
Kidnapped Or Protected

He took a step forward and another. He looked at me playfully. "Your heart starts beating a little faster every time I take a step in your direction" he said playfully. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him, I didn't do anything I just swallowed and tried to control myself and hoping he wouldn't do anything ... Aurora (19 years old) lives alone with her mother, her father left her when she was 9, and she always says 'Well, I don't want such a man in my life, because even only thinking about leaving us alone is aready bad enough, but doing it is much worse'. But what if a day comes that she gets kidnapped or maybe protected? Aurora's life turns completely upside down will she survive this? Or is will be this her destiny? And who will she meet? Or rather say a handsom person who can't die with sharp teeth.

IrisCFDJ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Chapter 5 'healed'

"Uhmm what are you doing!" I said fairly calmly

…no answer…

"Hey! Are you deaf ors-" He grabbed me by the neck and you threw me with an inhuman speed against a mirror what now a broken mirror is.

"What the.." I screamed.

I grabbed some glass shards from the mirror just in case when it is really needed.

"I would prefer to suck all your blood from your body now, but my boss wouldn't be so happy with that, because he wants to do it himself" he walked towards me and grabbed my arm.

"Release me you dirty " I am not gonna finish that sentence.

"Little girl thinks she can stand up for herself."

"Really? Let go of me and we'll see if you still think the same way!"

"My boss wants you for your pure soul so no."

Again those words 'pure soul'

He dragged me by the arm towards a door.

hell no I don't want to be dragged away again!

Before I knew it, I pressed the glass shard in his neck.

That did not really stop him, he is after all a vampire.

So another one in his other one in his neck did the trick to let go of me.

I pulled away and ran through a door looking for freedom.

I heard someone humming behind me.

Shit! What am I supposed to do?

What the heck should I do?

I looked around and a support pole hung horizontally 2 meters above me.

I still had a piece of glass in my hand I put it into my pocket, I climbed up and lay down on the support pole, completely silent.

I pulled the glass shard out of my pocket and held it if something went wrong.

"Where did she go?" I heard two other vampires call.

"I can smell her here." And he stood under me.

Shit shit shit!

"Yes, she passed here!"

And in a flash they were gone.

Damn they are fast! I closed my eyes and tried to relax again.

"Don't fall again." Jayden stood behind me on the support pole.

I was shocked and what do I? I fell down.

Two strong hands are holding me tight.

"What did I just say?" He says with a laugh.

Suddenly I felt a strong pain in my stomach.

Shit the glass shard!

Jayden's eyes turned deep red, uh oh.

"Aurora, I smell blood do not say this is yours." He says anxiously.

"W..well I would like to say that."

He laid me down on the floor and pulled up my shirt.

"Shit Aurora, why did you have a shard of glass with you!"

"Because I like that! What the hell do you think?" I said sarcastically.

Jayden sighed.

My father also appeared in a flash.

"I smell blood!" His eyes were red too.

"Jayden what happened!"

"Sugarplum had a glass shard with her!"


"She will not survive this Vincent, what should I do she'll bleed to death!"

"Change her ..." My father said sorry.

¨HELL NO I will not be a leech just like you I would rather die! ¨

"What if I heal her." They completely ignored me!

"Are you sure? Jayden, what if you are not able to stop!"

"I can do it!" Jayden grumbled.

"I'll do it." Said my father.

"No, I protect her it is my job" He said confidently

Excuse me? 'It is his job to protect me'

"Aurora, keep calm, okay?"

"Of course I am not going anywhere." I said sarcastic.

He rolled his eyes at me.

His eyes turned dark red and his razor sharp fangs appeared. He pushed my hair to the side that was in front of my neck.

"It is gonna sting a bit, Sugarplum."

"What the hell are you going to do, Jayden?"

"Stay calm," he grumbled

I breathed in and out.

Jayden's mouth found the way to my neck.

He bit me as if it were nothing, he really hurt me!

Seconds flew by maybe even minutes.. I felt myself becoming lightheaded.

"Jayden ..." I moaned

...no answer…


He finally let go, his mouth was completely covered with blood, my blood dripped off his face. Gross!

Jayden bit his wrist.

"Drink it." He snarled

"Even in a hundred million years I will not drink blood, especially not yours!" I shouted angry

but before I could blink, he had pressed his wrist against my mouth. I could do nothing but drink his blood.

"Good girl." he said sarcastically

I gave him a murderous look.

he started to laugh.

Jayden lifted me up suddenly I felt very weak my eyelids became very heavy and I fell away.


I woke up in my room Jayden laid next to me luckily it was next to me at a distance.

My eyes widened and I realised that Jayden bit me.

I ran to the bathroom and looked at my neck and I saw no wound, not even a bit of a wound. I pulled up my shirt with no wound to see, like it never happened.

How is this possible?

"I healed you."

Jayden stood behind me.

"How the hell?" I still looked frightened at the invisible wound on my stomach.

"Like I said I healed you." He grumbled

"Shit Mike"

"What's up with Mike"

What should I say Mike talked about his boss trying to kill me, but my father is his boss!