
Kengan Match

(This is an OC Kengan match) Story by SilentEvil4554 and his friends I do not own this fanfiction. And have no intent to make money on this, I'm just sharing it.

IsekaidMe · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

Ship (3)

Upper deck bar

"Come on boy, get up and drink up, be a man" said Lysander Martinos to the younger pankrationer. He grabbed the younger man and fed him a bottle of his liquor. "You have no chance in beating me in the ring. At least what you could do is beat me at drinking.

Alexander Flesas was seeing stars. His cheeks were all red and he couldn't stop laughing.

"How many bottles was he drinking?" Asked Qi Ling.

"Well lets see" Lysander began as he looked at his hand. "Counting this one...his grand total is 2 bottles"

Ling could only laugh when he heard that. When Alex told him he couldn't hold his beer he didn't actually think the young man was that terrible at it.

"Stop laughing it's not that-" Alex put his hands to his mouth. He was gagging a little.

"Take that back, make it a 1 bottle" replied Lysander. Lysander then decided to pick up the young man off the floor because he was now unconscious. "I'm taking this little boy back to his room. Too much apple juice and it's past his bedtime" "Lets drink some more later Ling".

Inside Lysander's room written by El_John96

After dropping off the young Alexander Flesas to his room, Lysander felt it would be better to reconnect with his boss.

'Mhmm..''. Dom exclaimed while sitting and taking a bite of his natto, which he grabbed with his chopsticks. And then eyed Lysander with enthusiastic eyes.

Lysander narrowed his eyes at him. And then suspiciously looked at the bowl of natto in front him. To his side instead of a pair of chopsticks there was a fork surrounded by a thin gold and red napkin.

''Look, Dom, it's 9p.m in the morning, we are rich, we are in a cruise ship that contains almost all of the tastes of the world, I just finished punching through a sack of gravel for 3 hours, why are you serving me this ugly looking food''

''Heheh, ju.., come one just try it, Lysander''. ''You've been all around the world you've probably seen weirder foods than that''.

''Yes, sir''. Lysander said with a shrug face. He grabbed his fork and shoveled some of the beans and long onion mixture that was served before him, into his mouth.

He chewed it, swallowed it, smiled and then look at Dom.

''That was horrible'' He simply said, with a half-smile.

Dom gave a short laugh and then said ''I know!'' and laughed a little harder. ''It has a lot of health benefits though and a lot of people from Kanto, where I am from, relish it as a delicacy. You foreigners, though, can't stand it by any means. Well, you saw it coming though''. The CEO of the Yomaha Corporation laughed again.

Lysander gave a short laugh humoring the old man that sat opposite of him, his sense of humor reminded him of his former master, Denisuke. A thought, which, he judged to be too ghastly for this fine morning and so decided not to share it with him.

In an instant, a young maid with blonde hair and blue eyes appeared. She looked timid, but she obviously wanted to serve best to her abilities. She came and took the natto away replacing it with a plate full of ribs and another plate with a mountain of rice.

''Right then, you must get those carbs and protein Mr. Martinos'' She gave him a shy smile. "Please have a good night gentlemen" she said as she left the room.

''Anyway, sir '' Lysander said referring to the man who was eating on his opposite. There was a lady I saw when we boarded the cruise ship. She had a bit of a dark sclera around her eyes.'' At that remark Dom took his eyes of his natto plate and looked at his friend. ''Could she be of the Kure Clan?'' Lysander finished his sentence.

''Well, she is probably from a lower branch, she is the CEO of the Tokyo Animation Company''.

''Is her fighter Kure Rain''?

''What? Fuck, no. Damn Lysander, you really haven't looked into the other contestants at all. Why do you care about Raian, anyway''?

''Heard the dude is pretty tough, could make for a good game''. Lysander found the act of lying to his friend very distasteful, sooner or later he was going to have to tell him all about what he was planning, but now was not the right time, he though. ''Besides reading their names on a board isn't going to help me beat them, I learn with my heart and my fists, through watching them fight and fighting them''

''Might as well ask my personnel to dig out some videos of your upcoming opponents then…. Hmm.. guessing since you know Raian's name, that you didn't stick to the Kronos matches for the whole duration of you career, like a shark in a fishbowl, huh?''

''Obviously, Kronos is pretty low level… to be frank, when it comes to its competitors capability, it's fallen a bit down since I joined. Brazil, America and China have proven to be a better playground''

''Yeah, maybe because you scared or crippled everyone who was competent''. Dom Yomaha said silently between his teeth. ''I know, if you only fought in one place, Denisuke would not have chosen you to be his successor in the Kengan Matches. But there is another Greek fighter from the Kronos matches, besides you in the tournament, did you know that''? Dom said, smiling.

''Yes I heard of him.'' "He was winning a lot of matches as soon as I left Greece." "Interesting fellow I'll tell you that much" explained the young champion. He wondered how Alexander would fair in this tournament he thought to himself.

''Anyway''! Lysander burped and threw the last rib bone on the mountain of bones on his plate. ''Time to go back to punching gravel''.


Inside the one of the many cruise ship cabins.

There inside were two men, one in a business suit and another sitting on the bed with a milkman uniform.

"Jerry please get up, let's go out and socialize. You've been stuck in your room ever since we got here." said Jerry's boss Dylan Nortwest.

"No it's fine, I just want to stay here boss really I'll be fine." replied the large muscular man. "Go ahead have some fun without me I promise I'll catch up"

The boss always remembered Jerry carried a smile on his face, this smile he is showing right now looked a bit sad. It wasn't genuine, but he didn't want to fight him. He thought it'd be best to leave him for now.

When the boss left the room, Jerry went back looking at the reflection in his bedroom mirror. "I'll be coming home sweety."