
Kill The Heretic

This is a snippet of the first chapter ''Grief is something that i have only felt once in this life but looking towards all the bodies of my children and wife with our unborn child'' This story is about a grieving emperor who was to kind to his people and due to this kindness he lost everything. Come follow Emperor Xavier Moon as he grieves for his dead family and goes to war. There will be alot of gore after all its literally a war story along with past memory fragments towards his happy time with his kids. I will post the power system once we hit chapter 20 cause im still making up my own magic system.

Bearagamo · Guerra
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

How could I let this Happen

Looking out upon the rushing waves with a red hue mixed with the smell of blood and sulfur I could not do anything, but sit and reminisce on the fact that they would never come back to me.

No matter how many I kill and sacrifice to my Solly and Sela they do not hear my prayers. Why do they not show themselves to their Baba, why must I sit here alone and constantly see these happy memories never to hear them laugh or cry to me? 

These thoughts constantly live in my mind wondering and wishing I could hear my wife's voice once again, but she never hears me when I pray, and she never shows me that she watches over me no sign of recognition of the blood that was shed setting them at peace.

Tears began falling onto the blood-fed sand just to be absorbed into my skin and shadow never to be collected for witchcraft. I am Emperor Xavier Moon the last of my royal bloodline and today as I look towards the sunset and the rushing waves no happiness but emptiness clouds my mind, soul, and body.

If my family could see me now I know my father would tell me to hold my tears and cry when no one is around, but I have held my tears and emotions for so long that just this once I had to release, just this once I would love for someone to comfort me as the past I would have done for others.

Why as I do for others they do not do the same for me, how can someone so kind and loving to his people be betrayed by the ones I protected? Holding my hand out towards the sand I was sitting on to become a throne along with both shortswords to sit on my lap my tears all dried up I sit on the cold rock and just watch as my army cleans the final battlefield before I teleport back to our kingdom.

My army is a variety of black, red, and white according to the Order they belong to. You can not see the faces of my people due to the hieroglyphs insignias inside of the helmets feeding off their mana and the backup glyphs in case they run out of magic.

The only people who can see the faces of my army are the people who swore oaths of secrecy on their family bloodlines along with the gods they worship. This was a new way for me to have insurance so that my army wouldn't betray me since the moment they do all bloodlines down to their dead ancestors will feel it and they will be judged by me and their god.

I see that they are wrapping up so I send the signal to my most trusted commander and childhood friends to begin the march home. I just teleport back to the throne room which is now just a darkroom with darkness, blood, death, and destruction magic all around in the room and high concentration to the point crystal and liquid mana of these elements form all around my throneroom. 

The room looks like a cave now filled with these crystals and a huge pond in the middle, however, no one can enter anymore ever since I pushed the throne room into another dimension due to anger. 

Walking on the crystal-encrusted stairs towards the top there is no throne just a pillow and a shrine with the hair of all my family members along with pictures strewn on top of crystals with each representing the elements they were good in. Once at the top I immediately pray to my god Osiris the god of death for my family a peaceful afterlife.

''MY ancestors forgive me i have failed our bloodline and my wife and kids I am sorry my loves I could not protect any of you and for that, I killed every single person in our kingdom who either knew of their plans or did not come forward or knew and helped due to greed. I killed Rodrick Flair my best friend and sacrificed his heart to hear your voices yet you never showed.'' softly spoke Xavier

As the prayer was going on behind Xavier was his wife crying not due to loss but due to guilt. You can see Empress Jasmine Moon with chains around her body her hands holding her head along with the back of her head no hair but brain being shown. 

The ancestors watched her and said nothing just looked at her pitifully since they knew he would never see her or hear her until he took that last step to become a god of his own.

As the emperor was in prayer the army finally made it back and the four generals leading the army began heading to the palace gates kneeling at the throne room door along with the maids and everyone else waiting on their beloved Emperor to come out. 

This Story Will be an emotional roller coaster as well as magical along with witches and other stuff i will say this now Witches /warlocks are do not use the same magic as shamans n destructors i will explain later gods have nothing to do with their plane they are in their own Holy Dimensions except death gods

Bearagamocreators' thoughts