
Kept Husband’s Splendid Reincarnation (Dropped)

A husband who hadn’t seen anything about the world is reincarnated into a new one, and is forced to renew his dark mentality to become a healthier version of himself… that ‘fits’ this new environment. After a tragedy concerning his ex-wife, Steve goes out to get revenge on the one who ruined his life. His sickly body becomes a problem, but he finally drags himself to the place where he could do what his heart desired… Only for things to go out of hand by the randomness of life. He ends up saving the one he wanted to take vengeance on instead. He dies… only to be reincarnated into a new world of magic and swords. Taken by the breathtaking world around him. The sights he’d never seen. Unknowing of the mysteries of his existence… Thus, he starts to gain ambitions and working towards a brighter end. One where things aren’t so dark and dreary. ———— There was once a boy who was too small, too foolish, too sickly… and all these traits combined caused him great grief. He believed his only blessing in life was his wife, who was the only one to have ever treated him with kindness, Years later, thanks to being born in a high-mid class family and marrying a competent woman, he lived while being spoiled by her. Kept at home and given the conveniences despite never going to work. It was a perfect life… His wife, over time, found taking care of him too much of a burden after his parents died. Even going as far as to remarry for her happiness, which the now divorced man accepted without dejection. It was only a few years later, when the boy had grown into a man of his thirties, did she die in a car accident. The rights transferred back to the ex-husband due to being his family’s business, but he couldn’t enjoy himself with this wealth. It was only after she died did the gaping hole in his heart become prominent. The sickly ex-husband died from his illnesses not long later. His life fading like a candle’s flame. Only to be reincarnated into a new world! After experiencing the hardships of a unhealthy body and weak mind, he desired to change himself. Make his life much more splendid this time! The only thing that worries him is how his parents are hiding a strange meteor in the basement. What does this rock have to do with his birth?

Waterdragon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs


"How did this little shit get in?" Boss Dickhead roared to the people who were surrounding him.

She's heard about this man...

["His name is Boss Dickhead."] (Melty)

["He's called what now...?"] (Steve)

["You want to get past those dicks."] (Melty)

["Those... 'dicks'...?"] (Steve)

["I can call them whatever I want. Anyway, I'm saying this again that someone's going to catch you if you're anywhere close to their treasure. They act like they have a lot hanging on the line here."] (Melty)

He remembered this conversation he had with her earlier. Realising he was too inexperienced.

Steve had no idea how they found him so easily.

He didn't detect any magical trap going off. Nor was there a sound of alarm giving away his position.

They simply got behind his back silently.

"Give up, little girl. We won't kill you if you're obedient." One of them laughed creepily.

There seemed to be a misunderstanding that he was a girl due to his thin clothes and feminine looks.

It made him cross his arms over his chest...

With his high sensitivity, he could 'feel' the sheer lust being directed to him by a certain fat cook.

That innocent face contorted.

An ugly look of a pig he simply wanted to crush under his foot. Is this how beauties felt?

...He guessed having overwhelmingly good looks had their downsides. Especially if it caused this.

'I should not get captured.' Steve didn't even want to think what they'd do to him if that happened.

It was a bad situation, but he fired himself up.

'Time to go ape shit mad on them.' He channeled the resolve of his Silver Eyes into an intense feeling.

The thirty odd bandits surrounding him suddenly felt a chill down their spines when he morphed.

Becoming a battle puppet.

A heavenly creation of slaughter. Displaying an intense feeling that radiated through his eyes.

The solidification of the ethereal intentions to kill radiated through his eyes. Turning them from silver to red. Anyone directly looking at them felt like the grim reaper had come to welcome them.

Making many of them falter.

Fear started to strike them along with panic. Some even lost their will to fight and stepped back.

The only one unaffected was Boss Dickhead.

He seemed used to such intense malice...

The surroundings grew quiet. There was no nonsense about what needed to be done.

Both parties became focused on their prey.

The bandits initiated their attack by coming at him from all sides. They made sure to be in sync.

Trying to connect their attacks in one moment.

Steve turned his head awkwardly after turning his neck into something that could rotate quicker.

His eyes chaotically zooming here and there with pinpoint precious. Gathering information.

Once complete, he relied on battle instincts.

He moved backwards first.

Away from those approaching from the front and more into the ones silently ambushing him.

His head turned a full 180 degrees eerily. Looking directly at the opponents he was walking to.

Digging his heel into the ground forcefully, then...

Before they could land a blow with their swords, a white skeletal hook blade retracted behind him.

Extending out of his elbow and piercing one of the bandits by the wrist. 'Grabbing' him.

The moment flesh became hooked, his entire torso spun on a rotating spine to throw the man.

Sweeping a figure into those before him.

Their synergy was immediately broken by this tactic of his. Making use of his inhumanity.

He made thorough use of this quality.

Now that he didn't have to worry about reach or the limitations of joints, he fought a bit better.

But that had a limit.

They weaved around each other with experience in working together. Both in defence and attack.

Before he could land a final blow on someone, a near lethal slash would always interrupt him.

Coming at him without getting in each other's way.

Showing no openings he could take to finish this battle in one fell swoop. Ganging up on him.

'...Is this the power of friendship in action?' Steve felt that he really should have brought the others.

He became much more obsessed with making a team to counter opponents like this in the future.

Even though he was managing to level the playing field by using unpredictable attacks, the difference in their stamina usage would become more apparent over time. He needed... another 'idea'.

"What the fuck is that?! KILL IT!" The strongest among them, their leader, didn't join the fight.

Instead giving orders and directing them.

With someone in charge, he felt the situation becoming worse. They started using tactics.

"Throw it!" Boss Dickhead roared behind Steve's figure. A large, dark green cloth was thrown.

Someone had uprooted a tent and threw it.

Turning into a makeshift net.

It severely limited Steve's vision, so he was quick to tear it apart as soon as physically possible.

A hook blade latched and threw it to the side.

'Fuck...!' Was the last thought he had before-

Ptchk. The sound of arrows piercing flesh could be heard. It was an unexpected move. A scheme.

Steve turned his head to see their leader didn't even need to say anything. They acted on their own.

Knowing his purpose without directions.

Unfamiliar environmental factors and their teamwork were beyond what he'd expected.

But all that would be naught if he got their leader.

Even with arrows going through his back, Steve was able to rearrange his organs to protect them.

Then using the opportune moment to rush their leader without giving him room to react.

He used the last trump card in his arsenal.

'Blitz Bone Ballista Barrage!' He used the bouncing force created from the hook blade extending from his knee going back in. Propelling his body forward at a speed none of them had accounted for.

When he got close enough, the hook blades extending from his arm surged into his fleshy fists.

Increasing the propulsion force of each straight jab to the face. Catching the man off-guard.

"What?" He didn't have time to react before a fist smashed his nose. Drawing blood from him.

Crushing his facial bones.

"AAAARGH!" An angry roar could be heard. The man fought back against the barrage fiercely.

Retaliating with his own fists.






From not too far away, Melty watched this with clear eyes that saw through all trivial falsehoods.

She could see everything for what it was.

And though one could say Steve indeed had the makings of a hero. She couldn't admire him.

His actions spoke many things.

Coming to this bandit base alone without any backup, then fighting instead of running.

And for what exactly?

He wasn't protecting anyone. Not doing anything to make the world a better place rationally.

All he did was irrationally get into a fight.

Once this was over, maybe it would be right that he saved future victims, but it was too convenient.

What she saw wasn't that sort of hero?

A puppet... Yes, he was a puppet. A slave to his emotions that only tried to fight aboveboard.

Someone like that would never truly save the world even if they possessed and inhuman willpower.

After all, willpower alone was useless flair.

Melty's thoughts proven when a fist broke through the boy's barrage and hit him to the ground.

Steve had simply taken one step back. That was all that was taken, and yet extremely crucial.

She watched as the young, 'strange' boy was wrestled to the ground in one throw. Then trampled.

He roared, trying to get back up... but they simply bullied him rather than giving a fair fight.

They hurt him again and again without any hesitation. Not stopping even when his bones fractured, and his skin tore. Finding joy in his suffering. Entertainment in his pain.

Surely, these men were demons.

Since they believed this boy was a girl, some had even made crude remarks without holding back.

However, Melty knew this wouldn't stop him at all.

Those with the 'Silver Eyes' could not be stopped by pain or pleasure. They were all indomitable.

His next actions showed exactly what she meant.

Teeth becoming long and sharp. Biting down on a leg trampling him like a juiced up piranha.

Fingers turning into projectile weapons that randomly shot off his fingers in order to escape.

He should have used that opportunity to run.

'Just run...' Melty didn't want to see him in pain any further. This whole situation was irrational.

It was just insanity.

If he continued like this, she would end up seeing someone destined to change the world... die.

A death befitting another simple victim of these atrocious people. Not one of his stature.

But she didn't lend a hand to help.

There were mixed emotions in her heart regarding the type of change he'd eventually bring.

And whether it was better to let fate decide.

As she was thinking that, Steve was finally pinned to the ground before he could do anything else.

"You bitch... Hold her down for me." Boss Dickhead took out his blade and walked up to the 'girl'.

With a bold and decisive stab to the chest, their leader was able to puncture a major artery.

Rather than becoming weaker, Steve struggled even further like a demon who came from hell itself.

Unbreakable. Immovable.

Even if such a stubborn rebellious attitude would only make him go closer and closer to death.

She held her breath.

Melty started to feel fearful. Did all those who possessed Silver Eyes in the past not fear death?

Such a violent reaction caused them to accidentally let go of 'her'. Unable to hold on anymore.

"You fuckers are scared of bitches now?! Want me to get you a nappy, you scared little punks!" Their boss was too insensitive to care about how amazing this action felt. All he saw was a struggling prey.

He sliced down onto the 'creature' that was about to escape their grip. Cutting apart his face.

The boss didn't stop there.

He continued to hack and slash down with both arms putting their weight into each cut.

Steve tried to defend with his limb, but bones were easily cut through with a 'reinforced' blade.

Qi was flowing into the man's sword proudly.

He bisected the child into multiple pieces, and continued to do so even as those body parts were trying to kill him. Even after severing Steve's limbs off, the robotic body continued to fight back.

But this was the end of the road.

He lifted his blade above the 'young girl'.

It was then Steve made the ultimate choice in the face of death. Doing what he believed in.

Throwing his body forward while being wrapped in an electrical current. His life force being used.

Melty didn't warn the boss of those dicks of what would happen next. Watching the show in peace.

Steve... used up the last of his life force.

Turning himself into a human bomb that blasted everyone away. Breaking everything in sight.


...the detonation had no oomph behind it.

They were blown back and were injured even further by his suicide bomb, but no one really died.

This was the legacy he'd leave behind.

Stalling these bandits from attacking a nearby village for a while... rather than actually stopping it.

Was he fine with such an anticlimactic death?

"You should have just ran..." Melty sighed.

He might have had to live with shame for a while after escaping, but he could always avenge it all.

She sighed and put her hands together in prayer.

'Oh great Holy Lord... Please give him a place at your side.' Regardless of his intentions, Melty could only recognise his death as chivalrous. Worthy of respect and merit. His remains... should not be messed up.

Just as she was about to use the opportunity when everyone was injured to pick up the body parts that were left, she noticed the box where their 'treasure' was had been blasted apart by the explosion.

Her curious eyes turned to have a look.

But what she saw immediately made her flinch.

"Huh...? What?" The bandit leader, who had bone shrapnel stuck in his ribs, suddenly shivered.

"...You guys really know how to court death, don't you?" Melty was suddenly livid with anger.

"Hey, bitch, what are you frowning over?! This isn't your place!" The men started cursing insensitively.

Only their boss was silent.

"B-Boss? Why do you look-?" His words were interrupted by a sudden silence out of fright.

Their leader was turning pale.

"T-this isn't... No! This isn't!" Boss Dickhead started to make no sense. Ignoring his injured body.

His lips started quivering while tripping over himself to explain this scene. It looked so ridiculous.

"Did you forget how we met before?" Melty spoke those words slowly. Making it sound more eerie.

The rest were completely ignorant, but a memory flashed in their leader's eyes at those words.

He felt the sensation of his neck being gripped again through that memory. That almighty physical power that could never exist within a man, but had easily been performed by this slutty woman.

He remembered how it wasn't he who picked her up at that village, but her who took advantage of him.

Making use of his irritable personality to make him do what pleasured her. Serving her little fetish.

But now, everything had turned to shit...!

He felt nothing from a 'little bitch' who could bark but not really hurt him, but she was different.

The moment she turned her malice at him, every cell in his body screamed for him to run away.

His eyes turned to the incriminating evidence.

A pointy-eared petite girl that had been tied up in the most alarm raising way ever conceived.

One could tell that she had been kept captive and alone in that box for far too long.

The brunette girl didn't resist or make any sort of reaction even after knowing she was revealed.

A black blindfold had stopped her from seeing who or what would violate her body once again.

Becoming a piece of meat for their pleasure.


If there weren't any pointy-ears attached to this young woman's head, Melty would have ignored her.

But her being an 'elf' changed things.

These uncultured swine besides their leader didn't know, but elves took care of their own kind.

"T-t-this isn't how it looked! That girl... she isn't a natural elf. Look! Look closer at her." Boss Dickhead pleaded to her. This action causing confusion in the bastards who didn't know what he was thinking.

She couldn't possibly be that scary to them.

After all, it was just a while ago they had been violating her pussy and taking her breath away.

Can such a weak woman really harm them?

Regardless of their thoughts. Melty DID take a closer look using her sensitivity to magical energy.

'Dark Affinity...?' It was really strange, but this brunette elf seemed to be different from her.

Rather than being closer to nature, it almost seemed like this 'elf' was attuned to darkness instead

Would this be the first instance of a 'dark elf'?

"See! We used a different compound on her to treat her injuries. She wasn't originally an 'elf'!" There seemed to be confidence returning to man's eyes after saying this. He spoke no falsehoods.

Only... he neglected one fact.

"I'm not a 'natural' elf either though?" Melty turned to him and gave him the most terrifying look.


She no longer seemed like a fairy- No, she seemed more like the oldest interpretation of a 'fairy'.

Which meant a magical monster of mystical nature.

An eldritch abomination in the guise of an elf.

The bandit leader was unsure of how long she had lived. Nor how warped her morals had become.

One thing was for certain...

"Take her down now! You can 'play' with her." Boss Dickhead riled them up to attack her fiercely.

Initially, it looked like he was getting up to join the fray... until he turned tail to try and escape.

Doing it fast enough that no one had noticed his lack of inclusion in their charge. Being discreet.

"You think there's any place to run? Did you forget who I really am?" Her body appeared before him.

"Fuckers! What do you think you guys are-" He was about to turn and curse them, only for the life to drain out of his expression upon seeing the scene behind him. Countless bodies strung out.

All of them were missing a head.

"I could have turned them into mincemeat, but I have to give that 'boy' a proper funeral." Melty tapped him on the cheek to gain his attention. It was something that caused his strength to drain.

So terrified... he couldn't lift his blade.

Not even attempt to fight back against her.

"W-wait!" The boss put forth his hand and tried to negotiate: "Don't you like my body?"

"..." Melty watched the fool's antics.

"Look! You like my manliness and techniques. Is there anyone else who can give you a good time like I do? You don't have to respect me at all, just use me as your breeding horse if you want." Boss Dickhead pulled down his pants and waved his dick around.

Truly living up to the title she's given him.

"Yeah, no." She didn't even blink while chopping off his head in a swift motion. It was a clean cut.

His head stayed in place for a moment. Giving him time to grab onto it and try to stop it from falling.

But reality was cruel.

Pushing it down only caused much more pain.

Suddenly realising he couldn't feel his body.

His two arms lost their strength immediately.

It caused a blood fountain to be formed exactly where he stood. Just like his former comrades.

Joining them in death as a 'leader' should.

Melty then turned away with disinterest once the deed was done. Not giving a second glance.

She picked the motionless teen up and started to ask questions. Becoming more curious about her.

"How old are you?" Since appearances of elves could be deceiving, that was her first question.

"N-nine... t-teen." The girl barely stuttered while being moved around on the woman's shoulders.

Taking off the fake cat ears they made her wear as some sort of fetish wear, but also stripping her.

Discarding the clothes that had become nothing but a pair of lingerie for those bandits.

Melty had taken the girl a safe distance away from the bloody scene and collected Steve's body.

Putting the burnt pieces in a box before they hurried him. Giving him a grace fit for a village hero.

All the way out here in the boonies.

When she was done, the blindfold was taken off without any issue. Along with the leg bindings.

This dark elf seemed traumatised.

Pain, fear, and humiliation had been engraved into her body. Making her much more submissive.

But Melty hated such inactivity.

"Here's a new pair of clothes for you." In order to improve her ability to speak, Melty made the decision of forcing resistance out of her. Even if what was left could barely be considered resistance.

"This..." The girl unconsciously kept her arms behind her back while looking at her outfit.

Or more... her lack of an outfit.


Her breasts were exposed and the only thing covered was what they'd named her so-called 'lower mouth'.

"If you don't like it, you can pick out your clothes yourself. Pick it off the ground or wear something I have." Melty threw her bag towards her and gave the girl the first choice she had in a while.

They had to get some things ready before leaving, so she would take her time breaking her silence.

Her inability to take action.

If things went wrong, she may even be forced to show her the end of those who'd hurt her.

"You're... elf..." The girl barely spoke out.

A part of Melty was happy she used the respectful way of referring to her. 'Elves'... Yes... Elves...


"And now, you will be one too. I don't know where you came from, but we elves can't leave our homes until we reach 'maturity'." Melty immediately took responsibility for the girl as her guardian.

Not caring to ask about her opinion.

"Will... you... take me... home?" The girl worded out while taking a pause between each word.

"Sure. I'll take you to your new home. I'll explain why you can't return yet on the way. Best to get used to this." Melty wrapped her arm around the girl's shoulder and talked to her about many things.

Ignoring the lifeless box that now contained the remains of a boy who had truly lived his life.

The end of a heroic tale as they knew it.