

EVERYONE WAS GETTING READY for what was about to happen. The mysterious man in the mask was able to win over Cyrus Delton with twenty-five million dollars. No one knew who he was, but they were excited to see how he's going to handle the oldest son of the richest family.

The siblings didn't say a word. They knew who that masked man was. There was no doubting it.

Catalina wanted to burst out in anger, but deep down she was relieved. She doesn't know how Vincent Carter even got here in the first place, but it's better to have him embrace his brother than have a filthy old man do it. She just had to continue to pretend to be okay with everything so that none of them could get in trouble.

No one seemed to notice, so that was a good sign.

Chance on the other hand was inches away from losing it. He was the reason why Vincent got in here. But he didn't expect him to get in HERE, at the gathering where they'd be conducting Cyrus Delton's punishment. It's already terrible that Cyrus is getting punished because of his sake, but it's another thing if they get punished because of Vincent.

He glanced at his sister who looked calm. He knew she was doing the right thing. Now is not the time to panic. All he has to do is smile and pretend like he's excited to witness his brother get fucked by a man who was actually his bodyguard.

Where would he even get the money?

"The live broadcast will begin in five...four...three...two..."

The lights inside the hall became dim, and the large screen turned on, showing Vincent and Cyrus inside the artificial bedroom.

The siblings weren't allowed to look away. It was also a reminder for them that these are the things that will happen if they break the rules again.

"Shall we begin...master Hans?" Everyone could hear Cyrus. His voice echoing around the room.

Everyone was watching diligently. Some were even drinking their beverages while they did so. They were jealous of the man's position, no doubt about it. But to be able to witness this was already worth the effort they did to come all the way to the Delton Mansion at this hour.

To watch the oldest son of the richest family get fucked by a stranger is already something that could satisfy these people's egos and pride.

"Are you ready?" Vincent asked Cyrus, making some of the men and women watching at the audience laugh.

"Why ask such a stupid question young man?" Someone commented, and all the siblings could do was sit silently and watch their brother as they listen to these people's perverted comments.

"You should look at me first before you ask such a question," Cyrus answers, making the audience laugh again.

It was a disgusting sight. They were acting like they're watching a movie of two actors. But in fact, they're watching a man who was sold like an animal and another who went his way to fake his identity to try and save the other.

The broadcast continued, and everyone finally became silent. The way Vincent was treating Cyrus was refreshing to the others. They've always seen the siblings being roughened up by the highest bidder. But the way Vincent was treating Cyrus gently was new to them, and it was something that they actually enjoyed. Though they wanted Vince to make this look like a real punishment, they still couldn't complain since Hans Richards technically paid for this moment. He had the right to do anything he wants.

"Thank you, Vincent Carter." Chance mumbled to himself as he continued to watch the two on the big screen.

Catalina and Chance were silent. But little did they know, the boy sitting beside them was trembling undoubtedly.

"Why Carter? You'll get killed if they find out." Tobias thought to himself as he watched the screen with his eyes wide from shock and confusion.

Tobias continued to look at the screen. Vincent and Cyrus haven't done anything drastic yet. It seemed like Vincent was stalling. He was trying to waste time so he doesn't end up fucking their brother. But Tobias knew. He knew too well, that they will not end the broadcast until they finish.

And the fact that Cyrus has not been punished for years makes this even more painful to watch.

Cyrus always followed the rules to avoid any punishment. And the siblings knew that if he did get punished, he'd rather experience the other three punishments than the slut punishment. He'd rather get beaten than anything. And that's because they knew. They knew too well what Cyrus had to go through to master the Slut role. Not like Chance, Cyrus was forced to master it in a short amount of time. You can't even imagine what he had to go through.

Tobias was gripping on the armrest relentlessly.

While he continued watching, he started remembering his brother's screams when they were little. He remembered how Cyrus looked so broken every time he finished his lessons. They were so young. Cyrus was so young to have experienced all that. And to watch it again like this...

Cyrus did not deserve such treatment after doing everything no other Delton has done for this godforsaken family.

"I'm sorry. This is the only thing I could do for you, brother." Tobias whispered, but it was loud enough for Catalina and Chance to hear.

The two looked at their little brother with confusion. But before they could even do anything, Tobias stood up from his seat, reached out for the gun that was on one of the guard's belt, and without hesitation, he pointed the gun at the screen and pulled the trigger. Then he pulled it again, and again, destroying the screen completely.

The gunshots made everyone flinch and panic, and the lights turned on again. Catalina and Chance were too surprised to even move.

The screen was completely destroyed. No one could see what the two men were doing next.

Tobias's hand was still trembling as he was gripping on the gun. But he managed to show everyone his smile as he politely told the audience, "I apologize for my selfish actions ladies and gentlemen, but this punishment...is confidential."

Catalina finally snapped back to her senses. She immediately stood up from her seat and grabbed the gun from Tobias's hand before pulling him angrily towards her.

"What the hell are you doing Tobi? You're going to get punished." Catalina whispered to his brother who was calm with the whole situation.

Tobias took a deep breath and pushed his sister's hand away. With the smile still on his face, he looked at Catalina and said, "Don't worry sister. The next punishment...is something I could even do in my sleep."

Chance covered his mouth with shock, while Catalina took a step back because of what he heard.

"B-Brother...n-no..."Catalina couldn't even contain herself anymore as a tear fell from her eyes as he continued to watch her brother act calm and composed.

The next punishment was the saint punishment. It was the punishment that Tobias had always been given when he was still young. The scars that never healed in his back was the proof of it. But like Cyrus, Tobias almost never got punished when he got older. He followed the rules like his older brother. He has not been punished for years.

"What kind of joke is this?!" One of the men at the audience shouted.

Someone stood up from their seat as well as she shouted, "This is unacceptable. Stop Cyrus and his-" But Camilla immediately appeared and looked at the audience to calm them down. "No. You cannot stop a bidder! That's breaking a rule! The room is soundproof while their session is ongoing. They are not allowed to be disturbed." The aunt informed the crowed.

"You all know that anyone who is inside this mansion has rules to follow as well, which means you can also face punishments. So I suggest you all calm down. We will make up for this incident. I promise you that." She continued. Then she looked back at the siblings with disappointment.

She took the gun from Catalina's hand and handed it over back to the guard who possessed it. Then she took a deep breath and massaged her temple, "Children...what is going on with all of you? This has been the third time this week. You know the consequences. You know how our family is. Why are you doing this when you know all that?" She asked them, almost like she was begging for an answer.

"Tired," Tobias mumbled.

Chance and Catalina looked at their brother, their eyes now red because they were forcing themselves not to cry in front of everyone who was watching them.

"We're tired." Tobias continued, and it was the only thing that he had to say to make Catalina and Chance hold his shoulder tightly.

Tobias was always an obedient child. He knew the consequences and punishments because of his older siblings. He saw what happened to them, which was why he always obeyed and listened. But if he speaks, it means he has had enough.

Their aunt looked away. She remembered the pain, but she knew that there was nothing that she could do.

"I'm sorry. Rules...are rules." She said to the siblings instead. She looked at the light near the door. Even though the screen was busted, and no one was able to see what was happening anymore, the cameras were still rolling. But when she realized that the red light was already off, she lifted her trembling hand and made a fist so the watchers could see.

It was a sign, a sign that only a few understand.

She took a deep breath and gulped. Then she turned to the audience and immediately smiled again as if nothing happened.

"Well good news ladies and gentlemen, we will have a new punishment tonight. I hope that this...will be enough compensation." She said, trying her best to sound excited.

Soon after, a low bell was heard throughout the mansion. And everyone...went back to their seats.