
Chapter 39 It must be Ye Ning! Ye Ning is out!!

Translator: 549690339

Chapter 39

On the phone, it was indeed that woman, but the moment she spoke, he was startled to hear her voice trembling.

What was she doing? Afraid?

Someone as arrogant and overbearing as her, could she actually feel fear?

Ou Yuze finally paused, his tone softening slightly, "What's so terrifying?"

Yang Xueshan was still shivering on the other end: "The appraisal, the appraisal matter, Yu Ze, do you know? Just now in that jewelry store, I saw the same appraisal method used by that woman years ago."


Which woman?

So much time had passed that Ou Yuze hadn't realized it yet, not until the woman on the phone spelled out a name word by word: "Ye Ning!! It's Ye Ning!! That method, it's the one Ye Ning used!!"

Ye Ning?

Ou Yuze was indeed petrified!

How long had it been since he heard that name? So long that he had forgotten there was such a name in this world.