

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realista
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73 Chs

17__Trending Home and Away

"You just asked for it, it's my pleasure then." It's not that Ken really liked violence but he hated it whenever he found someone bulling the weak. He usually helped when he saw a slight luck of a win on his side and sometimes gave up on the thought of helping whenever he felt like it will be deadly to interfer but this time it was different.

These were just students who knew nothing about a street fight and it was his advantage too. He had to win at a very fast moment to make the fight not last too long because he might get exhausted and tired fighting two people alone.

One of them seemed to be powerful than him according to his height and bold so things had to be very fast and clean.

After thinking through what he must do next, he decided to stop the hesitation and attacked first.

By kicking the other person who said nothing at all in the stomach making him fall on his back at the same time the other tall and bold guy had already reacted, punching towards Kevan's face with his right hand.

Kevan moved his body by bending slightly making the punch miss his head and pass above his right shoulder. As the shock of disbelief was still on the tall guy's face, he then felt a sharp pain coming from his right ribs making him bend and kneel down on a knee of his left leg. The pain was unbearable and he also found it difficult to breath.

Still feeling the pain from his ribs, he felt another pain on his right jaw by the time he knelt down, it was a very hard and painful punch which made his roll on the ground two times before stopping.

At this moment the other person who received a kick in the stomach at the beginning of the fight was just on his feet when he saw his friend rolling on the ground. This pissed him off badly and he was about to spat blood at Ken.

"You're asking to die?" he couldn't help it anymore, he even used his fastest speed ever and grabbed Ken from the waist pushing him down on the ground before punching him twice on the face. He really felt like giving him more than just two punches but Ken did not allow him to continue as he also tried to push him over his body making the guy land helplessly on the ground.

Standing up, Ken was now pissed too so he did not back down at all before kicking the guys on the ground in the face, holding his head up he punched him hardly consecutively before finally making himself stop.

Looking around, Ken found himself in the middle of a crowd with faces of fear and shock on their eyes. Some even couldn't believe that this young man with a humble face was cruel to this extent. Beating up two people on his own. Looking at the person under his feet, he was also shocked by his temper. Looking at his hands and again to the crowd, he needed nothing like a sorry to anyone but asserting dominance was what he had to do right now. If you dared to bull in his presence, you would have to pay double if you lost to his hands. Turning around, Ken looked at that tall guy who was cocky before now holding his right ribs with a blood drop at the corner if his mouth still filled with shock too. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Many outsiders couldn't believe it but it was not the same as the students of this school though some of them were shocked at his bad temper. Beating up someone's face like this, though this school was well known for its abnormal students, things were not usually like this either.

"What do you want, we did not offend you but you attacked us first! Is this how this school treats guests?"He was afraid that this mad guy Ken will attack him again despite his current situation.

"I did attack you first but it was after you asking for what I wanted to do so I tried to show you just then" Ken said massaging his nakos.

"Were you not satisfied with my care our special guest, I can treat you better if you let me" he continued saying the last words now looking at the heavily beaten guy on the ground who was groaning in pain.

"I don't dare, senior! the junior was a bit unreasonable back then hope senior understands. This stupid junior apologises for the inconvenience." looking at his friend's situation, he never had any other thoughts of messing with this kid. He was now filled with sweat just by a cold look from Ken.

"Seeing how polite you are right now, who am I to reject an apology from a junior like you" instead of the guy being so happy that he got an apology, he was really not sure that Ken will let them go this easily but still he had to be thankful.

"Gratitude senior, these foolish juniors will be leaving first then" he said and then went straight to his friend who couldn't stand properly. He held him by the placing one of his hand on his shoulders before walking away. "Wait" this voice was one of the worst things they never wanted to stay bear with at all costs. Turning around, they met Ken looking directly at them with a smile of his face.

He walked to them with both his hands hidden at his back.

"What does senior want from us?" the tall guy tried to hide the anger in his voice.

"I thought your leaving, I mean leaving the school not leaving this area." Not only the two boys but also the people present were also puzzled by Kevan's arrogance. Was he trying to make them leave, where did he think he got that authority from. What did he think he was?.

"You might not look for my trouble but you might do it to other students so how about you leave our school, am trying to be polite with you anyway." Ken continued to explain to the weird looks of the crowd.

This guy is so rude. Just because you have some power you are acting this cocky. One day you will have to pay for this, insulting us in public. You think students of the Belt club are treated like this, we will see about that.

None if these two was really pleased with the school's hospitality but still they had nothing to do about it, there was no say for the weak in this life.

"I just remembered that I saw you ask for money from book worm just then but I stopped you from doing so, I want to take back the money you took from other students of our school. Don't worry, I don't mind other students from different schools anyway"

Hearing this again, the crowd couldn't help but praise this guy's shameless attitude and in public stealing when everybody is watching.

Looking around for some help, no one seemed to notice the kind of theft taking place right now so they really had nothing to do instead of giving Ken some cash.

"This is what we only have apart from our transport." the one who was beaten up heavily never wanted to receive any more beatings so he was very fast in paying the cash in exchange for his freedom. He was only wondering why this guy was not direct, if he said it out that he wanted to steal some cash from us, none of us would object anyway.

Was he really ashamed of stealing from us directly, I don't think that he wanted to impress anyone here.

After the other one taking out his money pass too, they left through the main gate path before disappearing from the crowd.

"Here have this, I will be leaving " I passed the cash I got from them to book worm before heading back to the dressing room, it was time for my next performance anyway. I had no more time to waste outside.


After putting in my costume and moved out of the dressing room, I had to go look for Kate. the main door was already filled with lots of people together with students trying to get tickets for the party so I decided to use the other doors which were not that busy.

Looking for a door which had the least number of people, it was the south door, it looked like no one was on this door, I was surprised but still I had to take a look and see what was inside that room. Entering the south door, I froze in place, shocked by what was before me and at the same time ashamed, disappointed in myself too.

'Why was it always has to be me a negativity to be people, always messing up like this'

This was not the south door but the dressing room of the other gender! Girls were chatting seriously and some were even not wearing anything on their upper body, yeah I had seen a lot but for these Nobel girls, it was a slap in the face to see them naked.

At this moment, I was ashamed at the same time scared of being abused by these many girls but also admiring the good boobs of the half naked girls. I was still admiring their boobs when I had a loud cry of a girl, shouting like crazy.

This is the part that I realised that one of the girls weared nothing had and she was standing just on my right hand side. It is funny because I knew this girl. It was the other friend of Habibah who really never showed any signs of friendship towards me now sew how God made it happen. I have just found myself a free enemy, I think she hates me more than hell now.

'You are in a very deep shit not' I wanted to disappear but when I remembered that I had nothing like special powers, I knew how screwed I was now.

"Pats, what's your problem you are shou...." Habibah was rushing to the door afraid something had happened to Pats when her gaze fell on her naked body and a boy in front of her. Looking closely at the bou infront of her, she couldn't help but laugh out loud. Other students joined the laughter but Ken was so ashamed. He couldn't have the perfect time to apologise before Habibah dragged him out of the room.

"I didn't know that its your dressing room " I tried to explain.

"You would have known if you wanted but you failed to read the temporary sign post at the front door and you just banged inside without a knock at all, were you in the rush, did it intentionally or you really lack manners?" Habibah was so disappointed in Ken's reasoning.

"I have been looking for you every where but I found no trace of you, just the trouble you made at the teen is all I got, it seems we just got a heroic student with full of every sorta if problems I guess." Kate interrupted Habibah's arguments.

"You made another trouble at the teen, did you fight again" this time Habibah was getting very annoyed with Ken again. She couldn't tell why Ken was so troublesome. Always in fights with other students.

"In Razor what we always do is fight, be it where or when it depends on the mood and situation, don't be so surprised!" Ken said before leaving with Kate.

"You...." Habibah wanted to say something but failed and just followed them at the back. He walked away from her before she finished talking, this guy was so disrespectful.


Following them at the back into the main hall,I found somewhere to see perfectly their lerdromance.

"He just had a fight with the students of GREEN PARL and he also took all of their money, he told them to leave the school because they were collecting cash from his fellow students." The group nearby was surely talking about Ken.

"He is ignorant but this time he taught those cocky bastards a lesson, one of them lost a tooth even " another one from the same group said very pleased with the situation.

"I don't think Blacky will let this go, he has been their school champ for three consecutive years. Their Belt club is not something DK can mess with, I think any time from now they will cone requesting for a challenge." another one was worried.

"That Ken dude fears nothing for sure, remember how he was talking with Pato as if he was talking to someone in the same age as him." her neighbour tried to convince her.

" I really want a guy like him, Klara is really blessed, if it was me having that Ken dude. I would have been the happiest of all" some innocent young girl said with eyes filled with hope admiration plus desire.

Now talking about Klara being Ken's girlfriend without Ken's approval killed me the most so I lost the will of listening to their mambo and turned to the stage meeting a well designed couple on stage.

"Those guys are a matching couple, aren't they? "
