
Kiddnapped by mafia idols

kpoplover1562727 · Outros
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21 Chs

Who the guy

~~~~~~~~blackpink POV~~~~~~~

???:hey stop nuna tell me what happened?!?!

Wendy:your ex is bothering us even after she cheated on you and your friends!!!

???:nuna just let it go it doesn't matter anymore

Y/n:but Bobby Wendy is right it's not fair for you guys to go through pain for almost a year!!!

Bobby:JUST FORGET!!!about it

"Blackpink stays quiet"

Bobby:look even though I'm your cousin you don't have to get in a fight for me and my friends!?!

Wendy:FINE!!!but if they call us sluts again no promises I won't fight!!!

Bobby:*sighs*fine I will try not to stop you...now go to class before your late!!

Blackpink:okay bye Bobby

~~~~~later no ones POV ~~~~~~

Wendy & Miranda:HURRY UP WE ARE HUNGRY!!!!

Kimberly:okay okay!!!*puts stuff in locker*

*wendy & Miranda drags kimberly and y/n to lunch*

Miranda & kimberly:we are getting the food you 2 go find a empty table to sit at

Wendy & y/n:okay! *we walked around until we found an empty table then kimberly & Miranda came with the food we started eating until someone spilt water on y/n*

Y/n:*i looked up and saw Irena and her minions*

Wendy:yah what the fuck is wrong with you*about to punch her but someone came and stopped me*

???:DON'T HIT MY GIRLFRIEND!!!!*pushes wendy*

Miranda:you asshole don't touch my sister!!!*punches jungkook*

Irena:JUNGKOOK!!!how dare you hit my boyfriend slut!!!!*looks at Miranda*

Wendy:you!!!*points at Irena*now im done with you!!!*attacks Irena*

Miranda:*see's Irena's minions about to hit wendy*girls get the sluts!!!

Blackpink:*fighting & winning*

Jin:help me split them up before they get in trouble*tries to pull kimberly & Miranda but can't then tries Wendy but she accidentally hits him where the sun doesn't shine*

???:stop right now!!!