

IT HAS BEEN THREE DAYS since Luis and Talia faced their deaths, and of course, three days since my conversation with Cyrus about my gruesome past involving Kris. He never opened it up after, and the mansion went back to normal.

Chance went back to his 'fake' cheerful and flirty self like he didn't just break character during their last breakfast with the other siblings. Tobias is still in his normal saint façade, same as Cyrus who still acts as if nothing happened. But Catalina, on the other hand, has been acting...different. Ever since their mother's death, Catalina has been quiet. Everyone's too afraid to approach her, and Cyrus and the other doesn't even try to talk to her. The mansion just became a lot gloomier than ever before. I never thought that it would even be possible.

"Vincent Carter?" Someone suddenly calls out from outside my room. I was sending a message to chief Philip about what's been happening here as a responsible undercover agent. Of course, I left the detail about me killing Luis and Cyrus not being Adam's son, but everything else that I've told him so far has been factual.

"Yes?" I answer as I hide the phone away before opening the door. To my surprise, it was two men wearing the red uniform that I was very familiar with.

These guys are definitely watchers.

"How may I help you, gentlemen?" I ask them, pretending like I wasn't fazed by their presence at all.

One of the watchers didn't say anything to me and just handed me a red uniform. Then the man beside him spoke, "As the rules of the family, you will be appointed your new position tonight. After the bell rings, please proceed downstairs."

My eyes widen from surprise, but before I could even give a reply, the two men walk away. I stood frozen in place for a few seconds to process what I just heard. When it finally sinks in, I threw the uniform to the ground, went out of the room, closed the door, and ran down the hall, straight to Cyrus's room. I didn't even knock when I barged inside.

Cyrus was sitting on his sofa while reading a bunch of papers when I got in. When I closed the door behind me, he doesn't even look up at me as he says, "Do I not have the right to privacy anymore? I have a door for a reason you know."

I ignore Cyrus's remark and went in front of him.

"I'm going to be a watcher." I blurt out, and Cyrus finally puts down the paper that he was holding.

"What did you say?" He asks me.

"They went to my room and gave me a watcher uniform. Then they told me to head downstairs tonight." I tell Cyrus, and Cyrus massages his temple and stands up from his seat.

"Do you know what that means?" He asks as he stands from his seat and approaches me.

"That I'm gonna be the head of the household?" I ask back, and Cyrus flicks my nose and says, "No. It means you're going to meet the head of the family."

I furrow my brow and look at him confusingly, "What do you mean? The head of the family will be announced after Tobias turns-" Cyrus cuts me off and informs me, "Others don't know but there are actually two heads of the family. One is the head of the mansion, who we suspect will be Tobias, and the other is the head of the entire family, who foresees everything. If there wasn't one, we could have left this family ages ago."

"Then who the hell is this guy?" I ask.

Cyrus looks straight in my eyes and answers, "Abraham Delton." He doesn't say anything further like he expected me to know the person even though I clearly have no clue on who the fucker is.

"Will it kill you to tell me more?" I ask.

Cyrus goes to his table and takes the glass that was placed on top of it. Before drinking from it, he looks back at me and answers, "He's Adam's father. Also known as our grandfather."

The information shocked me, but at the same time, I was also surprised by how Cyrus worded it. He said 'our' grandfather, which means Chance didn't lie to me when I had a talk with him before. He said Cyrus is a Delton through and through. He has the Delton blood even if he hated it. The question now is who. Which of the Delton's is Cyrus's real father?

"He's still alive?" I ask, and the question made Cyrus chuckle. He takes a sip of his drink and tells me, "The only thing that's keeping him alive is-" I stop Cyrus in the middle of his sentence and snatch the glass from his hand before sarcastically saying, "Don't tell me...its the family's love and support."

Cyrus laughs and grabs me by the waist, "Machines." He answers.

I take a sip from the glass that I took from Cyrus. It was actually alcohol and not water. Cyrus watches me before smirking. Then he leans close to my ears and whispers, "Should we celebrate your new promotion then?"

"This is serious Cyrus," I tell him instead, and Cyrus suddenly licks my ear, making me shiver. He starts kissing me on the neck, and while he was doing so, another man suddenly enters without knocking like what I did earlier.

"Cyrus, have you heard about-" He stops the moment he sees us.

My eyes widen when I saw Chance standing in front of the door. My instincts told me to push Cyrus away, but Cyrus doesn't stop kissing my neck even though he clearly knew that Chance was standing right there.

"I knew that something was going on between you two, but I didn't know it was this sexy. Should I teach you a few tricks to make it even sexier?" Chance teases, making Cyrus groan and finally let go of me.

"Does no one know how to knock anymore?" He asks as he glares at Chance.

I fix myself up and walk towards the door to stand beside it like the bodyguard that I am. Chance sits on the sofa and looks at me with a grin before looking at his brother, "Only a gentleman knocks, and I'm no gentleman." He tells him.

"What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be checking out the new employees with Catalina?" Cyrus asks while he pours more alcohol on his now empty glass.

"Catalina's no fun anymore. She's too occupied with her own thoughts." Chance says while checking his nails.

"More reason for you to look after her," Cyrus replies as he walks toward Chance with another glass that's meant for him.

Chance laughs and takes the glass from Cyrus's hand before drinking from it.

"What am I, her mother?" He asks back.

The room instantly fell silent the moment Chance said those words. Chance must have realized what he said because his eyes widened in realization. He takes a deep breath and puts the glass down on the side table.

"I didn't mean to be insensitive. I know our mother's death affected Cat more than any of us." Chance says, and Cyrus drinks from his glass again before putting it down.

"We should talk to her. Especially since THAT day is about to arrive soon. You know too well that Cat breaks her role during that day." Cyrus explains, and once again, I had no clue what they were talking about.

"I know." Chance says with a sad expression. Before the whole mood turns dark, Cyrus went back to their initial conversation, "Why are you here Chance?" he asks him.

I thought he found out about what was going to happen to me tonight, but Chance said something else that was more shocking than anything that I've ever heard since I arrived in this mansion.

"Our little Tobi got into a fight inside the campus." Chance says, and Cyrus couldn't hide the shock on his face when he heard it.

"Got into a fight? What is he, a high school student?" Cyrus asks with frustration present in his voice. This situation almost made me laugh because this was the most normal thing that I've ever heard from them. Tobias getting into a fight with other students was the last thing that would ever cross in my mind after every other fucked up thing that already happened to this family.

"So what about it? Did he get his ass kicked?" Cyrus asks, making Chance chuckle.

"No, but one of us has to go to the dean's office." Chance reveals, shocking Cyrus even more.

Seriously? What did Tobias do? Beat them to death?

"Are you fucking kidding me? Tobias isn't a fifteen-year-old kid. He's a college student. He can handle himself after picking a fight with other students." Cyrus says as he takes another sip from his glass.

Chance does the same and waits for Cyrus to finish like he wanted him to get ready for what he was about the say.

"That's the problem. It wasn't students." Chance says as he puts the glass back down.

"What do you mean?" Cyrus asks.

Without stalling anymore, Chance reveals, "He fought with the dean himself."

Cyrus drops his glass. Thankfully there was a carpet, and the glass didn't shatter from the fall.

"What?" He asks, and the frustration from earlier turned into complete anger.

"And you know too well that the dean...is a regular in our mansion." Chance adds, and Cyrus immediately stands from his seat. I sigh and massage my forehead because I couldn't believe that something so normal could end up being something not so normal. Why the hell would Tobias pick a fight with their dean who's a regular here? I've been here for a few days and I'm starting to understand how stupid little Tobi can be sometimes.

"Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?" Cyrus asks as takes his coat and the car keys on the table. He didn't say anything, but I already knew what he was planning. I open the door for him, and Cyrus heads out without saying a word. I was about to follow him out when Chance suddenly says, "Heard you'll be a watcher soon."

I turn around to face Chance and nod my head to confirm it, "I am."

Chance takes a deep breath and looks at me seriously, "Then please watch over my sister."

I don't know what it was about, but I nodded my head anyway. For some reason, something felt wrong, and Catalina was a huge part of that wrong feeling.


"I can't believe him. First, he breaks character, and now this? Beating up the dean? Does he have any idea how his actions could affect us? He can get punished again for that." Cyrus complains while he was driving to Tobias's university.

"You're sounding more like a concerned big brother. It's cute." I tease, but Cyrus doesn't even react to it.

"Look, I don't know much, but I somehow understand the four of you a bit. Tobias isn't a stupid kid, even if he sometimes looks like it, but he must have a reason for doing that. Maybe it was a favor." I say, and Cyrus sighs heavily.

"Of course I know that. But now is not the time for it. Things are bad as it is. Talia and Luis are dead, you're going to be the head of the household, and Catalina is..." Cyrus pauses and sighs again, "I don't even know how to deal with Catalina."

I wanted to ask about what's been happening to their sister, but I knew that Cyrus wasn't going to answer me that. So instead, I told Cyrus, "Maybe Tobias is rebelling. Or maybe he found something out that needed him to beat the shit out of him."

"Whatever the reason, you cannot just simply beat your dean." Cyrus points out.

"Then why did you ask me to kill president Boris before? Whatever the reason, you cannot just simply ask to kill someone." I sarcastically tell him, and Cyrus glares at me before looking back at the road. I can't really think of any reason at all. Tobias has a twisted mind. The longer I stay with them, the more I start realizing it myself. He thinks and acts differently than his other siblings. It's always like there's something that's causing mayhem in his head, and he's trying to stop it.

Perhaps he's preventing something. Or worse...He's expecting something to actually happen.

"We're here," Cyrus says, interrupting me and my thoughts.

I look out the window and realize that we were already at the campus. For some reason, I couldn't help but feel excited. Of course, this isn't the same with the academy that I went to, but seeing students feel nostalgic.

"Let's go and fetch my rebellious brother," Cyrus says as he heads out of the car.

I head out too and follow close behind him. While we were walking, I felt like I was in some kind of cliché teen rom-com movie because everyone turned their heads when they saw Cyrus walk pass them. After everything that happened, and after everything that I've seen, I almost forgot how attractive Cyrus and all the other siblings are. And they're basically a celebrity too since they've been interviewed before, and they've been on the cover of dozens of magazines.

I can't believe a family like the Delton's like to be seen by the public. It makes it feel like they're not a secretive family, and that itself became their biggest cover-up because no one would ever think that they're torturing the siblings and killing innocent people. It just seems impossible.

"That's Cyrus Delton right? Tobias's brother?" Someone suddenly says when we walked past her and her other friends.

"So it was true? About what the dean did?"

"Hey, be quiet."

I glance at the group, making them flinch and pack up their bags so they could leave. I didn't really want them to leave, but what were they even talking about? About what the dean did. Are they saying Tobias didn't start it?

"You're thinking the same thing now are you?" Cyrus suddenly says while we continued to walk down the halls.

It looks like he heard what they were talking about too.

"Did the dean do something to him? Like, touch him?" I ask, and Cyrus doesn't answer. He was silent, and I knew he was thinking of something. I knew that he's weighing down the options now. At first, he was angry with Tobias, but hearing something like that, I'm sure the anger shifted to someone else.

"Cyrus!" Someone suddenly shouts when we turned to the right hall. At the end of the hall stood Tobias Delton. Cyrus takes a deep breath and walks closer. But as we walked closer to him, the more the bruises on his face and fingers became visible, and Cyrus started walking faster.

"Cyrus, you're here. I thought-" Tobias couldn't even finish his sentence because Cyrus already grabbed him by the collar to pull him towards him.

"What the hell did he do to you?!" Cyrus shouts his voice echoing in the empty hallway. I take a step back to give them some space. I knew that it wouldn't make any difference since I was already there, but at least taking a step back would make them feel that I don't want to cross the line between them.

"What did he do Tobi?!" Cyrus shouted again when Tobias didn't answer him.

Cyrus is usually composed, but when it comes to Tobias and the others, he really can't contain his emotions well. He must truly love them.

"He called for me in his office and started touching me. I slapped him and told him I wasn't Chance so he got mad and punched me. It would be idiotic of me to not punch back when I clearly didn't do anything wrong." Tobias explains.

Cyrus puts his head down and lets go of Tobias. Without saying a word, he starts walking away, but Tobias immediately grabbed his arm to stop him.

"It doesn't matter." He tells him. Cyrus pulls his arm away and looks back at Tobias angrily, "It doesn't matter? Do you even know what you've done? You shouldn't have done anything at all. You could have told us and I would have handled everything myself. He broke a rule and he has to face the consequences of touching you. But you fought back, and you know that as a saint you're not allowed to fucking fight back. Do you know what the outcome of your actions will be?" he asks him.

Tobias gulps and looks down on his feet, "I know."

Cyrus stares at him for a second before finally realizing something, "Don't tell me. You-"

Tobias looks back at Cyrus and suddenly grabs him by the shoulders, "Boss punishment. I need to receive it, brother. No...I have to receive it." He tells Cyrus, shocking not only him but me as well.

"Why? Why are you doing this?"

Tobias lets go of Cyrus's shoulder before resting his head on Cyrus's chest.

"I need to save Cat. It's the only way." He says in such a soft voice that I barely even heard it.

I watch the two who stood there in silence. Something was going on with the Delton family, and I have a hunch on what that something could be.

Seriously, what the hell...

Is happening to Catalina?