
Chapter 15: Don't Bully Mommy

Translator: 549690339

A sentence fell, and the office became utterly silent!

It was the silence of death, as if a storm was about to burst forth. At this moment, the atmosphere in the office was so terrifying that it made breathing difficult.

Ye Xiaobao was scared and desperately burrowed into his mother's embrace...

Mommy, this uncle is so scary!

Ye Ning too was startled by the sudden drop in temperature in the air, and glanced at the man sitting across from her. She saw him sitting there, his entire persona seemingly enveloped in an aura of intense darkness. Her face turned white for a moment, and she turned to leave.

"Someone, make a phone call to Director Li for me. Tell him there's a child here at Ou's Department Store who was nearly abducted, and ask him to come and handle this."


Ye Ning stood there, instantly turning back around!

Director Li?

The police station?

What exactly does he want to do?

Ye Ning was on the verge of collapsing, clutching her child tightly as she rushed over and stood in front of his desk: "What exactly do you want? Is this fun for you? Isn't it just about saving my child? Tell me, how much money do you want?"

She was truly desperate, asking a filthy rich second-generation heir how much money he wanted!

Ou Mucen sat there, watching coldly. He said nothing and made no move, yet the expression that screamed he wanted to slap him twice with a shoe told her—

This was no game to him!

Ye Ning felt like she was going insane!

Just as she was about to bite her tongue and humble herself with a few soft words to him, at that moment, the child she had been holding struggled out of her arms.


"Uncle, that's enough! My mommy is a woman, and you keep bullying her. What kind of man does that make you? What kind of capability is this? If you're capable, come at me, let's settle this matter between men, man to man!"


For a good three seconds, the office suddenly erupted with the sound of someone violently coughing: "Cough cough cough cough cough..."


It's like being worse than dead, isn't it?

Little Baozi, watching from the side, was still not satisfied: "Don't think you can avoid my question by pretending to cough. I'm telling you, if you're a man, let's sit down and talk properly; don't take it out on a woman. It would make me lose respect for you!"

Cough cough cough cough...

Oh great, the coughing got worse!

Ye Ning looked on worriedly, realizing that in such a place, with such a character, she didn't want to be involved in a fatality.

So, she quickly looked around and saw a water dispenser not far away, hurried over, and brought him a cup of water: "Mr. Ou, are you okay? Here, drink some water first, you'll feel better."

In just a few seconds, the woman's voice and demeanor had completely changed, no longer the sharp anger confronting him head-on, but now one of concern and care.

After she finished speaking, the man who had been coughing severely in his seat miraculously felt the discomfort in his throat slowly ease.

"Uncle, are you okay? Doctor Uncle said that smoking is harmful to health. You shouldn't smoke anymore in the future." At the critical moment, Little Baozi also came over. Seeing him still coughing, he stretched out his chubby little hand, stood on tiptoe, and patted his back.

Ou Mucen was stunned!

The scene was strange no matter how one looked at it—as if... a family of three?

He must be seeing things!