
Kept Husband’s Splendid Reincarnation (Dropped)

A husband who hadn’t seen anything about the world is reincarnated into a new one, and is forced to renew his dark mentality to become a healthier version of himself… that ‘fits’ this new environment. After a tragedy concerning his ex-wife, Steve goes out to get revenge on the one who ruined his life. His sickly body becomes a problem, but he finally drags himself to the place where he could do what his heart desired… Only for things to go out of hand by the randomness of life. He ends up saving the one he wanted to take vengeance on instead. He dies… only to be reincarnated into a new world of magic and swords. Taken by the breathtaking world around him. The sights he’d never seen. Unknowing of the mysteries of his existence… Thus, he starts to gain ambitions and working towards a brighter end. One where things aren’t so dark and dreary. ———— There was once a boy who was too small, too foolish, too sickly… and all these traits combined caused him great grief. He believed his only blessing in life was his wife, who was the only one to have ever treated him with kindness, Years later, thanks to being born in a high-mid class family and marrying a competent woman, he lived while being spoiled by her. Kept at home and given the conveniences despite never going to work. It was a perfect life… His wife, over time, found taking care of him too much of a burden after his parents died. Even going as far as to remarry for her happiness, which the now divorced man accepted without dejection. It was only a few years later, when the boy had grown into a man of his thirties, did she die in a car accident. The rights transferred back to the ex-husband due to being his family’s business, but he couldn’t enjoy himself with this wealth. It was only after she died did the gaping hole in his heart become prominent. The sickly ex-husband died from his illnesses not long later. His life fading like a candle’s flame. Only to be reincarnated into a new world! After experiencing the hardships of a unhealthy body and weak mind, he desired to change himself. Make his life much more splendid this time! The only thing that worries him is how his parents are hiding a strange meteor in the basement. What does this rock have to do with his birth?

Waterdragon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Travelling Bitch, Melty Cruel

A woman with an innate sex drive wasn't a woman that needed to apologise. This and that differed.

Deviants were existed among both men and women alike. Those who had let their lust control them.

But having a sex drive wasn't really 'evil'.

It was a part of human nature. An animalistic base urge that compelled sentience creatures to breed.

With that being said, the pink haired elf girl didn't feel like she needed to be ashamed of her situation.

She had been wondering around in search of healthy partners, and just so happened to see these bunch of worthless dicks. Since they offered themselves, it was her who would partake in 'dining' on them.

Such were the rich and sophisticated thoughts going through her head while letting a man grope her.

She didn't quite remember their names much, so she decided to differentiate this man as 'dickhead'.

Because his penis must be in his brains with the amount of huffing and puffing in her presence.

The only thing he had going for him was having a big enough junk that made his 'roughness' worth a damn. That strong, healthy trunk of a man who could probably impregnate a few women at once.

Exactly what she had been searching for.

Her thoughts started to drift off in the man's arms...

Tigerfaun Village. She'd heard of this place thanks to it being home to a particular style of the Daybreak School of Martial Arts. They seemed to teach each other a form of it known as the 'Tiger Fist'.

It had become quite popular recently due to the interesting arm and finger tempering methods they utilised. The only flaw being that this style heavily leaned towards those born with an innate aptitude.

Only the Fire Affinity could bring out this style's true strength, which was why it wasn't something as universally acclaimed or exclusive like the Phoenix Foot style used by the Vermillion's Royalty.

Or even the common Elemental Sword styles passed around thanks to its benevolent creator.

Not everyone was Gerald Knightly...

One could easily learn it by paying money and joining their Dojo for a while, but that was it.

Tiger Fist was simply one of the many Daybreak Schools scattered around this dangerous world.

Only worth learning if you had the aptitude.

But that wasn't the reason she travelled here from her home at the Vermillion Kingdom's core city.

The real reason she came here was for the men.

She'd heard that those who practiced this style in particular really reformed their body and genes at the brightest level. Turning themselves into much more healthier and stronger people over time.

Melty wondered if that also applied to their junk.

Her curiosity lead her to leave home in search of a suitable sperm doner. Only to get incredulous looks.

A memory arose in her head at that moment.

She was cornered by a bunch of village women with sharp fingernails. Looking pretty toned overall.

"What's a prostitute doing here? Get out! Y-you vile little vixen. You b-bitch." The one leading the angry housewives rolled up her sleeves. She wasn't looking like she'd listen to anything the girl spoke.

They had an intimidating pressure.

These weren't regular villagers. Every single one of them had been taught the Tiger Fist. Their parents and grandparents also... From what she saw, the genetics being at play here weren't just rumours.

'How similar...' Melty remembered some details about the Royal Family and wondered if there was a connection, but she didn't pretend she heard nothing upon being cussed out like this.

"I suppose I should tell you what this 'bitch' here is thinking. You can despise me, but you can't say I've done anything wrong. 'Prostitute'? How crude... I'd like to call myself an 'affectionate person'." Melty tipped her nose high while speaking high minded.

"Slut! Have you seen your own skimpy rags?!" An old woman with veins bulging on her face quipped.

What's wrong with my outfit?


She looked at the fetish outfit she so carefully adorned this morning. It was light and easy to carry multiple of them in a bag, and they had some enchantments for self-cleaning on top of all that.

It was pretty cute, so what's the problem?

Her aesthetic sense seemed combined with that serious expression made them more furious.

But as working housewives these people were, they switched back to reasoning when the opponent didn't seem violent and fury turned to apathy. They all simultaneously exhaled before talking.

"I know about you pointy-eared people, you-"

"We're not 'pointy-eared' people, big nose." Melty wasn't taking in their nonsense whatsoever.

"What did you call me?!"

"A 'species' based on your appearance. Either call us elves or beautiful people. 'Pointy-eared' is a slur." It was this provocation that caused the woman speaking to quiet down. Mumbling back to reply:

"Sorry..." The housewife lowered her head.

'Honestly, these people are cute.' Seeing how readily the woman was to apologise, Melty didn't know how to react. Were all villagers of the Tigerfaun Village such gentle men and women? So approachable...

If this was the capital, she would've been called a hussy and all sort of slurs just for being her.

"Not bad... Anyway, I'm not an unprincipled person at heart. I never sleep with married men, if that's what you're worried about." Melty arrogantly flicked her hair as if it was obvious they'd fall for her.

She was just that gorgeous.

"This isn't about them." Though the leading housewife got a suspicious look to this particular statement, she continued: "My son keeps saying he wants to marry you now. Fix this for me."

"Not happening." Melty told the woman flatly: "I mean... what are you expecting me to do? I'm afraid he may awaken masochism if I hurt him. Plus, I don't plan on getting married right now ."

"You're at fault for this, you slut!" The woman looked ready to cut her into pieces at that point.

Only stopping when she remembered who she was dealing with. The pink haired elf scoffed:

"Aren't I a 'Sweet.Little.Unforgettable'... 'Thing', I suppose. You're not wrong to call me a S.L.U.T... I also don't care if you hate me." Melty out those words out and sent them on their way packing.

Travellers like her couldn't be taken lightly.

It was because you'd find people her in the field, and not in the kitchen. She was really a peace of work.

Having strength, but not finding it strange to mingle with people. Her fellow 'elves' had reasons for this.

Most of them preferred a more stable and worthwhile approach like running a brothel as sex workers. It was a hard life, but they were able to pay the taxes and be regular citizens in the kingdom.

Which may be different in other places.

In fact, she even heard some kingdoms had actually secretly allowed slavery. Quite the scary notion.

Though as someone who liked it 'rough' herself, she couldn't say the vanilla alternative excited her.

Buff guys who kept on acting like snowflakes. Seeing her like a fairy and scared she'd break like glass.

Although that part could be nice if sincere, she could tell they were just scared she'd kick them off.

Thinking with their junk, but not daring to act.

It was a little unsatisfying...

She wouldn't brag about her wealth or talking about her strength, but they'd still be a little intimidated.

Cute, but not exactly 'hot'.

The atmosphere just didn't really suite someone like her. Melty wasn't about to put any more effort in this. She didn't need to shake her ass for people to drag themselves over. That much she knew.

Melty had enough of a brain to know her beauty.

Just when she thought things would end up with an unsatisfying conclusion. The village was attacked.

Those meek yet bulky snowflakes... turned into beasts. Ready to claw the life out of their foes.

A scene that would have scared any normal girl.

They had finally become much more sexier in her eyes. These young and old bachelors in life.

'If only they'd show those faces to me.' Melty felt something hot down below. It was a good thing it was hard to see stains on the black fabric covering her precious place. She tried to move out of site.

A man suddenly approached her among the chaos between the two groups. It was the bandit leader.

His large, intimidating figure towering over her.

In response to that scene... she ended up here.

Going along with them to follow this dickhead that was exactly her taste. Even if his skills sucked.

"What are you thinking about?" The ugly bastard groping her like a king had some care in his voice.

"Interested?" Despite not liking his face, she gave a good impression to the leader of these meatheads.

It was a professional curtesy to chat up a customer back at her place. Something that was a habit.

"Maybe. The thoughts of an elf who travelled to the sticks... who wouldn't want to know?" Despite his burly looks, Boss Dickhead had some wit as the leader of this group. He was cold and steady.

"You're such a bastard. What if it's lewd? If I told you about my sex life, you'd call me a slut." Melty flicked off the hand on her boob and grabbed him by the crotch, causing him to gasp in a low voice.

"...Let go." He whispered while everyone else was distracted. They looked towards their land.

The place that would become their new base.

They packed and had enough provisions like a military platoon. All of them acting in perfect sync.

"You really want me to?" She looked in his eyes and spoke 'meekly'. Like she was being intimidated.

Her hand gradually let go.

"...I'll pay you back tenfold." The boss promised her.

"I hope you do." She waved the 'angry' leader off as he sorted his people. They had a lot to do for now.

"Boss? Why are your ears-"

"FUCK OFF." Boss Dickhead threw a tantrum out of pure spite. How dare a woman like her tease him?

She's just a slut. Sure, a damn cute one... but still a damn SLUT. Them boys be talking 'bout their bitches was nothing new. No one would make any fuss... but for a girl like her to be so open?

He might as well show her how rough men liked to be. Why a woman like her should be submissive.

It was time to break her into line...

But first, he had to make sure the goods they were sent to procure was intact. He check a certain box.

Looking at its contents deeply, the Boss Dickhead squinted. He wasn't sure what to think of this.

"Hey, what did you do to the merchandise?" He closed the box and talked to one of his minions.

The quivering dick, who Melty deemed to be named the right hand of the leader, Dick #1, spoke up:

"It got broken a little in the scuffle. We had to use what was on hand to patch the-" Boss Dickhead didn't even let Dick #1 finish his sentence before grabbing the man's neck. Overwhelming him.

The pressure put on Dick #1's neck was enough to drive him near suffocation. Fear in his eyes.

"So you used a treasure to patch up a treasure? Do you know how hard 'that' was to get?" Boss Dickhead was a bit sorrowful at the result. He found an empty vial sticking out of his right hand man's pocket.

"It... was way too important! This job could change everything...!" There was strong emotion in his eyes.

They were a misfit group of thugs and others that had fallen through the cracks of society. Some of them were even exiled from the Vermillion Kingdom by Nobles. Scums, criminals with no future...

If they could succeed in this job, they could likely live brand new lives with the positions they'd reach.

None of them cared about simple cash. Uh-hum!

Once they went beyond where there's money to make and coins to rake, all will be solved.

Just like how nobility could do whatever they liked with sufficient status, so too could 'their kind'.

In response to this heartfelt plea of his right hand man, Boss Dickhead weighed onto his shoulder.

Dick #1 felt his body go numb in fear...

...only to be greeted with a smile.

"I didn't know you understood everything so perfectly. That's why your my comrade!" Boss Dickhead gloriously embellished this achievement with grace. Other cheering at that speech.

Truly heart moving to watch...

At least for them anyway.

Melty felt bored at these dicks having their dick measuring contests in front of her so freely.

She wished Boss Dickhead could speed things up already. The pace of this atmosphere was so...

...hypocritical and filled with convenience.

She couldn't move at this pace they were at.

So boring...

Did they forget about her?

She didn't know what words to say, so the better chosen decision was to let things play out.

There was no way someone as petty as this Boss Dickhead would let her off easy for earlier.

Even if it's just a cuss or insult, he better go ahead and say them anyway. If he couldn't even do that much, then he better forget that bag of balls he carries between his legs and grow a pair of tits.

She didn't need someone who would do the evil stepmother thing of harassing her below-board.

Melty would simply leave if that happened.

'Hah... It's literally hard out here for a bitch to get her groove on.' She winked at a passing bandit.

He fell over and dropped the wood he'd just cut. It caused enough of a disturbance to get attention.

The pink-haired elf innocently whistled in response.

"S-sorry...!" Despite being a bandit, this guy seemed to have a shy side despite making creepy glances.

She noticed he stared at her chest got a while.

"Looks like you all want a piece of my trophy... All right. I'll give you that right. For tonight, all of you can have one round with my woman to celebrate the occasion! Bottles up!" That dickhead raised his arm.

"Hurrah!" Like some sort of pirates, they went along with his charismatic gestures and 'generosity'.

Melty suddenly found all eyes looking at her.

She felt an erotic thrill from this new event.

'You truly went above and beyond...' Such scummy actions were worth praising to the heavens.

This atmosphere was hitting all the right notes in her body. Just imagining tonight was ecstasy.

She blushed at them embarrassedly. Their gazes were really rude and dirty. So unbecoming.

Well the jokes on him, she's into that shit.

"So you're the boss's woman? You planning on having any other man's kids?" A creepy dude that seemed to be waiting for his chance scurried on over to touch her arm. Looking at her with desire.

"Maybe if it's someone nice face." (Melty)

"What's a 'nice face' to the little lady?"' Another innocent-faced fatty touched her by the thigh.

'Eeeih~' Melty felt a rush going through her, but didn't show it on the surface. She didn't ignore this feeling either, and instead channeled them into more shy reactions. As if they overwhelmed her.

Not that this interpretation was entirely wrong.

The only difference was hiding her anticipation to really unveil their depravity. The voices just grew.

And the amount of hands touching her body became so many that she unconsciously wriggled.

A cute reaction they drew them in deeper.

"If you're not a big and a little chubby, then you're not good looking." Melty threw more bait.

Igniting their passion even further.

The rare guys who actually looked colder and more aesthetically pleasing gave her a pitiful look.

"Then what about us?" This was what they generally said in different exclamations and tones.

"Well, you better have deep pockets... or be real good at cooking." The rotating shift cooks gaze each other slaps on the back. Their eyes slowly becoming more enraptured with her. They'd fallen in deep...

...and Melty's charm was an abyss of no return.

Oh how ironic these guys were being.

If she wasn't so pleasant to look at, they'd probably tell her to lose weight or something else.

All because they couldn't see her bones~

Just like those housewives that hold their daughters to fix their face. Butter men up with make up.

Oh, what girl wants to end up on her own~

Oh the inhumanity of that~~~!

The sheer amount of hidden jaded sarcasm in her thoughts was actually impressive.

The only thing someone who had only known men like them her entire life could think... was that the promised inequality was here to stay. Always trust the injustice these days, since it's not going away.

Such was the dark path of many under the table.

Those who had never known hope were as strong as those who were familiar with it their whole lives.

Regardless of what was brewing inside her head, it was impossible for her to know that this would be the last time she'd see many of them. These huffing and purring wolves would face judgement.

From afar, their executioner was happy that these people was making assassination much easier.

Tonight would be more hectic than she knew.