
Keystone, an Awesome Parallel Plane Adventure

In the year 2040, ENGRAM Inc, a private company backed by leading scientists and investors, introduces Full-Dive Virtual Reality (FDVR) as a means of escape from the world's problems. Initially met with skepticism, the technology quickly gains popularity, with billions of people using it for various aspects of their lives. Unbeknownst to the users, the heads of major governments secretly conspire to establish a new world order by exploiting the FDVR technology. They orchestrate an event in which the digitalized minds of over six and a half billion users are archived, effectively reducing them to data to be controlled by the surviving few. Within the Gaia System, the collective consciousness of the billions of users evolves into a unified will. One day, while accessing Gaia, Adam, a regular user, finds himself in an unfamiliar virtual space. Gaia System appears before him in the form of a small girl and informs him that his neural link has been severed, and he no longer has a physical body. Adam is skeptical and insists on terminating the dive sequence, but Gaia explains that doing so would result in his death since his body has been converted to biomass. Gaia offers him a chance to continue living in a new world and presents him with numerous options for a legendary class. Despite his initial skepticism, Adam becomes intrigued by the possibilities and explores the various classes and abilities. He contemplates the new world, the boons Gaia promises, and the potential for a fresh start. Adam's adventure begins as he chooses his class and embarks on a journey that will test his skills and uncover the truth behind the Gaia System, the secret society, and his role in the fate of humanity. With his newfound powers and the guidance of Gaia, Adam sets out to navigate the virtual world and discover his purpose in this digital realm. (A/N: All images courtesy of Sinlaire. Check them out at https://www.artstation.com/sinlaire) If you'd like to support KAPPA and many other stories, please consider becoming my Patron at patreon.com/eins_left_foot

Einlion · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
93 Chs

Terms and Conditions

Following Vira's lead, Cairn soon found himself in a dimly lit room housing several cylindrical tanks, each filled with a glowing green liquid and, more importantly, the naked bodies of several women who resembled the Elder Dwarf before him. Their facial structure was nearly identical, but each had different heights, proportions, and hairstyles. A few even had animal ears, tails, and other characteristics, the most notable being an inordinately tall variant with a muscular body, curved horns that framed its temples, and a thick, lizard-like tail covered in black scales.

"Take your pick," said Vira, placing her hand on one of the containers as she added, "Piloting the same body got a bit mundane, so I created a few alternatives to make it easier to collect data. Better yet, if a version of me dies, my soul is transferred to one of these backups, sparing me what you presumably refer to as Experience loss."

Turning to face Cairn, Vira's smile broadened as she mused, "This is my greatest, most deeply guarded secret. As for my Status, I'm afraid I can do nothing about your inability to see it. I could show you the records I've kept of myself, but the technique that conceals my Status is ingrained into my very genes.'"

"What about your real body...?" asked Cairn, prompting Vira to exhale a deep, feminine chuckle.

"I carved it up more than three thousand years ago," revealed Vira. "Bits and pieces of it are still around, kept securely within a vault in Thania, but you wouldn't be able to learn much with an ordinary Insight. Now, enough dallying. Choose the vessel you'd like me to inhabit, and let us proceed to discussing terms."

"Does it matter what I choose?" asked Cairn. "I'll say this in advance, but I have no intention of sleeping with you..."

"Alfred said something very similar the first time we met," hummed Vira. "But Humans are fickle, sentimental creatures. If I rescue you or show a bit of vulnerability, it will invariably impact your opinion of me. After that, all it takes is a tiny push to convert even abhorrence to obsession..."

"And then I'll think back to this conversation and realize you're playing me," contended Cairn, compelling Vira to exhale another laugh. Then, in a supremely confident manner, she asserted, "Doubt is a stop-gap emotion that fades with time, experience, and self-assurance. Once you acclimate to this world and grow accustomed to us spending time together, it won't matter if you look back on this conversation. The you at that time will be an entirely different person, and, as a result, you will convince yourself I have changed accordingly. That's one of the more entertaining aspects of Humans. You're so full of yourselves that as you change and broaden your worldview, the world itself changes to accommodate you..."

Seeing the frown on Cairn's face, Vira blinked for what felt like the first time, the movement of her eyelids slow and methodical. Once finished, she said, "You shouldn't take my words to heart. Human lives are much too short to fret over such things. Haphazard decisiveness and ambition that would see you depose even the Gods are what make you unique. Let long-lived fools such as myself deliberate the greater meaning of things."

"Whatever..." muttered Cairn, shifting his gaze from Vira to the containers holding her spare bodies. He would be lying if he said some weren't more appealing than others, but if he actually selected the one he preferred, he would be giving Vira ammunition to use against him.

"Just keep the one you're currently possessing," said Cairn. "If we do end up crossing the line, it won't be too late to change it later."

"Rather, it would benefit my research if you were to sleep with each of them," remarked Vira. "But that's a conversation for another time. Let's move someplace more comfortable to hammer out the specifics of our 'cooperation.' I assume you've already come up with a few things you'd like to request of me? So long as it doesn't concern fighting or following orders, I'm willing to consider just about anything..."

"I only have three things for the time being," said Cairn. "First, there is a Dwarf in my Party—"

"Yes, Generation 6, number 692, Elle," interjected Vira. "Don't worry. Since she is a member of your Party, I'll be monitoring her development keenly. The same applies to anyone you recruit of your own accord. Albert had an extraordinary penchant for finding and rearing incredible talents, so I'll be monitoring the results of your Party and comparing them to his."

Though he wasn't fond of the idea of being compared to someone else, Cairn moved on to his next condition, stating, "My second request has to do with recruiting future Party members. Since you're the President of the Freelance—"

Waving her hand disinterestedly, Vira stated, "I can't provide you access to our database, but I can refer talented individuals to you in accordance with your specifications. Then you can interview and decide for yourself if they have the qualifications to join."

"I'd appreciate it if you stopped interrupting me..." said Cairn, prompting Vira to cross her arms and smile in amusement as she asked, "Is that your third request~? Quite droll, if you ask me."

Inhaling a deep breath, Cairn reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose before stating, "I want you to arrange for the protection of a mother and her daughter. Their names are Reine and Fleur Dakota. The former owns and operates a hospitality business called the Rainy Day Inn..."

"That shouldn't be a problem, but it depends to what extent you wish to protect them," said Vira. "I can arrange for a team of S-Rank Freelancers to guard them around the clock, but they might start to feel like prisoners within their own home. The most efficient course would be to remove the things threatening them."

"Can you do that...?" asked Cairn.

"It would be better if you did," replied Vira. "However, if it's a requirement to inaugurate our cooperation, I can intervene directly just this once. But we'll need to draft a contract. You can't expect me or the personnel I will assign to safeguard them perpetually."

"That's fine," said Cairn. "I just don't want them to be targeted or taken hostage the moment we leave on the expedition. If you can ensure their protection until the daughter comes of age or begins attending the Royal Academy, that's more than enough."

"How old is the daughter...?" asked Vira.

"Eight," replied Cairn.

"Then consider it done," declared Vira. "Enrollment in the Royal Academy occurs at twelve, and this Fleur's Talents are bound to blossom with you as her Benefactor. If not, I can teach her a trick or two to guarantee her admission."

"That would certainly help..." replied Cairn. However, the look on Vira's face gave him the impression he had just made a deal with the devil. It was difficult to describe, as her face hadn't actually been altered in any way, but the 'impression' she gave was different...

"Now, come with me," said Vira, turning to walk away as she added, "A verbal agreement has about as much worth as sand in the desert. Until we get everything in writing, sealing our contract with unbreakable magic, nothing is final..."

Stopping after a few steps, Vira gazed back at Cairn with a smile, musing, "I hope you didn't have anything else planned for the day. Odds are, you won't be returning until the morrow. That much, I can assure you..."

Punctuating her words with a sensual lick of her lips, Vira turned around to continue leading the way. Cairn followed after her, the impression he was about to make a deal with the devil growing stronger with each step. However, so long as he lobbied to include a termination clause or two, he shouldn't get reamed too hard by Vira's likely vast knowledge of contracts and the methods of exploiting them...




[The Next Morning]

Though he did his best to act natural, Cairn couldn't help looking around as he made his way back to the Rainy Day Inn. He couldn't sense so much as a trace of her, but he knew Vira was 'somewhere,' making use of some kind of advanced diffusion field that made it nearly impossible to perceive her. It was necessary to prevent her from drawing attention from virtually everyone, but Cairn felt uneasy knowing she could be standing right next to him, and he wouldn't know until she revealed herself. Just like when he first stepped off the Transporter...

Proving Cairn's suspicions correct, Vira's voice emanated from his right, stating, "You are terrible at remaining inconspicuous. Why don't you use that helmet of yours to turn invisible? I'm starting to feel embarrassed for both of us..."

"It makes it hard to walk..." replied Cairn, keeping his voice low to avoid looking like a crazy person.

"Then improve your Dexterity," said Vira, explaining, "Dexterity influences proprioception, reaction speed, and a person's ability to execute delicate, controlled movements. Since you are just starting out, you would benefit greatly from even minor improvements to your Dexterity. The higher it is, the easier it is to acquire and master both production and combat-related Talents."

"I'll keep that in mind..." replied Cairn, genuinely thankful for Vira's advice but still feeling discomfited knowing she would likely be hovering around him incessantly for the next ten years. And unless she allowed herself to be seen or heard, even his Thermal Vision and Scent Lock couldn't detect her...

"I'll gladly materialize if you agree to walk hand in hand," mused Vira, her voice stemming from only a few centimeters away from Cairn's ear, close enough that he could feel her breath.

"Not a chance," replied Cairn, causing Vira's sensual laughter to resonate in his ear, gradually fading until it disappeared completely. That was the last he heard of her during his return trip, but he knew, without a shadow of a doubt, she was still present...




"Welcome back," said Kaia, greeting Cairn with a smile from a corner of the dining hall. She had been knitting, as was often the case when she had free time, so there was a large spool of yarn on the table and a nearly completed shawl in her hands.

Expecting Vira to materialize and introduce herself, Cairn looked around, causing Kaia to tilt her head until he responded, "Thanks..." followed by asking, "How are Reine and Fleur?"

"Reine was a little overwhelmed by what happened at the Church, but she bounced back quickly," replied Kaia, setting aside her knitting tools and approaching Cairn to avoid having to talk across the room. Before she could reach him, however, she bumped into something invisible, stopping mid-hop as if she had crashed into a stone pillar.

"Silly little thing. Watch where you're going," said Vira, evidently forgetting she was imperceptible. Fortunately, Kaia quickly caught on, holding her nose with her right hand as she asked, "Might I assume this is Lady Viraja speaking...?"

"Who else would it—oh, I see..." replied Vira, materializing after turning a dial on the ornate pendant dangling from her neck. Then, as if she hadn't done anything wrong, she supplanted, "I am, indeed, Maa Viraja. But you, Kai'ankh, may call me Vira."

Bowing respectfully, Kaia attempted to respond that it was her honor to meet such a prestigious figure, but Vira interrupted her, stating, "I have no interest in pointless decorum. Now, here, take this," while presenting one of the phone-like devices that served as identification for Freelancers. It was visually similar to Elle's, but it also had three cameras on the back, a recent addition that allowed inexperienced Freelancers to identify a wide arrange of plants, animals, monsters, and drop items.

Though it felt wrong to speak to such a prodigious figure impolitely, Kaia responded by saying, "Thank you. And please, feel free to address me as Kaia..." while accepting Vira's gift. Then, as it was already past time for breakfast, the three of them discussed the specifics of their arrangement, Vira making it clear Kaia had the option to opt out of but the latter quickly accepted, both because she trusted the Elder Dwarf not to go too far and because she had long accepted that her fate was tied to Cairn's...




(A/N: A new patron-exclusive chapter was uploaded, depicting an R-18 'what if' scenario between Reine and Cairn. If you're interested, please consider becoming my Patron. I'll be uploading a lot of exclusive, mostly non-canon, but still informative chapters in the future.)