
Kidnapped by the Mafia Boss

Ava's life takes a dark and twisted turn when she is abruptly kidnapped from school by The Delores, a notorious and feared family gang. As she is thrust into their own treacherous world, Ava must confront her own deep-rooted resentment towards her family, only to discover the shocking truth behind her kidnapping. With no other choice than to accept her fate as a member of this ruthless organization, she finds herself immersed in training, but tensions rise as she constantly clashes with the Don, Vito. Caught between loyalty and the desire to be free, will Ava allow herself truly accept this as her new reality and allow herself to fall in love with the Don, or will she join forces with a rival mafia to plot the downfall of The Delores in a high-stake battle for power?

daniellawilli6 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


 I decide to walk back from detention to clear my head and mentally prepare myself for the questioning that was about to follow me getting home after 6pm.

 I went to the skate park with Cole after detention ended at 4, not caring about the fact that my curfew is 3pm. How does that even make sense? 

 I trod slowly along the road, kicking little pebbles and acting like I was a team striker. I kick one and it rolls across the road and lands at the paws of the cutest golden retriever I've ever seen.

 Walking over to it already gushing about how beautiful it is, I bend down to pet it but am met with a growl. My face falls instantly and I growl back in response. The owner laughs and that's when I realise there was someone else here.

 I look up and am met with the most unconventionally beautiful face. His features carry an exquisite uniqueness that draws me into his gaze. His light brown eyes look like molten honey, contrasting perfectly with the dark brown of his quite long hair which is packed into a messy bun at the top of his head.

 His strong jawline looks like one swipe could give me a paper cut, and a mischievous smile dances on his face. I glance over his body but I can't tell much because he is covered with a tight black tee and a pair of brown plaid pants. Although I can see the shadow of a tattoo peeking out of his collarbone.

 My eyes go back up to meet his, and he tilts his head and stares at me for what seem like an hour, then I see his eyes light up in recognition. He knows me?

 As soon and he looks like he recognised me, he left with his dog, not leaving me with any information about him- not even his name. What a shame. Definitely one of those people you see randomly and never see again.

 Although, I can't help but still wonder who he was. This was quite a small neighbourhood where everyone knows everyone, but I have never seen this one before. 

 I shrug indifferently and my muscles become tense as my house comes into view and I see both my parents' cars in the driveway. I laugh silently to myself because I know I'm about to be in so much shit for this. 

 Fishing out my keys from my bags, I'm unable to find them and begin panicking, that is until I frantically reach into my pockets and find them there. I always had to have my keys with me because they always lock me out, and it was no different this time.

 I insert the key in and unlock the door. The little click echoes and I gently push the door open. Taking careful steps, I creep past the foyer and peep into the living room. They're all seated at the dining table eating, not seeming to care about my absence.

 Taking in a deep breath, I casually walk in, heading in the direction of my room. 

 "Care to explain why you're just getting in at this time?". I ignore mum's question and continue up the stairs.

 "I'M TAKING TO YOU YOUNG LADY!", she screams, but I just snicker and shut the door behind me.

 I take in the sight of my messy room, sighing at the fact that it would take ages to clear up. At least it's my mess- my space.

 The walls are adorned with Giveon posters, a vinyl of his latest album hanging on a frame. Trying to navigate my way through the maze of clutter, I gather the clothes scattered on my bed and add them to the already full pile on my desk chair.

 I spot my lilac bra dangling over the bathroom door handle, and I cannot help but wonder how it got there. My laptop is sat in the middle of the bed, a dull light emitting from it, notifying me that I forgot to shut it down before leaving for school this morning.

 I grab the laptop and plug it in to charge then jump on my bed, finally feeling the stress of today starting to slowly leave my body. As I grab my phone to go through my unopened texts, I hear angry footsteps advancing upstairs.

 "AVA ROSE TORRES!", mum growls, and I scamper to lock the door before she gets in, but its too late. 

 She forcefully yanks the door open, revealing a deep scowl on her face.

 "Asides the fact that you waltzed into my house at 6:42pm, I asked you a question and you chose to act deaf. Where were you coming from?". I look her dead in the eyes, my face masked with indifference and choose to remain unresponsive.

 My brain returns to factory reset once a hot slap lands on my cheeks, tears instantly pricking my eyes.

 I stare at her, stunned, a hand cradling my now hot cheek. 

 "Get away from me." I seethe. 

 "Staying out late whoring around? You are hopeless. Always disappointing the family. I wonder why we even kept you." She begins.

 "Kept me? You gave birth to me, WHAT other choice did you have??"

 She scoffs. "I saw the almost empty birth control pills you hid in your drawer. Who taught you to be like this??"

 Birth control? I don't own those. How did they find their way to my drawer?

 Realisation dawns on me. Megan. 

 "Those aren't mine! Megan probably put them the-"

 "LIES!" another slap flies across my face. "Never lie against your sister to protect yourself. How dare you accuse her?" It's almost as if I can see hatred burning in her eyes.

 "They are NOT mine, and why should you be going through my stuff in the first place." I retort. She looks at me like I have grown two heads.

 The tears in my eyes keep threatening to break free, pains from the sting in my cheeks causing them to build up. I look her dead in the eyes. "I hate you."

 She raises the back of her hand in attempt to hit me, but I shift, causing it to land on the side of my neck.

 "You ungrateful thing. How dare you?" I can't help but wonder why she is still standing here, in my room.

 As I'm about to react, dad appears in the doorway. "Enough Anne. You don't want her to start bruising and make people suspicious."

 "Yes, ANNE." I smile sarcastically at her. Tear drops make their way to my cheek, throwing my façade under the bus, and I see a content smile on my mother's face. 

 "Show your mother some respect." Dad warns. I scoff.

 "I'm 17 and I should show you respect? Neither of you deserve it because what do you do for me except abuse me? Constantly remind me that I'm not worth anything? Treat me like a stranger when Megan and I are literally twins? Respect is the last thing the both of you deserve! I can't wait to be rid of all of you!" I burst out.

 Anger burning in his eyes, dad raises his fist as though to hit me, and I cower back bracing myself for the impact, but he stops himself.

 "No dinner for you." He pronounces, leaving my room with mum in tow.

 I lock the door behind them and crawl back into bed, my emotions finally having a gateway to pour out. Wouldn't be the first time I'm being starved anyways.