her eyes had bags under them , her hair hardly as glowing as it used to be , as she rubbed her eyes , the tiredness was evide t on her face followed by extreme worry as she comprehended what Dolion was trying to convey to her.

" We have to look for him!" She tried to get up but immediately fell to the ground again as she found her feet crystallized again.

The night , her fatigue and tiredness had gotten to her and she was unable to discern that the material holding down her feet was not Krystallo's crystals but Dolion's ice , so when Dolion said ,

" Krystallo...he trapped us both..." showing to her, his own feet trapped in ice , she felt something stuck in her throat.

A fearful anxiety of possible betrayal.

" Why would he-" but before Laila could finish , she heard a sound , a wail , a scream come out of the forest.

" Stay down Laila!" Dolion posed in a way to shield her , his own feet tied down creating a hindrance.

Suddenly , a number of , what looked like men made out if vines , stepped outside of the trees .

Laila and Dolion felt a pressurizing wave of power that made them both break a sweat.

These beings , whatever they were , were strong , but there was one thing in them that caught Laila's eyes and made them go wider.

Each one of them had a crystal embedded inside ,.

" Krystallo's....crystals..." Laila murmered in disbelief.

" Is he ...really trying to take us both out...?" Dolion said as he looked towards Laila, who was too stunned to respond.

"....." a wave of questions rose up inside her .


Krystallo with his mouth tied up in vines was glaring with golden eyes towards his former comrades , Hawk and Thorn.

The vines around him were shining as they kept drawing power from his soul to activate the men vines , attacking Laila and Dolion at the moment.

Hawk and Thorn looked at him as he silently glared back at them .

He was furious...and they knew it.


If you have made this far into the story , I thank thee for the support!

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