
Kept Husband’s Splendid Reincarnation (Dropped)

A husband who hadn’t seen anything about the world is reincarnated into a new one, and is forced to renew his dark mentality to become a healthier version of himself… that ‘fits’ this new environment. After a tragedy concerning his ex-wife, Steve goes out to get revenge on the one who ruined his life. His sickly body becomes a problem, but he finally drags himself to the place where he could do what his heart desired… Only for things to go out of hand by the randomness of life. He ends up saving the one he wanted to take vengeance on instead. He dies… only to be reincarnated into a new world of magic and swords. Taken by the breathtaking world around him. The sights he’d never seen. Unknowing of the mysteries of his existence… Thus, he starts to gain ambitions and working towards a brighter end. One where things aren’t so dark and dreary. ———— There was once a boy who was too small, too foolish, too sickly… and all these traits combined caused him great grief. He believed his only blessing in life was his wife, who was the only one to have ever treated him with kindness, Years later, thanks to being born in a high-mid class family and marrying a competent woman, he lived while being spoiled by her. Kept at home and given the conveniences despite never going to work. It was a perfect life… His wife, over time, found taking care of him too much of a burden after his parents died. Even going as far as to remarry for her happiness, which the now divorced man accepted without dejection. It was only a few years later, when the boy had grown into a man of his thirties, did she die in a car accident. The rights transferred back to the ex-husband due to being his family’s business, but he couldn’t enjoy himself with this wealth. It was only after she died did the gaping hole in his heart become prominent. The sickly ex-husband died from his illnesses not long later. His life fading like a candle’s flame. Only to be reincarnated into a new world! After experiencing the hardships of a unhealthy body and weak mind, he desired to change himself. Make his life much more splendid this time! The only thing that worries him is how his parents are hiding a strange meteor in the basement. What does this rock have to do with his birth?

Waterdragon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs


For the sake of making it taste better, Diana had concocted a special blend of chocolate and coffee.

Turning into into a bar he could leisurely snack on.

The more he ate, the more his senses started to get more used to being 'mailable' in nature.

It was an important step that couldn't be changed.

After all, the senses of any user of Artes Lines had to be cautious about more than their own body.

There were these things called 'Affinities' that could be altered depending on the circumstances.

Graid was a good example of that.

After his mother ate a certain compound, he was born with Artes Lines soaked with Wood Affinity.

Different circumstances. Various alignments.

And one method of changing a person's Affinity found in a little island now lost in ancient past.

At that particular place, far in the distant past, it was customary for guardians to work in groups.

To share their strengths, the people of that island would also share the Artes Lines within them.

This was done as a way for more people to access the power of Innate Gifts, while not being part of it.

The ability to both suppress and strengthen their partners. Something unique to their culture.

They called these people… 'Blacksmiths'.

[I gave you my advice. Don't complain just because things didn't turn out the way you expected.]

Steve was sitting down and experiencing himself what it was like to suddenly turn part female.

Not completely, but he felt some parts of him changed tremendously compared to the past.

His hair became finer. Vision more attentive to colour and details. Arms thinner. Chest… fuller.

The only thing untouched being his family jewels.

There was one thing they learned from this.

Diana stopped looking at the whites of his eyes and pupil structure. Turning towards the worried parents to speak Steve's condition. Even Graid was there to figure out just exactly what happened.

"I'm unsure as to why, but there's something wrong with his Od." As an Archmage herself, Diana's words had weight… but Steve wasn't sure why the rest seemed surprised when she mentioned 'Od'.

Just what was that?

"What's 'Od'?" Steve asked this straight without letting them move on. He didn't understand them.

So as to let him follow along, they explained.

"It's your 'Spiritual Magnetism'." Farhon explained as if it was only right the father stepped in here.

He didn't disgust Steve's change. Coming close and hugging him knowing Gift's had many effects.

Being bogged down by religious nonsense and what is 'normal' was useless in front of Gift Users.

He explained that there were two components to the soul. The 'Sword of the Soul' that was the key to unlocking spiritual energy, Chakra, and the deeper layer of energy tightly woven into the vitals.

Connected to the Vital Gem in an intrinsic manner.

Od referred to the ability to draw upon Ether using spirituality. Harmonising its wavelength to connect.

This was what people also called an 'Affinity'.

Those with the same wavelength of flames tended to have a Fire Affinity. Their Gift taking that nature.

That was to say that personality was important.

Horoscopes had a great effect on knowing them.

It was just like how Graid didn't know what Innate Gift his son would awaken, but was aware that it would be aligned with 'Evil'. After all, Miliv's spirit was just innately attuned to magnetise evil power.

This was where Steve differed.

"But what do you mean?" Farhon asked that while looking at Diana. He found this bit hard to believe.

"He has no fate. No affinity based off personality or anything of the sort. A fully blank slate." (Diana)

"That doesn't explain this." Farhon pointed at the lack of demonic redness dyeing Steve's eyes.

One thing known about Blacksmiths of the past was that they partially shared the Innate Gift and Affinity of their 'Swords', which were the people they would inject their personal Artes Lines into.

Normally, this would mean that Miliv's passive evil transformation ability would pass over to him.

But instead of that, there was only one change.

Steve's body had just became a little more feminine. As if he only took a fraction of the Gift.

"That's where I'm confused too." Diana wasn't sure what to answer him with. She really had no clue.

'So I have no affinities?' Steve asked Warmonger in that system interface, and got his answer there.

[Think of this as one of the four blessings imparted to you. This is the first blessing I'll call: 'Innate Destruction'. You won't have any problems with magical influence, but will also be unable to cause those influences. Making you immune to debuffs.]

'This was in me naturally, or…?' He tilted his head.

[You would have found out about it eventually.]

'Are you the one who gave me this blessing?' The topic suddenly shifted to something important.

[The guy who gave you that is dead. So don't think about it. What would you do knowing about it?]

'It is natural to be curious about yourself.' Steve didn't falter and retorted without missing a beat.

[If you're looking for a purpose or some strings attached, you won't find any. It really IS a blessing.]

Steve found this hard to believe when he heard it.

There was no such thing as thoughtless compassion from those who had a higher status.

Just like his current life. The only reason Farhon and Garcia were so nice to him was due to blood.

Even if he was weird, Steve was still their son.

There was no telling what they would've done if they found out he was some otherworldly alien.

A being that possessed their child and ate his soul.

[You were born into the body of a stillborn. There's nothing for you to devour. So stop that thought.]

'But I still took what was not my own.' Steve referred to this body that shouldn't be his own.

Thanks to his Silver Eyes, he could sense that Farhon was likely unaware he wasn't truly a child.

The way he hugged him was too warm and loving.

Nurturing… As if he was nothing more than a baby that still needed to rely on his parents to live life.

It made him both happy and uncomfortable.

Happy from feeling this warmth he was never given in his past life, and uncomfortable from the lies.

Knowing that he was undeserving of this.

[But you'll still cling onto them anyway, right?]

Warmonger noticed that the condensed willpower didn't disperse simply because of vague notions.

'I want a family.' This was his first thought.

'I want to be a part of one. Completely.' Steve tightened his arms around around his dad's neck.

He wasn't going to be lazy anymore.

No more waiting for others to take care of him. No more being waited on as if he was merely a child.

He… will become independent individually.

But he won't become independent from the family.

"Is my Gift to 'become a girl' now?" Steve spoke out to interrupt their discussion about the soul.

"Partially… I'm thinking Miliv's ability has something to do with turning into a specific Demon type. Your watered down version only leaves the type and excludes the abilities… but it is still the Gift of 'to become a Demon'." Diana didn't know how to say it.

Although outwardly it seemed similar, but there was a difference between an demon untouched by evil power and a human. She just wanted him to make sure he wasn't misunderstanding anything.

"I'll make use of this." Everyone turned to Steve when he spoke this as if declaring his own choice.

"What do you mean?" Farhon scratched his head.

"Mom, Dad… You both are Adventurers with high rank. I want to properly train and go out to become one too." Steve lead the conversation. Putting down what he wanted to do and how he'd do it.

It's wrong that Farhon had to go out when he was here. What difference was there from Samantha babying him and Farhon 'protecting' him? He'd just proved it himself that he didn't need that at all.

"Steve, I know you just want to help… but it's better to stay still for now. We have a lot of things that needs to be decided yet." Farhon tried comforting me, but I wasn't fooled by groundless sophistry.

"I'll some take responsibility now. Isn't that what men do?" Steve's own shame started to surface.

How he failed at being a 'man' by discarding his own responsibilities. Letting his wife do everything.

Wasn't that why he got divorced so easily?

It's hard to say whether his parents would've disagreed with her choice. He didn't make efforts.

Being put down by the hurdles in life and thinking that scrunching up into a ball did anything to help.

He was healthy now. Things should be different.

It's this strong opinion he stubbornly held up.

"Men need to take responsibility. Sure… but you're a kid." Farhon shrugged and tried pushing him out.

"I'm not done talking…!" He hated this treatment.

Farhon knew he was mature, but he also didn't feel the need to take the words of a child so seriously.

"I am. Just do as you're told. You're wrong in thinking your parents are decrepit old fossils. We still have enough life in us to take care of kids. So just enjoy your free time. Go get a hobby." Farhon carelessly spoke while throwing him out the room.

Slamming the door before he said another words.

Steve looked at the closed door with a furious look in his eyes, but he also couldn't ignore his parents.

It wasn't filial to disregard what they felt.

Was he thinking wrong?

[You were.] Warmonger was watching from the backseat. Commenting whenever he wanted.

"…If you tell me I'm wrong, then I never want to be right." There was no way what he felt was a sin.

Maybe Steve could have worded it better, but it was true that he was much more than JUST a child.

Warmonger's existence… The secrets that were hidden in this house was the things proving that.

'Where is your body?' Steve remembered about the present this voiceless entity wanted to give.

[Who knows? Shouldn't you put in some effort in finding me?] Warmonger didn't give it away.

'You COULD just tell me.' Steve felt a bit annoyed.

[What would be the fun in doing that? It's not like you need to get stronger as you are now, right?]

'There'll always be the need.' This much was true.

It was obvious just as his old world didn't reward uncontrolled emotions driving irrational acts, this world didn't give any alms to the weak. It was take or be taken from. The laws of the jungle applied.

He didn't hear much about the Vermillion Kingdom and its politics, but if it was in any way similar to the medieval era of his past life… then it was better to be safe than sorry. His eyes surged with life.

Was he crazy for having a vision?

Steve came across Miliv, sensing the latter was bored. Being tied to a chair all day was lifeless.

He felt like a prisoner…

Seeing the expression Miliv made, a smile formed on his face after thinking of something he could do.

One thing they both could agree on.

"How are you doing?' He asked the now red eyed blondie who was uncomfortably twitching his ears.

Those long pointy elf ears focused their attention.

"Not good… I need to go to the bathroom." Seeing this guy could still lie without changing a shade, an emotionless smile appeared on the letter's face. It was dark enough to almost give Miliv goosebumps.

"Didn't Mom cleanse you earlier?" Not in the exorcism sense, but in the purification sense.

Holy Healing erased dirt and could do more than just healing. It could erase the body's impurities.

"Maybe…" Miliv turned his eyes.

His instincts were telling him that continuing this conversation was useless. Lies wouldn't work here.

"Pffft~" When he looked closer, his captor's current appearance was too funny to ignore.

It was hard for him not to laugh.

"You like what you see?" Steve didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his feminine looks.

After all, this wasn't his original body.

To him, these looks were merely a disguise to begin with. What's wrong with sprucing them up a little?

"You look like a girl~!" With zero self-awareness, a high-pitched laugh exited the mouth of the 'boy'.

"Well you ARE a girl, so we're even there." There was no way Steve was going to be moved by this.

People could mock his looks all they want.

When the laughter died down, Miliv finally got to the point. He leaned toward with bland eyes…

"What?" What did he want? There was no way he'd come here just to talk to him in their free time.

"Do you want to go outside with me?" Steve threw his bait, and the fish immediately bit onto the hook.

"…I'll do anything for that. So talk." Even though Miliv knew he was being reeled in, he had no choice in the matter. It was either bite the fishhook and leave, or stayed tied to this chair forever.

Either one or the other.

"Don't speak as if I'm taking advantage of you. We can both get what we want if we work together." It looked like Steve finally discarded his mask when the elf 'boy' did so too. They talked for real now.

Steve talked about his future plans and what he wanted them to do in order to achieve them.

Leaving none of the subtle details unspoken.

Miliv listened to him quietly.

When he was done, the elf boy couldn't help thinking this might be a ruse just to trick him.

"You will untie me if I help you hunt Demons outside the village?" This offer was too tempting.

He was starved from being able to eat magical energy and had Artes Lines uncomfortably wrapping his own. Still, being untied was much better than if he had to stay like this any longer.

"We won't go so early. Finding a good hunting spot, training, etc. We have a lot to prepare before then." There was no way they could attack Demons without knowing exactly how they'll work together.

"So you'll only let go of me later?" Miliv frowned.

"Don't worry. I'll untie you right now." Rather than a verbal promise, Steve did exactly as he had spoke.

The knots around his wrists were loosened.

Miliv looked up to see the carefree smile of the person who sealed his Gift. He looked too stupid.

He also knew this kid was nothing if not scheming.

It wasn't that he feared Steve's retaliation, but the sense of powerlessness that was instilled in him.

Making him feel like there was nothing to gain from messing with him. Not even a sense of satisfaction.

The only thing he'd get is a pummelling before being thrown aside. Gaining nothing from battle.

"Wait, you want me to eat Demons later?" Miliv raised a brow, but was met by an incredulous look.

"What's wrong?" Steve looked at him hard.

"I mean… Wouldn't that be cannibalism?" Why was he the only one thinking he was a Demon now?

Did this 'team leader' forget?

"Oh, right… So you care about that?"" The sheer indifference in Steve's tone made him rethink.

Was it actually that bad?

"Good point…" Miliv massaged his wrists and felt like he needed to stretch to feel fine in his body.

"Riiiight~?" Steve's tone completely shifted from seriousness to jovial. He stopped thinking of logic.

Continuing on without a care:

"You won't regret trusting me. My prediction: I'll be on top of the world in the future. You see…?" Steve became passionate in sharing his vision. He started to monologue about how great their team will be:

"You stand by me, and I'll do the same by you. This isn't a contract. It's friendship. You can walk your walk, and not look back. Always do what you decide. I won't let them control your life anymore."

"We're brothers of the same feather now. Or is that not how you say it…? Anyway, that's how I feel."

"Fight for your future and don't let go. Even if you're a Demon. Don't let them compare you. No."

"Be better than a human."

"Don't worry, don't worry… You're not alone from this day forth. I'll walk that burning path with you."

"Ride on until the end. At least, that's just how I feel about this personally." Steve looked in Miliv's eyes.

It was obvious to see the hopes and dreams in them. Childish, but somehow more stubborn.

Perhaps even an adult couldn't match the resolve he had… All to make this childish dream come true.

"Our parents wouldn't like that." Somehow, it almost seemed like Miliv was the responsible one.

Filial. Even though he tried to kill his father earlier.

"Am I wrong for thinking out the box? Am I wrong for saying that I choose another path? They can do what they want to do, and we will do us." Steve heavily emphasised on the 'we' part of that.

This was a joint venture…

"You think that would work…?" Miliv's brain was rewired to only think of extreme pragmatism.

Maybe the dream itself wasn't that realistic, but the person behind it was an outlier that broke tropes.

To the point he found himself being infected by that hope at some point. Even if it was just a lie.

"I'm not trying to do the same as others. It isn't because of my parents that I want to follow in their footsteps. This… is simply the real me behind the mask." Steve sincerely persuaded the elf boy.

He could just threaten or try use a carrot and stick method, but that was useless towards this person.

Miliv never cared for punishments.

If he had something to gain from doing wrong, he'd do it without caring about the consequences at all.

Wasn't this why he almost committed patricide?

"…I hope you won't think I'll follow you because of some fancy words. Will this really succeed?" Miliv had sharp eyes. He looked like he would attack if the youth had nothing but dreams in his head.

"Probably not." Steve's reply turned the elf boy on his head. All that… and what did he say in the end?!

"YOU WANT TO DIE?!" Forget about the results of their fight, he just wanted to punch that face once.

"Wait wait wait~" Steve accurately redirected him with a party, then explained: "If there is one thing I know for sure… is that I'll sometimes fall face front in this life, but I'll also grow in response to them."

"Well, duh! The same is for me." All forms of basic human respect towards the youth was thrown out.

"We have to walk this path anyways. I'm going to walk down this road of mine whether you like it or not. Treat it like my home. So? Is it wrong of me to live? For thinking that we could be something great in this life?" Steve almost struck the table.

Miliv had nothing to say against that.

"You're not." There was nothing wrong or immature with trying to reach the things you couldn't see.

This was just how children like them worked.

They had a lot of time to alter their path should it seen too dark. A lot of time to make bad decisions.

And so, they shook hands on their mutual respect.

Since Steve was so confident, Miliv was coming along for the ride. They'd make things work out.

The two of them.





Outside of their vision, there was one person watching this conversation with dull looking eyes.

His eyes shortening the distance between them.

A rifle was loaded, and the barrel was pointed towards the 'girl' were was now in his sights.

'No…' They were too protected yet. He couldn't cause a commotion and let himself be caught.

'I dare you to leave your home.' The natural hunter patiently waited for the opportune moment to act.

He wouldn't let them go… this time.