

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realista
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73 Chs


"Wow, this is a perfect view of being weird. Do you still want to give me that invitation to your club because, just like last time, I AM NOT INTERESTED"

"I don't know where you got the guts, seating on my bed without my permission! Your reason has to be more than Godly." Kevan crossed his hands over his chest waiting of Pato's explanation not giving a damn about the anger displayed on his face.

"As you said, it is more than Godly." Pato finally said something but a lot of pain was hard inside his shaking voice.

"Oh! Really can't wait. A senior from the boxing club has something Godly to tell me. I'm ain't that a true believer but I'm respectful towards God."

"I'm not bluffing, you will see after this Godly chat." Kevin made a loud sneer at Kevan's meaningless words making him unhappily trying to defend himself.

"I need your help, but I want that help to come from a serious you not this guy you're showing me right now." Pato was over Kevan's jokey and childish characters.

"Really, I don't know him much but just trust me if I remind you how tiresome it is waiting for his seriousness. That part of him doesn't exist" Kevin explained exactly what Pato was dealing with right now. Totally a damn fool I guess.

"Don't mind him, he is just following me here and there and unfortunately without me asking for his company. But I don't care about him, hope you do the same." Kevan said freely still not applying seriousness in his chat with Pato.

'Is he not that RED who saved this kid! Such an unpleasant bastard! Talking to someone who saved his life like this, a person from the REDs is discriminated like this! He really doesn't know what he has. Arrogant piece of crap' Pato lost interest in Kevan's help turning his mind wild and angry.

"Do you know that he is the person who saved your life last time! Do you know that my young brother is laying on bed with one of his legs broken because of you." Pato felt like spitting blood at the thought of his brother's broken leg.

"My brother actually failed to give out the money, your money that you worked for at the party ending up losing a leg. He is lame now and because of you, careless piece of shit." Pato said all these but Kevan still crossing his arms over his chest emotionlessly looking directly at Pato.

By mow, the male dormitory was already filled will all sorts of students with curious and anxious faces maybe waiting for a new fight. How they liked watching trouble, no one could imagine.

"What are you going to say about all these. I don't think words can change anything but what is your next move. You are going to seat down and watch when my brother is sleeping on bed not moving a breath." sounds like a beg, Pato was actually begging this little man in front of everyone, really! Unbelievable.

'Don't mess with Kevan, it is not a good idea being enemies with him' did he actually believe in Job's warnings.

'A senior from this school being in worry because of Kevan the one term newbie guy' Enticing in reality as seen right now.

Everyone failed to understand currently, Pato speaking politely to a little thing which brought problems to his brother.

Maybe it is just for Kevan's sake but if it was another nobody, he wouldn't have been so polite.

'Ahhh, come on now. So this guy was just an angry scared baking dog. With his big and scary head! You've got to be kidding me.' Kevin was waiting for a fight in not less than a minute but it's like there was actually no fight.

But still, Pato asked a very good question which needed an answer sincerely not from Kevan maybe who bypassed him, packed some clothes in a bag before the bed and then seriously moving out of the dormitory with Kevin following at the back.

"Really you are not going to tell us what your plans are! I thought we are going to make some people pay for what they had done." Kevin was maybe helping Pato indirectly.

Stopping abruptly, Kevan turned around meeting the rushing Pato who was coming towards them.

Taking sight of Kevan's actions, Kevin also realised that they were being followed by Pato who was currently not so far from them.

'How did he notice someone following us this far? Did he see him or knew that he will come.' Kevin was wondering.

"Really, this is your next move! Walking away from all these problems you caused yourself? That guy sleeping on the sick bed is there because he was protecting something which was yours." on reaching the two, Pato was disappointed knowing that Kevan was such a jerk. Asking for his help was totally a wastage of time.

"Thought you wanted to know my next move, I felt like telling you but you was like 'words can't change anything' so I also didn't bother talking. I acted, thought you would understand!" Kevan replied cockily.

"Naive bastard, die!" Pato was currently over this, not in the moods of seating down listening to Kevan's insulting words towards him. He did not care about Job's warnings anymore attacking fiercely with continuous kicks towards Kevan's head.

Surprisingly, Kevan was still sick and injured in the ribs but he swiftly block whatever kick that Pato shot to him, Kevin at the side not believing what was happening right now.

Seeing Kevan blocking his kicks with a lot of ease made Pato run mad, adding more speed in his legs and finally hitting Kevan with two jumping kicks at the chest making him drop two steps at the back before them resting on a standoff.

Dropping his bag, Kevan removed the dirt from his suit which was given to him by Kevin. Currently, the crowd was already present, no one wanted to miss this fight but in those people, Kevin was the most anxious.

'This little man is still very sick but not afraid of having a fight with a senior in this school! What does he think he is being this cocky!' Kevin slapped his face at the thought of what will happen next during their fight.

'Does he think that I will be his middle man! It's a bluff.' Kevin sneered.

'I really want to fight this guy but he is so strong! And I have not healed yet but still, I would like to see if my level is above or the same as that one of a senior in our school.' Kevan smiled wickedly. It's like he met what he wanted for a long time.

'I will run of course if things go wild.' raising his fists up, Kevan attacked this time with kicks too but different from Pato's kicks.

He started with his left leg swinging it to Pato's right leg but blocked as expected, not backing down, Kevan shot his right leg to Pato's left leg but still as the first attack also blocked by Pato with a lot of ease.

Kevan change his attacks from lower kicks to middle kicks then upper kicks not giving Pato any chances of attacking finally kicking Pato's guards down with a left hook kick in that very instant using his right leg to kick him hardly in the face three times but before Pato falling down on the ground, Kevan jumped up giving out another three jumping kicks over his chest forcing him to spat blood before he fell rolling on the ground groaning in pain.

Kevan shook his head in disappointment, grabbing his bag from the ground before turning his back to him.

"Wait...I really want to make them pay. I want to break at least a finger from one of them. I know you can't let them go like this so please, take me in." Pato couldn't mind though these guys from the crowd were recording each and everything, all he wanted was to here from Kevan's reply.

Turning around, Kevan asked "Do you have what it takes?" looking down at the defeated Pato currently on his knees made Kevan feel bad from no where.

"Raise, I'm too young to help a senior like you." Kevan said crossing his hands over his chest.

"You failed to understand me. I'm not here as a student from the boxing club, I'm only here as Pato. If I leave this school with you, I will have nothing like respect from the boxing club." Pato said after standing up from his knees.

"Think this through before you make a bad decision. What is your decision?" Kevan asked seriously.

"You are my decision. Because you are not against balance. I like people like you, they don't leave unpaid debts." Pato finally made his decision.

"Hmm. I have a red card right now. What makes you think you wont receive one too when you are with me." Kevan still asked emotionless but tension and sudden news were heard by the crowd about the red card.

It was unbelievable but true because some people had no reason to lie and Kevan was one of those people.

"A red card is given out for a great reason. I don't think walking with you suits that reason." Pato replied very sure with his words.

"Ok then...why waste more time. Let's get going already." Kevan turned and walked to the direction of the main gate with Kevin walking at his right hand side and Pato on the other hand with the shortest 'Kevan' leading their way through the main gate.


"Whatever they are going to do out their is going to be memorial. Walking with Kevan the trouble maker was asking or looking for trouble for yourself. He seems to be so protective to himself but can he protect those around him!" Kate in the crowd witnessed everything this time. She was wondering what this guy really think he is.

"Who do you think needs his protection talking about those he left with. Do you really think they need his protection because, he seems to be the weakest and his ways of healing are very impossible. What kind of medicine do they have in the main branch!" Momo was wondering also about this abnormal being Kevan.

"Maybe he was not severely injured." Kate replied carelessly.

"As if you never witnessed his condition before he left school! He was unconscious with his ribs broken but their spare with Pato, he actually won meaning he is totally fine." Momo explained facts to Kate who just sneered to her words.

"I have to tell Shabs about this, wait here let me make a call." Momo couldn't be bothered with her anymore.


"Maybe that is why he saved him. He knew that he will be brought here to this branch because he wanted to see me or talk to me." Bianca was having a not so sure talk with Habibah at the cafeteria inside the main branch.

"So it means, if he took Kevan just to luer you to him, then you must know where he is." Habibah seriously replied.

"I don't where we can find him but I know where we last met. Maybe it's where he is taking him."

"And where did you last met?" this time it was another familiar voice but not from Habibah or Bianca, it was from a very beautiful dark skinned girl in a lemon green dress and lemon green heels with her hair tied perfectly at her back but wearing a very pitiful face.

Yeah, she seemed sad.

"Klara!" I really don't know why but on seeing her here at the main branch, I was some how mad, a brief moment of anger shot through my eyes but disappeared quickly.

"Do you know this beautiful young miss?" Bianca asked with curiosity.

"Yeah, she is my...she is..I mean she is my schoolmate. From the same school." Habibah fought the argue of introducing Klara a her step-sister.

"Wow your school really needs a tour I guess. You really have tourist attractions for both males and females" Bianca said seriously.

"You mean?" Habibah just like Klara couldn't understand whatever she meant by that.

"I mean, I think I know where Kevin took him. But why are you so sad? Is he somehow related to you!" Bianca turned to Klara.

"No, am not, maybe I'm just tired. It's a very long journey to this hospital." Klara faked a smile.

"So I guess you should have a seat with us then. I don't know the location of your school but according to your looks, if it's really the reason to why you look like this in that mesmerising dress, you need a rest." Bianca couldn't help but praise Klara's looks.

"So what is your relationship with him! Making a very beautiful girl come from very far away from home just to see him. Is he your..."

"Friend. He is just a friend, caring one... that is why I came to visit. But the main reason to why I'm here is because I already have a VIP patient here so I thought, checking on my friend would be nice but never knew that he was actually helped to escaped." Klara interrupted Bianca's thoughts immediately.

"Won't you have a seat seriously? I thought you were tired!" Bianca insisted, she wanted to have a chat with these two. She felt something like a connection between them.

All showing up to this hospital at ounce, having something connecting them, 'Kevan' but still telling her how they have a VIP patient in this hospital.

It's the very story that Habibah told her recently but how come it is just perfectly the same as Klara's story! Things were fishy.

Even having a seat, she is insisting but yet she wants to, are they enemies from school? Why is Habibah so quiet after Klara's arrival.

"Come on, seat here with me. I think we all have something in common. Let's talk about that only for now as we are together." Bianca extended to the wall leaving some space for Klara to seat and just after seating, Bianca continued.

"Forgive my manners, I already knew your name from her. I'm Bianca by the way and nice to meet you two ounce again." Bianca introduced herself to Klara.

"So it's you!" Klara turned to her shaking her head in approval.

"Sorry, have we met!" Bianca couldn't recall meeting with her. How could she forget such a beauty anyway.

"Not really but I also felt like meeting with you. That girl at the reception said..."

"I understand, she told you that we look alike! Not so? It's what she told Habibah on seeing her too. Maybe she is not used to seeing beauties like you haha" Bianca was getting along with them seriously enjoying their company when a phone rung.

Checking through her hand bag, Habibah took out her phone meeting Momo's call.

"Excuse me please" she walked out of her seat to a not so far away place from them before answering it.

"You and her. Were you visiting the same person?" Bianca wanted to know these things through.

"Kevan?" Kalra asked what Bianca was talking about.

"No I mean that VIP person." Bianca corrected.

"Not really, I mean...we are just school mates anyway so what makes you think that we are related!" Klara replied seriously.

"How old are?" Bianca tried to change the topic seeing how nervous she turned her now.

"I'm nineteen. Is it necessary!" Klara lied to her.

"Do you know that Habibah is also making nineteen this year! What a coincidence?" Bianca took a sip on her coffee looking at her in a way which made Klara nervous again.

"Ok, I'm making nineteen too, this year. I really don't know how to lie!" Klara slapped her face for having an open mind.

"Why do you lie about your age. I'm a girl like you though older than you. I am making 20 this year, but am proud to be old. The good thing is that I don't look like my grands." Bianca said proudly.

"Kevan is with Pato and Kevin all heading to GREEN PARL right now." Habibah came back from her phone with those shocking news which burnt Klara's seat forcing her to stand up.

They all knew that school, the same school where Blacky comes from. The man who beat Kevan seriously to a lose conscious situation.

"What is he going to do their!" Kalra asked a question which lacked an answer currently.

"It is the same place I was going to tell you about. The last place we met with him. What is he trying to do!" Bianca was still thinking about what was in Kevin's mind going back to that school.

"I'm leaving." Klara couldn't wait a single beat.

"Wait..I have a ride. Hope you two join me!" Bianca suggested and both following her to the hospital parking, directing them to a black Mercedes Benz at the side before entering it and taking off through the main exit to the main road all three inside of the car heading to GREEN PARL.


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