
Chapter 16 Has Yang Xueshan Already Become Ou Yuze's Woman?

Translator: 549690339

Just as the three of them remained there in a rather ambiguous scene, someone suddenly came in from the outside, "Third Young Master, it's bad, downstairs at our newly opened jewelry store, someone is causing a scene..."

At this point, upon seeing such an unusual scene in the office, his mouth hung open, and the second half of his sentence got stuck in his throat.

Good Lord, what on earth were they doing?

Could it be that during the half-hour he was gone, this mother and son had already won over his BOSS, and the atmosphere had become as cordial as if they were family?

Wasn't this just too horrifying?

Secretary Gao felt as if he had seen a ghost!

Fortunately, Ye Ning had quick reflexes. As soon as she saw him enter, she immediately put down the water glass in her hand and pulled over the child who had been patting the man's back, "Mr. Gao, Mr. Ou was coughing severely just now, so I... poured him a glass of water to drink."

Is that what happened?

Secretary Gao looked over at his own master, but unexpectedly, just as his gaze shifted, two icy cold stares were hurled his way, "All flustered, what has happened?"

Secretary Gao shuddered, finally remembering the purpose of his visit!

"Here's the thing, when I was doing a routine inspection of our new store downstairs, I heard someone claiming that the jewelry they bought from Yuzhirun was fake, and that person is the popular celebrity Yao Peipei, who has bought jewelry worth millions and has brought a bunch of reporters over."


The jewelry store downstairs, which was Mucen's first VIP flagship store heavily invested in after entering the jewelry business, specialized in jade and marked Yuzhirun's first step in this industry.

Therefore, this jewelry store was regarded highly not only by the executives of the Ou Family's third branch but also by Mucen himself.

But now, someone was actually stirring up trouble? And it was a popular film and television star?

In just one second, the warmth of his body had entirely dissipated, and this drop in temperature was different from the chill he felt when he was agitated by Ye Ning and her son earlier. This time, it was a palpable, suffocating murderous aura.

"Have you thoroughly checked out what Yao Peipei's background is?"

"Yes, I have. She's from Starlight Entertainment Company, and the hidden shareholder behind Starlight is Yang Xueshan, Third Young Master, you are aware of her. She is Yu Ze's woman," Secretary Gao said, his face turning quite unsightly.

So, there was no need to guess who was behind this disturbance—it was another ploy by the Ou Family's second branch!

Long and beautiful fingers tapped lightly on the office desk. The man who hadn't moved at all in his seat let a trace of chilling amusement emerge from his eyes, "No rush, let her play for a while. Go call NGTC and ask them to send two people over."

"Right away, Third Young Master!"

Secretary Gao promptly left to carry out the task upon hearing this.

Yang Xueshan?

Meanwhile, Ye Ning, who was still holding the child, had her pupils shrink abruptly when she heard this name; instantly, they transformed into two chilly daggers that fiercely sliced through the air in front of her.

Yang Xueshan, so she is now Yu Ze's woman?

She remembered the day five years ago in the courthouse when that woman stood in front of her with such a virtuous façade, explaining why she had become a discard, why she was used by others, and why that man did not love her?

It turned out she had her sights on that man all along!

This was her best friend, her closest confidante!
