

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realista
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73 Chs

68__Lost memory!

He decide to take a close look at her face, she really never used makeup but her lips were pink wet and had sky blue eyes, just the beauty of those mesmerising eyes made Kevan think that they have a spell and could make someone do what they never wished for.

She looked so womanly and gentle, a look of nobles with a sky blue dress covering her from the neck with her shoulders, since she was seated, Kevan thought that this dress barely reached her knees and he thought she was maybe a few inches shorter than him by the looks of it.

Kevan was lost for words because usually, this was the very best part of him to ask where he was but unluckily, he never knew what to say. He just wondered how this godly image managed to be on this reckless planet.

Mishil also looked at Kevan and wondered if he was a mute but remembered that he screamed the other day while having his treatment, she was curiously looking at him waiting for questions from him but to no avail. She wondered why he was looking at her so intently, of course she knew about her breath taking looks that every man inside the capital wanted to marry her but she still didn't think that this man's look was after her beauty at all.

His look showed her that he was curious of who she was but she was also not so sure! His face was changing dramatically up to that face of 'never mind'.

'Just who are you really!' Mishil inwardly asked herself.

"I don't know as well." Kevan finally said something but wait! How did he know what I was thinking? Mishil couldn't just believe it that this guy could here her thoughts. This took her aback in wonders! She heard wrong or she abruptly said it out loud.

Leave alone that, though he wasn't that handsome, he was still amicable, bold and so manly. He looked so calm and had a walm temperament inside his golden eyes that looked so royal and far from this world. This happened only after you look at them for a brief moment but when you actually tried to keep on looking! They seemed to be cunning before you met the very fierce and hot flames of fire in them!

'Just who is he? Original! Sub-Original! At his age?' Mishil was now worried! She knew very well that Originals were no longer allowed to multiply, yet according to the theories taught to her by her father, these eyes full of flames of fire belonged to the Royals!

It wasn't that hard to find a Pure breed or Cross-breed of his age and though it was formal to find Royal breeds looking like him but older than they look, the thing was, most Royal breeds left were just so old. Though powerful, but they still remained powerful. In that case, who was this guy?

Did he change his face with their magic as written in books? It would have been the case if he wasn't so much wounded so this meant that, his looks were real not fake.

'Who the heck are you?' Mishil's anxiety never allowed her to say this out yet.

"I also don't know ok! I just told you back then that I don't arhhh.." Kevan felt his head burst with a sharp striking pain and held on it hurriedly. He even didn't know his name! What was happening to him, all he knew was that he woke up inside a tent like now and besides him was this gorgeous woman who he didn't know about either.

He even felt that when he forced his brain to remember who he was or what happened, it could hurt him to death and after knowing of that pain. He didn't look for its trouble anymore.

Mishil was now certain, this guy could really listen to his thoughts! This ability was comparebly delivered inside the Royal blood, though it was also transformed into a technique, it had to be learnt for some good years of training. Almost none had the time for such despite it being a very dangerous technique in battle.

'What if they know about this, he will forcefully be taken or dead or alive for sure.' Mishil was still thinking inside her mind about what she should do. She really never wished something to happen to this man, if she wished for that then it was no use saving him in the fast place.

"Who will take me! Where am I? What happened and who are you! Say something!" Kevan asked these questions, since he could hear her thoughts and understand them, this meant that their languages were somehow similar or maybe the same.

"I found you down the cliff, you were completely broken but I still can't believe it when I see you seated firm and seemingly fine because according to what I saw, you fell from the cliff and barely lived?" Shivu walked in and answered one Kevan's questions since Hw wanted to know what happened to him.

Mishil stood up politely on hearing Shivu's voice, it was obvious that she didn't take notice of his arrival but Kevan actually seemed to have heard someone coming to this tent but just didn't care at all. Since these people kept him here and alive, he was not certain about his safety with them but now he really had no choice.

"Lady Mishil helped you treat your wounds, you won't believe what kinds of medicine she used but all is well now that you are fine. The memories that you lost will show up to you with time, one after the other, you just have to stay focused and don't force your brain too much, you might as well blast or damage it harshly. A month with you still unconscious, it is really a miracle with how critical your condition was." Shivu explained it whole while on checking Kevan's pulse.

Shivu's face seemed to change slightly but that was just in a swift of time before turning back to normal, "You are completely fine just tired, well actually just weak I guess! Your mutation is also so strong, am not certain of what you can and can't do."

Shivu stood up and said, " we are from the Royal family, am called Ren Shivu by many from the Royal Palace and that is Lady Mishil. We were on a trip looking for herbs inside the Eastern royal forest and that is when I found you."

"I will be waiting from outside then." Ren Shivu walked outside leaving Mishil and Kevan inside and after some time, Aya walked in with some clothes from the royal brands and placed them besides Kevan's bed before heading outside.

Mishil looked at Kevan and said inwardly, 'You must not allow anyone, not even Shivu know about your potential of reading minds.' She then walked outside also giving Kevan some space to take a bath and change into a new set of clothes. It has taken some tine before Mishil leaving, Aya had already left and seemed to have had a serious chat.

Kevan now realised that he was actaully listening to her mind, he also was thinking if it being so abnomal and thought he was thinking too much but now, he was so confident he read her mind! And several times.

He remembered the old man talked about mutants, he didn't know anything about mutants but the time that Mishil stayed after Shivu and Aya leaving, she explained to him about mutants who were currently the most strong beings of the Royal Palace.

They were the ones guarding the Royal family and did their works according to their special breeds features respectively. She even said that the current Emperor was also a mutant but nobody knew which breed he was yet some guessed he was an Original breed but no one dared to say it out loud.

She even warned him about the Royal guards, they were very many of them with groups of different kinds, those gruops were seperated due to their similarities and differences in powers, so they lived in hidden areas and kept peace, no one dared to attack each other.

They were all mutants yet it is believed that they protected the Royal family because of some hidden reasons but they were not ruled by it and walked under their own rules.

He even asked her about Shivu but told him that he was just a martial arts master who has reached a certain dangerous level but was not a mutant.

Kevan sighed, if he was a mutant, it meant that they will look for him to join he royal guards or hidden grounds and if he rejected, he would be killed on spot, this was because mutants were not allowed to roam around the world freely, this was also due to some reasons that Mishil didn't know.

Since Mishil managed to get all this information, it meant that her background wasn't simple.

Kevan sneered, it meant that mutants had the overall power of doing what they wanted inside this country! Though Venko was not absurdly big as other countries, it still covered masses of land and had quite a large sum of people. Mutants,being scattered in alot of different hidden places yet they were still not ruled by the government showed that mutants were the overall rulers of this country since even the Emperor was considered to be one.

If only someone had power, things would just seem fine for them but this was something he doubted and was very worry about after hearing Mishil's words.

What was worse was that those absurdly strong breeds apart from the Sub-Originals had that hate of ages towards the Sub-Origibals and usually looked for them to turn them into their puppets.

Mutants had a certain training that brought their powers to be so absurd, she even said that long ago Sub-Originals were the most dangerous but when a Cross-breed went into practice and reached a certain level, he could easily defeat a Sub-Original who has not trained a single thing.

Mishil also said that she didn't know their levels of practice and were hidden, not even Ren Shivu knew about it but it is said that system is extremely dangerous. Mutants who practiced to a certain extent were given different titles not even minding about the breed system but luckily, that practice worked for all of the mutants hence, if a Sub-Original practiced to a certain level, he was seemingly inevitable but the Cross-breeds who made this Practice were very wise and knew how hard it would be for a Sub-Original to progress yet despite all that, trainings of Sub-Originals were prohibited. A Sub-Original would be killed on spot when found traing to reach a certain level.

The process was so dangerous and hard for Sub-Originals but still it was the same to other mutants, if a Sub-Original progressed for a single level, he could easily win over a weak mutant two levels higher than him though with alot of difficult but still the chances of winning were always on his side due to their might powers.

What made Sub-Originals extremely dangerous were the multiple powers they contained yet, other mutants happbed to be with only one particular ability at a time.

These practices contained what she called Art methods, they were selected from different kinds and were passed down by the ancestral mutants. Some were lost and some were kept in most dangerous places and it is even said that some methods were left a particular mutant of a the same blood.

No one could actually find them and they had the ability to chose their holders! These Art methods were divided into four; Low Arts, Top Grade Arts, Heaven Arts and Birth Arts.

Of course Birth Arts were the strongest and best methods of making a certain mutant strong and gave the best enlightenment followed by Heaven Arts, Top Grade and then Low Arts.

Since the Birth Arts were lost for a chose holder by the ancestors, they were reduced to three methods of Arts and despite some Arts were of a chose holder, someone could easily use them if encountered by luck but those Arts were not the Birth Arts. If someone forcefuly used a Birth, they could kill and if by luck could just destroy that person's mutation powers turning him into a normal human being so they were highly respected and followed by blood.

Kevan found no reason to why he was told all these just what he wanted to know for now was who he is! None of them mattered to him since he knew nothing about who he was. He didn't know if Mishil told him all of that out of good will but it is not like he cared about the mutant stuff at all even if she was tricking him.

He also felt abnormal inside of him but he didn't feel like he was a mutant, first and foremost, he felt nothing like any mutation powers but just felt his body was lighter than than normal, he maybe took long without eating and just lost weight.

He even thought something might have happened to him but couldn't even remembered a single thing about his treatment apart from being told by Ren Shivu that he was treated by Mishil.

Just what happened to me? Alot of questions ran through his mind but decided to first calm down and instead think first before acting. He walked himself outside looking for Ren Shivu since he had questions, the guy seemed to be well knowing so maybe he could help and if not then, never mind!


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