

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realista
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73 Chs

63__A promising feeling of his return!

"What the heck is happening?" Lady Mishil asked in bewilderment! The whole scene was so bloody seemingly to a slaughter house! The last thing she could think of was Shivu being so merciless and shamelessly taking advantage of the weak, killing them during their helpless condition. She knew very well on how upright Shivu was but this went so wide of the mark!

Yet, Kevan who was awake a few seconds back was now unconscious ounce again, explanations here had to ne more than outrageous ofcourse.

"Yuri, shift him to my tent and Aya...please do clean this up for me." And with those pretendedly simple orders, Shivu walked out of the tent but Lady Mishil followed him closely at the back yet in disquiet.

"How do you explain all this?" Mishil asked impatiently.

"I did almost exactly what you wished for my Lady, all I did was to help of no personal intentions." Shivu replied politely.

"Help! But he seemed like he was dead! Didn't you just kill him? He lost alot of blood, he was obviously in too much pain! Too much that it forced him awake and unconscious ounce again." Mishil's face looked nothing like happiness at all.

"You weren't trying to just get rid of that poor helpless man, were you?"

"Dead! Get rid of him! He is just having a rest so you wouldn't worry yourself my lady, infact, you will be helping him take some H-9s and in a few months time, he must be in a more promising position." Shivu replied with so much belief.

'But did I really do the right thing! Unblocking some of his meridians? It is all I had to do for him to revive anyway, it is up to him now!' Shivu was thinking inwardly and he seemed somewhat worried and very unsettled.

"I just cant understand it, this is just too much really! It is driving me crazy for sure." Mishil openly accepted that this was above her brains.

"I would love to explain but it will just be continuously too much for my Lady, how about we wait for him to wake up explaination will be easy I presume." Shivu suggested.

"Your acupuncture skills have developed absurdly in a level, am so pleased and congratulate you, my Lady!" Shivu walked away from Mishil to his tent since he needed a clean up himself first.

His ounce clean plain and extremly shiny pure white suit was filled with blood stains, someone might think that this guy was from the 'MABINGWA' [1] from a slaughter house, his completely white head made someone satisfied with his old age! He looked really old with no doubts despite him not using a stick to walk, he seemed so strong just like a youth as if he just tinted his hair white.

Mishil was left in a puzzle, something like that was never heard of in her life but since she trusted Shivu so much, she decided to just wait and see or maybe chill completely, she also never thought of her skills being so capable of saving her patient despite the presence of H-9s, all she wished for right now was to save this poor man.

She also didn't know why but ever since Shivu brought him to their rest grounds, she felt a huge sence of pity and sadness that filled her heart forcing her do whatever she could to help him heal his wounds.

His situation was very worse and frankly, not only her maid Aya, she also knew very well how hard it was to save this man's life, she even removed two bullets from his body not to mention how broken and useless his bones were, it was so obvious that she was wasting her time on him yet she still felt like treating him, doing her best to force him awake.

She even senced that this man had a strong will to life, she could feel from him that he had live no matter what so maybe that is why she also never gave up on him!

Something was mysterious about him, his blood felt so special that it could even reach each and every spot in his body, Mishil even felt that his blood was seriously helping him heal his wounds though it was very weak and slow, she seemed to have noticed it!

'Is he really human? How can his wounds try to heal themselves anyway! Am I just tired or...'

"My Lady, the tent is now clean. How about you go in first, the night is harshly freezing tonight!" Aya broke Mishil's train of thoughts from behind.

"You are right, I really do need some rest maybe! It is all I must do right now." Mishil walked passed Aya to her tent.

"You must keep this all a secrete! No word about what just happened must leave these grounds, understand?" Shivu used his best serious face while giving out these orders to Yuri who just nodded is agreement yet respectively.


"The world is just mercilessly being so cruel to me! First, it was my dad then my poor little brother and now, it wants to take my mom away from me? What did I just do to deserve all this cruelty!" Esther has faced alot of hard time at her young age but never had she felt so hurt and helpless like this way right now.

"I don't know about your dad, so I wont say a thing on that case but sincerely...It has been just a full blessed year with Kevan and,..I seem to have met him for my entire life."

"I mean.. cant say that I know everything about him yet still, I know a thing about him! A very big and useful thing about him, its hard to believe but its unbelievably true!" Klara who was having a chat at the balcony with Esther tried to chill her out.

"I have just realised this for so many times but just couldn't believe it! Right now, am left with just that one slight chance to confirm it and be contented as of always." Klara said while looking at the skies thoughtfully, it was still dark and very late at night.

Esther looked at her intently, she was so curious about that thing she was talking about so she had to give out some attention to her.

"In the whole of DRECKASH, together with my entire life now, I have never met someone so tragic and unruly like him! He could even offend someone who is absurdly stronger than him but still survive!"

"He has never put himself into some trouble that he couldn't stand nor has he ever encountered some dangers and never help himself out!"

"He is someone very special, one from that kind who doesn't lose out on something or anything just like that. His fate is so tragic and so confusing yet, he gives no damn about that! All he does is care about people at his back and mind about those facing him."

"I also somedays thought that he was going to lose his life but later I realised that I was wrong! His life must be so attentive and respectful towards him so he just cant die so easily."

"I have a very promising feeling of his return! I also don't know when but he will come back, am just so sure about all these. He will, definitely he will!" Klara said with alot of balief noticed on her face but from her heart that even a tear was noticed slipping from one of her eyes and below to her smile.

"I just wish for the heavens to keep him for me and for mum! Wherever he is, she will not help it when something happens to him." Esther was so worried for his young brother.

"You shouldn't worry yourself so much! Just believe in him, he can protect himself! He must be very fine and alive, he must be coming very soon." If Klara was conving Esther, she really did a very great job if that was the exact case besides perfectly convincing herself.

"Your mum is awake, she is asking for you." Bianca rushed to the two and hurriedly reported and Esther immediately ran to her mom's room.

"Mom, you are finally awake! Do you know how much you worried me?" Esther bumped inside her mom's room and couldn't help bursting into tears, she didn't know what to do and what would've happened in her mom's absence.

Everyone was around with her mom laying flat and firm on her bed weakly.

"I want to go home! I want to wait for my son inside our old house. What if something happens and he returns to Razor, his home! What if he never finds us home? Is it how am going to lose my son just because am so much worried about my safety!"

"I wont allow it! Am already an old useless burden to you my children, but despite all that, I still must wait for Kevan yet in our old house so please! Esther, don't make things hard for me I beg you." Kevan's mom was asking for something this serious out of pity and in this very critical situation they were having. What was she thinking?

Klara even thought that these guys managed to reach Razor town too, if they didn't keep hiding themselves and just walked around the streets and some other visible places, they will be spotted with no time.

What was worse is there decisiveness in killing, time or place didn't matter to them! She even thought these guys were really very careless and heartless about someone's life, it was maybe nothing but a joke to them, something they could easily take away from them.

"I know what you are talking about mom but, it is really not safe for us to show up ourselves to the crowd right now!"

"Esther is right, your safety at your house is very risky! How about you keep on staying here while I watch closely around your home? I will keep men around your house and let us know about the movements that side and if Kevan is spotted! He will ofcourse be directed to this place." Leon cane up with a very good plan.

"Yeah, I also think that will do but! Make sure you get serious and able men for this job. These people..."

"You are overestimating them but you also don't know about what my men are capable of doing. Just be assured!" Leon shook off Pats' doubt and never did he give her a chance to finish what she wanted to say, dejectedly...Pats backed down since she really didn't know much about what Leon's men were capable of doing.

Though she easily defeated that club bouncer recently at the Dave Street, she expected nothing much from him than real hoodlums of a gang.


"Any movements around that wrecked house?" Frank asked a woman who was leaning against the wall with her hands crossed over her perfect chest, her eyes closed yet when it came to her face, it looked so clean and calm but very familiar!

According to her size and hieght, if Kevan, Klara and Bianca were here, they would take no time before realising how familiar she looked with Meg!

This was unbelievably brain shaking! She was very calm and maybe so polite than that Meg who was acting like a bitch! She looked is more clean that nothing was around her body like a tattoo, just what relation was between her and the late Meg?

"I promise you this, Lizy! Just after getting his family will lead you to him and then boom! I will let you avenge your twin's death and...this is what Meg would wish for anyway and on top of that, she would also do the same for you, identical...they say! You know?" Frank ounce again said since this woman just opened her eyes after what he said and just closed them mindlessly.

No wonder the two looked so familiar, they were identical twins thought this Lizy was so calm and looked nothing like a mad cruel woman like her sister Meg! She also seemed to be a mute or just an introvert but atleast her hearing wasn't a problem at all when she noticed someone rushing inside this room and she abruptly opened her eyes to see who it was.

"Boss, another group of some tough men also arrived at that house and, they even entered it with some armed with riffles!" A polite looking man rushed in and reportedly said unto them.

"How many?" Lizy finally said something.

"Just seven, mam!" The man replied shortly.

"I will head there myself, we need all of them alive you understand!" Lizy's voice really could chill and messy birds song and turn it into something soothing and charming. Her beauty combined with her voice didn't match this job of hers at all.

"What are you waiting for! Lead the way." She couldn't bark that match before the man politely led her to that house. Their apartment was close to that house so in just ten minutes, they were finally before it.

"I will walk myself in first so you just need to surround the house and await my orders!"

"Understood, mam!" The man gathered some men after Lizy walking to that house and immediately, they started surrounding it blocking each and every exit.


[1] MABINGWA was a title given to fat butcher of a given slaughter house in Venko! They were the mostly leaders of the slaughter house not because they were the owners of the burtcher but because of their decisiveness in killing mercilessly.

In other words, the name was only given to fat butchers of the slaughter house jokingly.


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We are still on the begining of a new race! Warning! For starters! Fun is ofcourse coming.

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